Funny Moments Captured on Video Surveillance


Wild and Funny Moments Captured on Video Surveillance

Video surveillance technology has been keeping homes safe and office buildings secure for many years. In addition to deterring trespassers, surveillance cameras provide footage necessary for identifying suspects in shop thefts, bank robberies and other illegal activities. Surveillance footage has also been the source of numerous laughs via clips made public of unsuspecting people doing silly, outrageous, clumsy and downright crazy things at moments when it seemed no one was watching. The following clips are among the most unintentionally funny moments caught by surveillance cameras around the world.

Oh, What a Relief It Is

Only the lonely feel no shame — at least when they’re behind closed doors. But for one man caught on a CCTV surveillance camera in the dead of night along the sidewalk of an unspecified locale, there was no shame when nature called. Footage shows him walking up the street toward the overhead lens, only to turn and face the street — sideways to the camera — to drop his drawers and unleash some recent meals with all the aim of a pigeon. Fortunately, the late-noughties video clip is distant and pixelated enough to not be nearly as disgusting for us as it must have been for the nearby alley rats on that fateful night.


I Ain’t ‘Fraid of No…


“If there’s something strange / in your neighborhood / Who you gonna call?” Seriously, the townsfolk of Parma, Ohio, might just need a local Ghostbusters chapter, or at least they could have back in 2007, when a floating blue thing was caught by surveillance cameras at Marathon gas station on the corner of State and Pleasant Valley. Footage shows the apparition hover in front of a window outside the adjoined convenience store.

Eventually, the blue presence floats downward to rest on the windshield of a parked, white vehicle before drifting upward and away. No one knows what the presence could have been, but locals flocked the station at the time to catch their own glimpses of this apparent ghost. One longtime local theorized it could have been a tribal spirit from an Indian reservation that once existed on the same grounds where the station now stands. Whatever it may have been, a reporter for the local news quipped it definitely wasn’t the ghost of cheap gas prices.

Hold ‘Em Up, Comic Book Style

In today’s world of cosplay, dressing like a ninja is unlikely to bat an eye no matter where you go. Back in 2007, however, a pair of sword–wielding ninjas weren’t playing when they walked into a Midwest Sunoco and overpowered the store clerk in an attempted heist. Though they managed to collect all the cash in the register, the two suspects — believed to be female — failed to open the big safe that contained most of the store’s cash supply. Nonetheless, they made off with a bag full of cigarette cartons and pre-scratched lottery tickets. Now that must have raised their odds. Police investigating the matter cared less about the pair’s choice in attire and more about their choice in weapons.

Let Me Have That Toy, Little Boy

When a robber pulls a weapon, the best thing to do is obey. When a robber chooses an odd, short-range utensil he apparently has no skill at using, the best thing to do is play along until he jinxes himself. In one incredibly clumsy 2014 attempted robbery, footage shows a teenaged would-be bandit trying to rob a station clerk in an unspecified, Asian-community establishment.

Hoping to show the clerk he’s serious, the boy momentarily holds a small woman hostage with a meat cleaver, which he proceeds to swing up and down through thin air in an attempt to seem intimidating. The clerk appeases the boy, who quickly fills his duffel bag and heads for the exit, which turns out to be locked. As he struggles to break out, security guards approach him from behind. Backed into rows of chairs, the boy feebly swings his cleaver, but the guards have bigger weapons in hand: a push broom and a baton.


If He’s Light Enough for the Pillion, He Ain’t Heavy Enough for the Heist

Balancing acts are usually planned with contingencies in mind. When a pair of burglars show up on one motorcycle, the plan is simple: One goes inside to get the loot, while the other stays at the bike for a fast getaway. The worst that can happen is the cops might arrive before the partner comes back out, in which case the rider might have to flee on his own.

In footage captured across the street from a business named Mercadinho, however, things went as no one would have planned. The pair pulls up on a motorcycle, and the pillion rider runs inside to do the deed. Seconds pass by, but instead of emerging from the business triumphantly, the burglar is thrown bodily out the window. Before the now-shirtless burglar can remount the passenger seat, his partner zooms off without him.

Come On, You Knuckleheads! We Gotta’ Get Them Knuckleheads!

When it comes to catching bad guys, few busts could run smoother than when a pair of squad cars corners the getaway vehicle perpendicularly while the latter sits parked against a curb with the suspects huddled inside. Such was the case for a police team responding to one daylight robbery in an uptown neighborhood, where footage shows three suspicious men running outside and into their getaway car with large bags in hand.

