3 Security Vacation Tips
As one of the busiest travel seasons approaches make sure your holidays aren’t ruined by using the 5 following tips to protect your home that is protected with home security in Mesa, Scottsdale, Phoenix, Chandler, Gilbert or Paradise Valley.
The following guidelines outline how to avoid travel risks.
1. Secure your phone, tablet and laptop. If you are using one of these devices to monitor your home security system, make sure that all of your devices are password protected. If you on the off chance do lose your iPhone or iPad make sure to wipe them with Find My iPhone so that no one can access your user data and access your home security system.
2. If possible, don’t bring valuables. Leave as much jewelry and other fine items at home, locked in a safe place.
3. Social media can wait. Share limited information on social media about your location and length of travel. Over sharing, even with friends and family, can provide Internet trolls enough information to know you’re not at home, putting your assets at risk. Also, vacation is better this way—take time to unplug.
Holidays are a crucial time to have a Home Security System, lots of burglars know that people will be out of town and away from their homes, leaving it a vulnerable spot to break in and rob. The last thing you want to do when you come back from a holiday vacation is come home to find your house has been robbed.
Home security is a great way to keep yourself, your loved ones and your valuable items safe and sound. With a Titan Alarm Home Security System you’re taking the right step to protecting yourself.
To learn more about a Home Security System in Mesa, Scottsdale, Phoenix,az, Chandler, Gilbert or Paradise Valley contact Titan Alarm today! Call 602-680-4567 or TEXT US! 623-523-4849.
Learn More About Burglar Alarms
- Myths of Home Invasions and Burglaries
- What to Do When Someone Breaks Into Your Home While You’re There
- Common Home Break-In Spots
Updated by Titan Alarm on October 31, 2018.