Access Control Security Systems
When you think of home intrusions and robberies, you might picture cat burglars daringly disabling alarms and climbing through attic windows. However, often we let the threats in through the front door. Titan Alarm access control doors eliminate worries you’ve left the door unlocked. You also don’t have to worry that you entrusted the key or code to your home to the wrong individuals. These doors are an effective line of defense for keeping your family and possessions secure. Titan Alarm is a full-service home security company with a growing reputation for delivering access control platforms Arizona homeowners trust and rely on. Our modern, easy-to-use access control security systems provide complete oversight of locks, doors and all other entry points to your home from a smartphone app or online portal. Whether you need to let a friend in to water the plants or want to make sure the front door is locked and the alarm activated, our access control platform makes life safer and easier than ever before.