Hitting the gas, they barely drive a foot before two police cars pull up sideways in what appears to be a barricade. Jumping from their vehicles, police officers run towards the suspects’ car… and run right past it without stopping to storm the building the trio just exited! This gives the burglars all the time they need to weasel their way around the two cop cars to make a getaway. As soon as they disappear, the police team emerges from the building, looking up and down the street in exasperation. They got away!

Splash Goes the Caviar Soirée

To the connoisseur of fine wine, price is prestige. Some of the world’s most dedicated tasters will pay upwards of five figures for wines bottled decades ago in the vineyards of France and Italy. Even liquor departments in the U.S. Midwest are noted for carrying wines that boast three-figure prices. At one department in Sheboygan, Wisc., this gave way to a splash of cash in one crash when a wall-spanning shelf stocked with hundreds of bottles came loose at one end and instantly toppled over. At an average retail price of $149.00 per bottle, you could say it was more than just a case of sour grapes gone down the drain.


Hi, Trish, I’m in the Street-Level Concourse. Meet Me in the…YIKES!

For a lot of people, smartphones have become an extension of the human body. You can’t work without one, shop without one or dine without one. Chances are you can’t even sleep without one at your bedside. While laws have been passed against texting and driving, one woman made an unintended argument against texting and walking when doing so plunged her straight into a fountain at Berkshire Mall in Reading, Penn.

Surveillance footage shows the woman — merchandise in her left hand, smartphone in her right — fixated on her device while proceeding through a concourse, oblivious to the fountain in her trajectory. With a step too far, she plunges straight over the knee-high fountain edge and plunges face-down into the water. At least she had nothing to be embarrassed about: Her only witness appears to have been the camera.


Mushrooms, Olives, Sundried Tomatoes and…Mothballs?

Everyone loves pizza. With so many toppings to choose from, it’s perhaps the favorite dish throughout America among meat-eaters and vegetarians alike. Sometimes, however, not all of those toppings are what you might have had in mind, at least not for the unlucky party that happened to be served by one unscrupulous Domino’s Pizza delivery man. In a viral, aerial surveillance clip, we see him pull up in a driveway and exit a delivery car, place the hot bag onto the hood, pull out the pizza box and turn toward the door.

Suddenly, the box slips through his hands and hits the concrete, alongside a smattering of loose toppings. He frantically picks the toppings up off the concrete and…places them back on top of the pizza. In seconds flat, he closes the box, puts it back inside the hot bag and turns toward the door, where the customer — unaware of the added goodies in store — pays him and takes the box. Not that it would be much more comforting, but one could only hope the driveway in question wasn’t too dirty. So what’s on your pizza tonight?

I Only Work as a Guard Because t
he Circus Isn’t Hiring Right Now

One would think any business requiring security staff would ensure that its guards are adequately trained and adept to the corridors of an assigned premises. In one viral surveillance clip from the late-noughties, however, a guard at an unidentified grocery store proves less capable of running through the checkout gate than your average five-year-old. The jumpy video shows him walking briskly through the produce section and reaching the gate, where he suddenly does a 270° body flip over the low, metal bars.

Despite the briskness of his head-down, back-landing flip, he got straight back up and proceeded with his duties, apparently unscathed. The flip could have actually been impressive…had it occurred under a big top. Perhaps he should consider a new career as a gymnast.

Let’s Put Our Masks on Right Here Where No One Will See Us

A disguise put on in front of others isn’t really a disguise. A pair of young Londoners understood this while embarking on their first robbery, but what they didn’t realize was that their faces were caught on alleyway surveillance as the two men slipped on masks before proceeding to their target. Needless to say, both suspects’ budding criminal careers were cut short — at least for the time being.


At Least It Will Fertilize the Soil

They say when you gotta go, you gotta go. Sometimes, however, nature calls at the worst times and places. Such was the case for a man caught on surveillance inside Winnipeg Square on one reasonably busy day in the late noughties. The middle-aged, casually attired individual is seen from across the concourse, leaning against the mirrored wall and apparently waiting for a moment’s clearance of foot traffic. Inching towards a nearby planter, he turns his back to the tree, makes a slight bend and lowers his drawers while backing rear–-own into the planter.

