Arizona DSX Access Control Authorized Dealer
Titan Alarm has partnered with DSX Access Systems Inc. to offer advanced security and access control systems for businesses in Arizona.
Virtual Outputs
Virtual Outputs in the WinDSX system are outputs that do not physically exist but can be programmed in the same manner as any Relay Output in the system. Virtual Outputs can be used for Time Zone control, linking, process control, bell schedules, fail safe timers and many more applications.
First Man In
First Man In can be implemented to prevent doors that normally unlock on a schedule from unlocking when weather or other conditions prevent anyone from traveling to or occupying the location or building. The Time Zone that normally unlocks the door is overridden until a card is first used to gain access to the building. This could be a regular or manager assigned card at any reader or a particular one.
Manager First
Manager First can be used to keep other subordinate issued cards from gaining access to the building when the manager is not on site. Certain Access Levels would be disabled until a manager arrives and uses their card thereby enabling the Access Levels of the subordinates.
Two Man Rule
The Two Man Rule requires that two different cardholders use their card before they can gain access to a door. This could be set up for any two card holders or it could be taken a step farther so that a card holder from Group A and one from Group B must both use their card for the door to unlock.
Access Level Control
Access Level Control can restrict and/or change Access Levels on the card population without the need for lengthy downloads. This can be done for card control at a university that needs to shut off or restrict access to its student population during the holidays and will support different schedule requirements for the different classes of the student population. It can also be used in Threat Level Management to change the accessibility of the card holders.
Hazmat Lockdown
Today many Hospitals, health care agencies, and municipalities are faced with contingency planning for Hazmat Emergencies. Hazmat Lockdown accommodates the quick lockdown of a system required for Hazmat alerts. The Lockdowns occur without the need of programming or lengthy downloads. Hazmat Lockdowns will typically secure all the doors in an area or the entire facility not allowing anyone or just particular personnel access in or out.
Emergency Lockdowns
With the DSX system, doors can quickly be locked down from the keyboard, an external button, or even a card read. Access can be prevented or just limited to a select few card holders. This lockdown action can be custom fit to the particular needs of the customer.
Threat Level Management
With a click of a mouse, press of a button, or presentation of a Card, the system can be instantly reconfigured to coincide with the Homeland Security Advisory System and meet any heightened security requirements.
With a single action doors can be locked down, alarm points armed, readers disabled, access levels restricted, image recall invoked and more. The system can be made incrementally more secure with each action and just as quickly put back to normal. Components of the DSX system can be individually enabled or disabled to create the environment the situation requires.
DSX Threat Level Management can be customized to meet the specific needs of each customer.
Time Zone Control
Time Zone Control can quickly disable one Time Zone and/or enable another through Time Zone Linking. There are times when an application calls for multiple schedules to control cards or door locks with the ability to switch from one schedule to another without any programming or Time Zone reassignment. This action could be a manager card being used at a reader that switches a door from one locking schedule (Time Zone) to another or the clicking on an Output Icon in the Workstation program.
JetWay Extended Bypass
Airports sometimes require a means to discreetly bypass a door for more than a normal amount of time. When loading or unloading passengers the door can be bypassed for an extended amount of time by simply presenting the card twice to that reader. The door always locks as soon as it is closed. This ability is configurable by door and by card holder. It also works with Card+PIN readers.
Building Automation
This paper shows an over view of how WinDSX can be integrated into a single occupant or multitenant property at various levels with different systems.
Separate Alarm Outputs
This application shows a way to separate Door Forced from Door Held Open Alarms where the alarms are being transmitted offsite.
Clean Room Annunciation
In environments where a user wants to be aware that any two doors are open in an area. This application can be more than 2 doors and will provide an annunciation or lockout when two doors of concern are opened at the same time.
Man Trap
High Security Areas sometimes require a man trap application where there are typically two doors in a holding area or vestibule outside of a sensitive room. One door leads to the high security area while the other door leads to the non secured area. The application mandates that the two doors cannot be open or even unlocked at the same time. One door must shut and lock before the other door can unlock and open.
Occupancy Limit
An Occupancy Limit can be imposed on rooms where the number of people in the room have to be kept to a maximum number. Using a simple counter relay combined with linking this application is simple.
Learn More About Access Control
Updated by Titan Alarm on November 2, 2018.