The Importance of Commercial Access Control


For centuries, breaking into standard key and lock entries has been a tried-and-true intruder practice. While they might seem convenient initially, standard door locks need some improvement in the security department. Your business must invest in advanced security options to protect your entry points from unauthorized access. Let’s take a look at how commercial door access control systems can revolutionize how you approach security.

What Are Commercial Access Control Systems?

Access control systems are secure door entries that control who can exit and enter commercial buildings. These systems use electronic devices like PIN codes, keycards and biometric scanners to allow registered users into the building. Without the proper credentials, you can’t use the door. Access control systems give businesses improved security and precise control of who enters and when.

While they act like door locks, control access systems come with extra features for better security. Audit trails, integration with other security systems and time-based access for all controlled door use make your space extremely secure. You can see who uses a door and when while creating a space that keeps out unwanted entries.

What Makes Commercial Door Access Control Systems Effective?

An effective access control system needs several critical features. These features work together to create a strong, secure entry point that fits your needs. Ensure it’s secure without sacrificing efficiency — you don’t want an entry point that slows down productivity significantly. Here are some features to look for in your commercial access control system:

  • Authentication methods: Your system should offer several reliable authentication methods. PIN codes, facial scans, keycards and fingerprint scans are all trusted authentication methods — you should use one or several of these for your entries. Having these options helps you fit security measures to your needs without sacrificing safety.
  • Granular access control: Granular access control lets administrators set specific permissions for groups and people. You can limit or allow access based on departments, roles and other criteria. These controls let you give out access based on responsibilities, minimizing door access and increasing security.
  • Integration capabilities: You also want your system to integrate with other security systems seamlessly. Having easy integration with intrusion detection, cameras and alarm systems creates comprehensive security coverage. You’ll enjoy protection from all angles without sacrificing convenience.
  • Audit trails: Audit trail capabilities let you log all accesses and access attempts. You’ll get to see who used the door and when, creating a reliable paper trail for investigating incidents and staying regulation-compliant. Audit trails are especially important after unauthorized access attempts, letting you see who tried to use the entry so you can take appropriate action.
  • Scalability: Scalability is another feature to consider. You want your control system to adapt to your organization’s changing needs. It should grow with your user numbers, adding access points and integrating with new security systems. A good system should be able to handle expected changes.
  • Remote management: You should also consider systems with remote management features. Remote management lets you manage your system from anywhere, giving you more convenient access. You can revoke credentials, grant temporary access and review access logs away from your building, maintaining security and efficiency no matter where you are.

The Benefits of Access Control for Businesses

Access control systems deliver a well-rounded security management system. Traditional locks and keys are too easy to break through and copy — these systems use advanced tech to boost your security and efficiency. Here are some of the benefits a high-quality access control system can offer your business:

  1. Improve security: Combining multiple advanced authentication methods reduces the risk of unauthorized access. Keycards, PIN codes and other controls protect your business from theft, vandalism and security breaches. Audit trails let you track who tries to get in, and real-time monitoring gives you complete access to door entries. You’ll see faster response times to security incidents and fewer issues.
  2. Protect assets: Access control systems prevent unauthorized access, protecting your assets. You can ensure that only authorized users have access, reducing the risk of damage or theft of valuable assets. With integrated security like video, you can more effectively track down anyone associated with asset damage or theft.
  3. Streamline visitors: Access control can also help you manage visitors more easily. These systems allow temporary pass creation for visitors or contractors, ensuring they have limited access to your spaces. You’ll make the visitor process more convenient and traceable while keeping unwanted users out.
  4. Comprehensive integration: Access control systems offer comprehensive integration with your other security solutions. You’ll combine the use of video, door entry and alarms more efficiently with the right system. For example, access control systems can trigger alarms and alerts during unauthorized access attempts, while surveillance records the attempts for your records.

How to Choose the Right Access Control System

Picking the right system means pinpointing your most significant needs. A good access control system will work with your operation, building up your weaknesses and improving efficiency. With the right company, you can get a tailored solution that hits everything you want. Keep these points in mind when looking for an access control system solution. These factors will help your security company tailor the system to you:

  • Needs: What are your security requirements? Think about access points, location size and security levels needed for each area.
  • Authentication: Try to decide on the right authentication methods for your needs. Convenience, budget and security level will all affect what you get. You can consult your security provider about the best options for your business.
  • Integration: Look for systems with good integration capabilities. Getting access control systems, cameras and other devices to work together will give you a seamless security experience.
  • Scalability: Find a system that will scale with your business growth. Make sure it can accommodate new access points, users and security systems.
  • Remote management: Decide if you want remote management. Being able to monitor and manage your system from anywhere is extremely convenient. You might want a system that gives you faster response times and better flexibility.
  • Compliance: Ensure your system meets your industry’s regulations for security and data protection. Staying compliant protects your business and avoids fines or liabilities.

Titan Alarm: Your Trusted Partner in Comprehensive Commercial Security

Elevate your business security with custom security solutions from Titan Alarm. As a trusted Arizona security company since 2010, we have the experience and tools to provide you with the comprehensive security your business needs. Our fully automated systems offer remote capabilities and advanced tech for a stronger, faster security response. Enjoy fully integrated access control, video surveillance, intrusion protection and video verification when you work with our team.

Get industry-leading security installation from certified technicians with Titan Alarm. Contact us online to schedule a consultation today!

Updated 5/7/2024