While nothing is seen actually exiting his body — thanks in part to the distance of the camera — the act appears to last all of ten seconds, after which he’s forced to sit tight for another ten seconds as more people pass through the area. Once the coast clears, his legs rise in tandem with his pants, but he fumbles for another 20 seconds before vacating what now must have been a stench-engulfed area. Though no arrest warrants went out for this unidentified public defecator, word has it the mall has since dispensed with planters.

Bust a Move, White Boy

Goofing around on the job is common. When you’re a tax-paid servant of the community, however, scandals can ensue if evidence of your hijinks are leaked to the public. At a convenience store in Utah, the booming sounds of Silento from over the PA inspired an impromptu two-step sequence from Officer Bryson Lystrup of the Pleasant Grove Police Department. What the shaky-hipped, wavy-handed cop didn’t realize is that his white boy moves were captured by overhead surveillance, footage of which was quickly leaked to social media. Lucky for Officer Lystrup, his colleagues seemed to agree with the public in that the viral star’s worst crime was bad dance moves. The police department issued a statement saying they intended to get the officer some help…because his timing was way off.


Those Bills Were Just Screaming for My Hands

One would think that when the urge strikes, a robber would at least be conscious of his immediate surroundings. It’s unclear what the intentions might have been of one hooded individual as he approached the counter at a drugstore to make a small purchase, but when the clerk walked away from the still-open register, he just couldn’t resist. Perhaps it was the adrenaline rush that rendered him unmindful of the security guard that had just passed behind his back, but no sooner had his hands reached the bills than there was a Glock pointed to the back of his hooded head.

Do I or Don’t I Wanna Rob This Store?

Some crimes are confusing upon playback, such as the instance where one roly-poly, gaudily-attired individual threw a rock at the sliding-glass door of a Redding, Calif., convenience store in the dead of night. If he was hoping to break into the closed store to commit a robbery, why did he split in the other direction the moment the rock bounced from the window after merely causing a crack? Surely he was confident no one was watching him, or else he wouldn’t have been so bold as to mask himself only after peeking through the window to determine the store was empty.

Of course, the surveillance camera from inside the store got a clear recording of his likeness. Given the unnamed rock-thrower’s distinct physical stature and penchant for wildly patterned clothing, one could only imagine the number of leads that the local police must have received once the story aired. If nothing else, he’s one helluva sprinter.


Slam-Dunk Deals on Aisle 9

Shopping can be a form of exercise. You push a cart from aisle to aisle, you lift and lower objects of varying weight — throw in some good target practice, and you could get a hefty workout. In one YouTube video compilation, shopping is shown to be a more efficient activity among those who’ve worked some basketball into their cart-target game. The act is simple: Leave your cart in one place, and when you find an item you want, toss it over and in.

Some people have become quite expert at the sport, as the video shows one person taking aim from the second aisle down and another tossing items with the far hand without eyeing the target. One segment shows two people in neighboring aisles where each makes perfect aim — one with her back turned — to the opposite aisle. Judging by the lumpy-legged pants of the first cart-shooter, the trend appears to date back as far as the fashion-challenged late-90s/early-00s era. Just be sure not to ricochet a can off the back of the store guardsman.


If I Keep It off the Ground Through This Whole Routine, I’ll Eat It

Turns out basketball isn’t the only sport that’s been appropriated to the ritual of shopping. In one surveillance snippet from 2007, a woman picks a lettuce head from a produce aisle and proceeds to utilize some obvious soccer skills. After balancing the iceberg on her forehead, she juggles it between her knees and passes it between her right foot, forehead, chest and back to her knees.

With cart situated afar, she knee-thumps the iceberg high into the air and head-thumps it straight into the cart. Though this fair-haired flare-wearer is virtually impossible to identify due to limitations in the footage quality, it would be a crime if she wasn’t part of a soccer team — or a circus act.


I Know a Place the Guards Can’t Inspect

We’ve heard about the places where shoplifters hide the evidence: up the sleeve, in the jacket, down the shirt, in the pants. But up the skirt? An overhead surveillance clip from 2011 reveals a young woman who manages to slip a wrapped beverage crate up her long, white, loose-fitting maxi skirt. Browsing between aisles with two friends, the footage shows her turn towards the bulk-drink section, where she kneels down before the lowest stack and slides a 24-pack between her legs and up the fabric.

Miraculously, she rises up and walks like normal as she and her friends proceed to their next destination. Say what you will about her leg-bracing skills, but store-owners everywhere now have all the more reason to hope high hemlines remain the fashion forever.

