Whether you’re travelling to visit family or just taking a much needed vacation, there are a few very important security measures to get in place before you leave,. Keep in mind that thieves don’t take a vacation for the holiday season. In fact, the holiday season in their busiest time of the year.
The following are some simple steps you can take to make your home less attractive to burglars.
1. Lock up
Always close and lock the doors and windows of your home if you’re leaving, even if just for a short trip. The garage door is also a popular entrance point for thieves, so keep it closed even when you’re home. Don’t forget to lock the door to the garage in the event that thieves gain access to the garage. Be sure to never leave a spare key outside the house—thieves know where to find them.
2. Make it look like some is home
Thieves and burglars love long December nights. If you plan on being away for the holidays, it is recommended to install a web-based light switch so that your house looks lived-in, even if it isn’t. You may even consider installing motion-sensing spot lights around the exterior of your home. This will serve as an excellent deterrent whether you are away from home for a brief period of time or out of town on vacation.
3. Be cautious about announcing your trips on social media
Burglars are resourceful. Some of them will monitor Facebook and other social media sites to see who’s away on vacation and break in. The safer course is to only mention your trips when talking to friends and family in person or talk to them on the phone.
4. Keep present out of sight
While placing gifts under the Christmas tree adds to the holiday spirit, the presents can also attract the attention of burglars. If this isn’t already your custom, wait until just before going to bed on Christmas Eve to break out the gifts, and keep the well-hidden until the time arrives.
5. Make sure your house is fire proof
Taking the neighborhood association’s home decorating prize may come at a price! If you plan on transforming your home into a twinkling Christmas palace or a charming gingerbread house, make sure that your lights are powered by a well-maintained outdoor outlet. Overloaded extension cords may cause fire hazards and gaps caused by unwieldy cords may be all that a burglar needs to pry your windows or doors open.
6. Install a home security system
The start of the holiday season is also a good time to beef up your home security. If you don’t have one already, consider installing an advanced security system with features such as motion sensors, video surveillance cameras, burglar alarms and centralized monitoring.
Contact Titan Alarm, Inc. for more tips on how to keep your home safe during the holidays – and throughout the year.