Where Can I Get Video Surveillance for My Home or Business?

When it comes to surveillance cameras and other security equipment, Titan Alarm Inc. offers products designed for today’s smart homes and buildings. Owned and operated in Phoenix, Ariz., our systems are easily installed for residents and business owners in the area without the involvement of a 1099 contractor.

With our security system, you can control your alarms, cameras, thermostats and more via simple commands on your smartphone. With our equipment, you’ll always known who’s entering or leaving your property. You could capture or deter criminal activity…or maybe you’ll catch some of your own hilarious surveillance moments. For all of your home and business security needs, contact Titan Alarm Inc.: the best video surveillance installer in Arizona.

Learn More About Commercial Video Surveillance

  • Public Building Surveillance
  • Reasons Why People Shoplift
  • Are Security Cameras in Public Places a Good or Bad Thing?
  • Self-Storage Security System and Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

What You Can Learn From Celebrity Home Invasions


What You Can Learn From Celebrity Home Invasions

property-crime We have good reason to be concerned with security. According to the FBI, there were over 8 million property crimes in the United States in 2014 alone. Property crime accounted for a net loss of $14.3 billion in the same year. On average, a burglary results in a loss of around $2000.

Considering such alarming statistics, many people are scrambling to install security systems for their property. The last thing anyone wants is an intruder invading the sanctity of their home. Many victims of home invasion are no longer comfortable in their homes and report feeling that they have been robbed of more than material goods — they have been robbed of their security.

People today are especially interested in installing the same security systems that famous people use. Unfortunately, not every famous person takes security seriously, which is surprising because their wealth and fame make them easy targets. Considering how powerful security systems for mansions can be, and how much celebrities have to lose — not only in terms of wealth but also in terms of personal privacy — you’d think security would be their number one concern.

With the security systems of the rich and famous in mind, we’ve collected ten of the most astounding stories about celebrity home invasions. Some are goofy, some are bizarre, and some are simply head scratchers. The perpetrator was caught in each case, but a single question remains: Do you want to catch the burglars before they make it into your home, catch them red-handed trying to get away, or hope that someday they finally slip up? For all of these celebrities, they can only ask themselves in hindsight. For you, however, the choice is yours with the right security system.

1. Paris Hilton (2008)

 Living a life of luxury without earning it, Paris Hilton has become the epitome of conspicuous consumption. She’s always sure to make an appearance at the most exclusive parties wearing flashy jewelry and the latest in designer fashions, so it should come as little surprise that she would fall victim to a robbery.

In 2008, her home was looted to the tune of $2 million worth of clothing, jewelry and top-shelf alcohol. Even her designer bras were taken.

The culprits were a group of teenagers known as the ‘Bling Ring.’ Although Hilton’s home was their most lucrative break in, they also robbed Orlando Bloom, Megan Fox and Lindsay Lohan before their string of robberies was brought to a halt.

These break-ins could have been easily prevented. The burglars gained access to Hilton’s home using a spare key found under her doormat.

steve-jobs2. Steve Jobs (2012)

Unsurprisingly, the home of Steve Jobs was filled with the latest in personal technology gadgets. As the former CEO of Apple, he was the brains behind some of the most groundbreaking and trendsetting personal computing innovations in history. Jobs believed in his company’s products — he kept every Apple product in his home.

Perhaps that’s what prompted the home invader to target Jobs. Upon breaking in, the burglar gathered up as many iPods, iPads, iPhones and computers as he could. Sixty-thousand worth of expensive jewelry was also swiped. The burglar even took Jobs’ wallet.

 Unfortunately for the burglar, Jobs’ technological creations had been equipped with both loss recovery and personal security technology. While most of us use these applications to find our iPhone when it has slipped under the seat in the car, investigators tracked the criminal using the stolen devices.

Only a day after breaking into Jobs’ home, the criminal was in custody. Targeting one of the masterminds behind high-tech personal devices wasn’t such a good idea.

3. Sylvester Stallone (2010)

Not every intruder is actually trying to rob the place. Sometimes the intruder is a delusional man trying to impress one of his heroes. In 2010, an aspiring action star wanted to prove himself to Rocky. First, the intruder needed to make it by Stallone’s guard dog, a well-trained but vicious pit bull. Using martial arts, the intruder succeeded in knocking out the dog.

After making it into Stallone’s front yard, the intruder then took the opportunity to show off more of his martial arts routine. He began to perform athletic moves in hopes catching Stallone’s attention and landing a role in a future action film. The private security guarding Stallone’s home were not impressed and quickly subdued the intruder before he was sent to jail.

It should be noted that Stallone wasn’t home at the time. If your goal is to impress an action star, you should make sure he’s home. Considering how quickly the private security took him into custody, it would seem that perhaps the intruder had an inflated sense of his own skills. It might be time for this criminal to look into a different line of work.

4. LL Cool J (2012) ll-cool-j

In 1990, LL Cool J released the hit single “Mama Said Knock You Out.” In 2012, LL proved that he meant it. His security alarm system alerted him to an unwelcome guest. When he went downstairs to investigate, a fight ensued. Before the night was over, the would-be burglar had a broken jaw, ribs and nose and was en route to the hospital, having gained nothing but a severely battered ego. LL, on the other hand, maintained his cool and calmly described the scene and his act of self-defense to the responding police officers.

Not only did the home invader fail to come away with anything of value, but he lost a pretty penny in the failed attempt. The burglar ended up $6000 in the hole due to insurance not covering the medical costs.

LL proved the value in a two-step security system. The custom security system installed on LL’s home alerted him to the danger, and he also had the muscle to defend his home. If only we could include him in all of our security system installations.

5. Jon Bon Jovi (2011)

While LL Cool J delivered a one-two security punch, custom security systems can sometimes be enough. Just ask Jon Bon Jovi.

In April of 2011, an intruder made his way into Bon Jovi’s New Jersey home and left with $100,000 worth of jewelry. The crook made it out of the house and thought he’d gotten away with the loot.

Luckily, Bon Jovi’s advanced security system gathered enough information to track down the burglar. He was eventually caught red-handed, hiding in a bathroom stall. Not only was he carrying the jewelry taken from Bon Jovi’s home, but he also had $400,000 worth of jewelry stolen from other homes on him as well.

The criminal probably would have been better off calling it quits with the initial $400,000, but robbers greedy enough to try to steal from the rich and famous don’t always think their actions through. If you succeed at gaining entry into a celebrity’s house and then leave without being confronted, the whole affair was probably too easy. Bon Jovi’s security system might not have stopped the robbery, but it sure did prevent the robber from stealing from anyone in the future.

6. Céline Dion (2011)celine-dion

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if a burglar truly wants to steal or wants to feel close to a celebrity. Such is the case with the 2011 break-in at Céline Dion’s Montreal home.

Shortly after the burglar entered Dion’s home, he apparently became hungry, so he made his way to Dion’s refrigerator and helped himself to some pastries. After his snack, he decided to take a bath. Fortunately for Dion and unfortunately for the intruder, the home was equipped with a sophisticated security system, so the police were immediately notified that something was amiss. When they arrived to investigate, the intruder was stepping into the bath.

Who knows what was really going through the man’s mind, but apparently Dion keeps an inviting home — so inviting that would-be thieves have a hard time leaving once they gain entrance! Even so, the robber failed to adhere to a basic principle of robbery: get in, get out and do it quick. Don’t stick around to give people the chance to catch up with you. And no matter how much you may need one, a home invasion is no time to take a bath.

7. Nicholas Cage (2011)

Knowing that an unwelcome guest disrobed in your home when you weren’t around is unsettling, as was the case with Céline Dion, but having the same thing happen when you are actually home is even more disturbing.

One night, Cage was sleeping soundly in his Orange County home when he was suddenly awakened by a naked man eating a Fudgsicle while wearing his leather jacket. With the intruder standing over his bed, Cage was understandably unsettled, especially considering his young son was sleeping in a room nearby.

Cage kept calm and handled the situation. The intruder was apparently suffering from some severe mental disorders. Thankfully, Cage convinced him to leave without further incident. Cage has commented that, on the surface, it seems like a humorous tale, but he found the experience to be quite horrifying.

Cage was generous enough not to press charges, and he made sure that the intruder received the help he needed. He was disturbed enough, however, that he promptly sold his home and moved to the Bahamas.

8. Prince (2009) prince

Sometimes the intruder becomes almost as famous as the victim. Such is the case when a rising pop star invades the home of one who is already established. Although some people question the voracity of the tale, pop singer Ke$ha recently told the world that she once broke into Prince’s home in order to give him one of her demo CDs.

According to Ke$ha, she bribed the gardener with $5 so that he would stay quiet as she crawled under the fence. She eventually made it to Prince’s practice space, where he was working on new material with his band. She handed a stunned Prince her music and then was silent as she was escorted out by a displeased security team.

Ke$ha eventually became a household name on her own. Prince never contacted her about the demo and didn’t press charges, but Ke$ha has stated that she would have preferred to have been arrested because of the notoriety it would bring. The stunt may have indeed brought her into the limelight, but we can think of a number of better ways to earn renown.

9. Moby (2011)

Moby is famous for being a super chill vegan, so perhaps his reaction to this break-in shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. One morning, Moby woke up to find a complete stranger, whom he identified as “Robbie,” sitting in his living room. Obviously confused and concerned, Moby calmly asked the man to leave.

Although the intruder verbally indicated that he was going to cooperate, he never moved. Finally, after repeated prompting, the man admitted that he was under the influence of LSD and wasn’t sure what to do. Moby, showing a surprising level of accommodation, found the man a sweatshirt because mornings in the area are famously cold. Moby also gave him money for breakfast. The man thanked him and admitted that entering Moby’s home was a terrible idea, something he’d never do were he not under the influence of hallucinogens.

Although Moby was concerned for the young man’s well-being, he admitted that it could have been much worse. Realizing that the next intruder may not be such a harmless soul, Moby decided to start locking his doors.

Considering how often celebrities are the victims of break-ins, we think Moby might be a little too nice.

10. Queen Victoria (1838-1841)/Queen Elizabeth II (1982) queen

Not every celebrity break-in victim comes from the 21st century. We’re sure security is a bit tighter around the British Royal Family these days, but even queens have seen their personal belongings pilfered.

A young man managed to break into Buckingham Palace three separate times. He claimed he only wanted to get close to the queen. Unfortunately, he took it a bit further. He admitted to opening and reading a personal letter written to the queen — and even stealing a pair of her underwear!

Some have argued that the intruder was the first known celebrity stalker. He was eventually sent to Australia, then to a penal colony for the British Empire.

Royal security became far more robust in the 20th century, but another intruder successfully entered Buckingham Palace in 1982 and reportedly made it as far as Queen Elizabeth II’s bed chamber before he was caught. He repeatedly tripped the security alarms, but the guards on duty thought that someone breaking into Buckingham Palace was absurd, so they turned them off, assuming them to be false.

Twenty years after the fact, the intruder still remembers what the queen’s nightgown looked like. The break in proved to be a great embarrassment for the Crown, and they have since taken all alarms very seriously. And considering Buckingham Palace houses the royal family in one of the world’s richest countries, you’d imagine that they would have the best home security system money can buy!


How You Can Avoid These Celebrity Fates?

With so many stories of high-profile robberies, many of you are probably asking, “what about security systems for my home?” Luckily for you, at Titan Alarm, we don’t differentiate between security systems for mansions and systems for family homes. We give all of our customers the same kind of personal attention and care, no matter how large your home is!


Trust Titan Alarm

Unlike most home alarm companies, our installations are full service. We don’t send a subcontractor to do our installations for us. Anyone who comes to your home works directly for our company. We think this is essential for installing home security systems. We want you to feel confident in every installation. We know you are trusting us to help protect you, your family and your home.

Our security installations come complete with the latest in security technology. Our installations can be controlled with a smart phone and are fully automated. If you want a security system that does not require web access, we can also install local, remotely controlled systems. We are proud to offer this kind of versatility and customization.

Our systems come with a number of industry leading features, such as:

  • Motion detection
  • Video monitoring
  • Instant alerts
  • Visual verification image sensors

Homeowners throughout the Phoenix, AZ metropolitan region have turned to Titan Alarm for their home security needs. Don’t make the same mistake as Moby and Paris. Protect your home from those who want to rob you and do you harm.

Here at Titan Alarm, we believe in the importance of the highest quality residential security systems. Every system we install is backed by a family company committed to excellence and honesty. Contact Titan Alarm today and connect with our friendly and professional staff. Get started on your custom home alarm system right away!

Learn More About Burglar Alarm Systems for Your Home

Updated by Titan Alarm on October 31, 2018.

The Advantages of Turning Your House Into a “Smart Home”


“Smart” technology, or technology with advanced automated features, is greatly changing the way we live in our homes. Various aspects of our homes can now be easily and intelligently automated: security systems, thermostats and even lighting.

There are many benefits to adding smart home technology to a home. While some solutions may cost more than others, the benefits can outweigh any initial expenses.


Home automation technology makes it easier to do things such as turn on and off lights when away from home at prescheduled times. You can also control home security features, including alarm systems, smoke or carbon monoxide detectors, door and window sensors, locks and security cameras. Smart home technology also extends to features such as streaming audio and video around your home — this format bypasses physical media’s limitations. Other smart home features controllable through automation technology include heating and cooling systems, electrical outlets, sprinklers and thermostats.

All of these features can usually be controlled through mobile devices and sometimes voice control.

3-piggyCost Savings

The use of technology can save money on energy. One way is through setting up automatic lighting that activates itself based on the time of day. Another way is through smart thermostats that can adjust themselves based on whether someone is home. A few smart devices can also sync up with real time energy information, an ability that enables such features as a dishwasher running only at times of day when energy savings would be cheapest.


4-lockHome Security

The FBI reports that in 2010, there were an estimated 2.2 million burglaries. Out of these, 60.5% involved forced entry.

Smart home security systems allow easy access away from home. Some systems will even alert a homeowner to unusual movements within their home via phone, text or email.

Depending on the type, home security systems can also alert you as to whether your home has suffered damage from fire, weather and other disasters.



Other security features include the ability to let children into a home without the need for a parent present. Smart home systems can automatically unlock doors, allowing children coming home from school into a house. They can then follow up this feat by sending you an alert. This process avoids the need for duplicating house keys.

Smart Thermostats

One piece of smart home technology that’s become prominent is the smart thermostat. At one time, thermostats were largely mechanical, without any features besides setting the temperature. Today’s smart thermostats offer a range of features.

One of the features of smart thermostats is programmability. It’s possible to program smart thermostats to turn heating or air conditioning on or off based on the time of day. But they can also activate based on ambient conditions other than the temperature, such as the humidity.

Many smart thermostats also can “learn” from users, and thus program themselves to know when to activate and for how long.

There’s a range of popular smart thermostats. One high-quality option is the Smart Thermostat. This thermostat offers a range of features, including:

  • A clear display for temperature settings
  • The ability to sense other smart devices, such as doors, windows and security alarms. This lets the thermostat adjust its settings automatically.
  • Built-in wi-fi, which allows the thermostat to interact with other devices
  • The ability to use’s Geo-Services — location-based rules that allow the thermostat to adjust its own temperature settings automatically
  • Settings controllable through an Energy Management Solution app, available for mobile devices

Automated Lighting


Automated lighting is another smart home feature. Similar to the smart thermostats above, automated lighting lets you perform tricks such as automatically turning home lights on and off while away from home or activating the same lights with motion detectors. One possible seasonal usage is to automatically control when and how Christmas light displays are activated. Automated lighting is also useful for vacations, as they make it appear that someone’s at home.

Several automated lighting devices are available. Among the devices: D-Link’s Wi-Fi Smart Plugs, Belkin’s WeMo Home Light Switch and’s Intelligent Lighting system.’s system provides the ability to control lights away from home, no matter how far, through the use of’s systems management app. The lighting system can be set to automate at varying pre-scheduled intervals, to avoid any patterns obvious to those outside your house. The Intelligent Lighting system can also be set to activate your house’s lights at a regular pre-scheduled time, such as sunset.

Smart Home Media

Streaming media is also a benefit of smart home technology. No longer do you need to access physical media such as CDs, DVDs or photo albums — such services are accessible through digital media services.

Today’s smart home media can be accessed using streaming devices that work with your mobile devices. One popular streaming media device is the Roku. Roku offers several options of streaming devices, from boxes that attach to your TV to a simple stick the size of a flash drive. Once attached to your TV, a setup guide lets you create a Roku account. You can then install a choice of “channels” for various streaming services, such as Netflix, Amazon Video or Hulu.

Another popular streaming device is the Google Chromecast. A flash-drive-sized dongle, the Chromecast, attaches to an HDMI port on your TV set and is operated through your smartphone or tablet. In addition to replacing a clunky remote, the Chromecast app on your devices can also relay whatever your device is playing to your TV, allowing you to easily switch between your mobile device or TV.

A third device is the Apple TV, which offers streaming functionality similar to the devices above. However, while it comes with a remote, its mobile device compatibility is limited to iOS devices such as the iPhone or iPad.

Another home streaming option for more technically inclined enthusiasts is the Plex media server. Plex is easily configurable media server software that, when installed on a computer, can allow you to stream any digital media files — including movies, photos and music — it finds to a compatible device. Plex can also pull in information from external online sources about the media played, including displaying its DVD or CD cover art. Plex offers apps for iOS and Android, and also offers support for Rokus and Chromecasts.

However, Plex doesn’t work with media files using digital rights management (DRM), such as movies or TV shows sold via iTunes, Amazon or Google Play.

Security Alarm Systems

Smart home security is one of the most popular applications for smart device technology. Like the above smart home items, you can control home security devices from any mobile device.

Popular smart home security systems such as’s system offer a wide range of standard features. One feature offered by’s smart home security system includes the use of secure cellular connections for communications, which ensures the system will function even in homes without a dedicated landline telephone.’s system also offers battery backup, ensuring the system will work even during a power failure. As expected for smart security systems, 24/7 service is included to provide round-the-clock emergency response coverage.

The smart home security system also can be controlled through a mobile device app, with apps available for Android, iOS or Windows Phone devices — a mobile-formatted website can also be used with a browser. The system also ties into other systems, including carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, surveillance video cameras and flood detection.

While some people haven’t yet started using smartphones, some of the advantages of using a mobile device for smart home security systems include:

  • Easy access to home security systems without finding a computer or carrying another device. You’ll also avoid any uncertainty that you’ve activated security before leaving home, as it’s easy to view security system logs at any time.
  • Smart home security cameras can feed their live video directly to your mobile device. This makes it easy to check in on children or pets when you’re not at home.
  • Controlling system settings remotely. One example of a benefit: You can turn up heating systems’ temperature in case of an unexpected cold snap and avoid coming home to an excessively cold house.
  • Receiving email or text message alerts.
  • Receiving severe weather alerts, which might be useful if you are on vacation or otherwise far away from home.

Installing Home Security Systems

When it comes to setting up a home security system, there are two options: install it yourself or have it professionally installed.

The advantages of doing it yourself include:

  • You will save more money.
  • The process is possibly more convenient and faster than scheduling a time for a professional to visit your home and install a system.
  • Many systems make it simple to install smart home security items.

The advantages of a professional installation include:

  • You know a professional will set everything up correctly, without any guesswork.
  • Some equipment purchases might be cheaper if done through a security company.
  • You’ll have a professional to call in case something goes wrong.

Securing Home Security Systems

While smart home technology is highly useful, it carries with it the same concerns as any other type of tech: the need to keep it secured. Security means to employ include:

Strong Passwords

Some devices require the use of a password upon setup. Like other online accounts, this should follow secure password advice. Never reuse the same password for any device. Make sure the password isn’t easily guessable by avoiding common or popular words such as “password,” “12345,” “Superman,” or “Chicago.” A good password should be at least 12 to 16 characters long, and use a mix of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers and punctuation.



You should use your smart home devices behind a firewall. Fortunately, most routers that control home networking and Wi-Fi should have a firewall activated by default. For those technically inclined, devices such as IP security cameras should be kept behind a firewall, but with port forwarding configured so they can be accessed externally as needed.

Update Firmware

Even if the device doesn’t prompt you to do so, you should consider updating its firmware. You can go to the device manufacturer’s website to see if they offer any newer firmware versions as well as instructions for how to update the device.

Use Your Own Virtual Private Network (VPN)

You can use your own virtual private network (VPN) to increase security for all your smart home devices. VPNs allow you to securely access devices from outside your home. This is advised for more technically advanced users. Some companies offer a VPN service, though it’s possible to create your own VPN at home.

Keeping Your Home Network Secure

In addition to keeping smart home devices secure, you must secure your home network in general, including your router. Most of the tips above apply in this case. Making sure your router also uses strong encryption (WPA/WPA2, not WEP) is also advised.

Backup Power

It might be worthwhile to use a secondary backup power supply for your home security system, in case of a power failure.

Smart home technology offers many benefits for home users. It can save money, offer a range of features and enhance home security. While it requires an initial setup cost and effort, the benefits can make smart home technology well worthwhile.

If you want to learn more about an automated home security system or the installation process, please contact Titan Alarm today for more information!

Learn More About Smart Home Technology

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.