Try Out a System!

With how much attention is growing on home automation, remote controlled and connected smart homes, Z-Wave solutions are starting to form and grow new opportunities in the security market. To help showcase our equipment we have launched a connected home system display at 23425 N. 39th Drive.

We’re creating a uniquely cool and delicious experience with Poseidon Water and D+K Custom Interior Design, enjoy 23 flavors of delicious Thrifty Ice Cream while touring the design center, featuring all types of kitchen, bathroom, plumbing, flooring and a Titan Alarm interactive home security demo.

Mention this blog and receive a 2nd scoop of delicious Thrifty Ice Cream for free!


Learn More About Home Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Commercial Access Control

Now a days, businesses of all sizes are starting to get more and more serious about their security. So many don’t fully know what they are getting into and call the first one they can find and “hope for the best”, instead of taking the right amount of time to really research and find the best company for their needs.

What Business Security Solutions Does Titan Alarm Offer?

At Titan Alarm we offer a wide range of solutions for your business, and not just security! We have video surveillance systems, alarm systems, access control and even fire systems!

What is an Access Control System?

Access Control systems do what their name sounds like, they control the access to buildings, rooms or resources. When you install an Access Control System you then have access to be able to restrict and monitor who has access to any building, room or facility.

Does my business need an Access Control System?

It’s important for any sized business to keep all data safe, so to do that, we have to keep threats away. Every business does the basic version of that by putting locks on doors and giving keys to employees. You can benefit from an Access Control System if you can answer yes to any of the following questions!

Is a lost/stolen key an immediate security threat to your business?
Do different employees need different access privileges?
Would it be beneficial to restrict or allow access based on time or day?
Do I need a record of when someone enters or leaves a door?
Could my employees and clients be more secure?

Access control systems come in a variety of types and sizes with custom solutions for every company. Titan Alarm is ready to help meet your business’ needs! We have solutions for small businesses to large enterprises. Contact us today to find out how we can help you secure your business with an Access Control System!

Call: 602-680-4567

Text: 623-523-4849

Learn More About Access Control

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 2, 2018.

5 Reasons To Have Your Fire System Inspected

5 Reasons that Having Your Fire Alarm System Inspected is Important

If you have a fire alarm or fire sprinkler system in your building, it is important to have it tested and inspected frequently. Here are five of the most important reasons why this test/inspection service is critical to the livelihood of your business:

1. To meet local building code and fire inspector requirements
Your system is required to be tested on a regular, ongoing basis in order to satisfy national fire code (NFPA 72) and the requirements of your local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). These tests should be administered by a licensed, certified technician.

2. To satisfy insurance carrier requirements
Did you know that your insurance company may not cover damages that are caused by a system that has not been tested/inspected according to NFPA 72 requirements? The only thing worse than having a fire in your building would be having the insurance deny your claim due to a lack of code compliance!

3. To assure that system is functioning properly
Most alarm panels require regular testing and inspections to ensure that they are working properly. This involves both a visual inspections of all of the system components, as well as a functional test of the system to ensure that each element works properly

4. To assure that the system does not create false alarms that waste time/resources of your local fire department.
The firefighting heroes that work in your city have a big job, ensuring that both fire and medical emergencies are responding to quickly, effectively, and efficiently. When a fire truck rolls to your facility for a false alarm due to a poorly functioning system, the valuable resources of your fire department are being wasted and the focus of those firefighters is diverted from people and property that truly need assistance.

5. To limit liability for potential injuries of tenants, employees, of visitors of your business
A fire alarm and fire sprinkler system is designed with strict codes in order to provide enhanced safety and protection over your property and the personnel inside. A regular inspection and test of the system ensures that the system still operates according to those code standards, providing peace of mind that the system will work as designed in the event of a fire.

To learn more about Fire System Inspection or to schedule Titan Alarm to inspect your system give us a call or text us!



Learn More About Fire Sprinkler Systems

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Wireless Security Cameras and Video Surveillance Systems.

A wireless camera includes a built-in transmitter to send video over the air to a receiver instead of through a wire. Many people aren’t aware that there are multiple types of wireless technology in use, each with unique advantages and disadvantages.

What is a Wireless Security Camera?

With technology constantly improving, wireless technology is now being applied to almost everything now a days, and the best thing is, security cameras and video surveillance systems are taking full advantage of it.

How does a Wireless Security Camera or Video Surveillance System work?

A wireless security camera has a wireless transmitter built into it, to allow video to be sent through the air to a home base (receiver) for viewing, rather than being hardwired into a home base.

Is a Wireless Security Camera truly wireless?

Although most wireless security cameras are technically cordless, meaning they don’t need to be hardwired in and that they transmit through a wireless signal source, they still need to be plugged in a power source. With that in mind, there are some security cameras that have batteries, that makes them truly wireless, but keep in mind, batteries can die at the most inconvenient times, and are not the best source of power to rely on.

Can I make a Wired Security Camera into a Wireless Security Camera?

You most definitely can, although at Titan Alarm we don’t recommend it. With security cameras and video surveillance you really get what you pay for, so if you’re looking for the cheap way around getting wireless security cameras, the quality you receive won’t be nearly as good as if you contacted Titan Alarm for us to set up a Video Surveillance System for you with cameras that were made to be wireless.

Cameras for Blog

Learn More About Home Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Do Security Camera Systems Work?

Have you ever asked yourself “I wonder if a security camera system actually helps catch criminals?” Why don’t you check out the following videos and find some answers:

Burglar Kicking Door Open

Dallas Burglary Suspect Caught on Camera

Forcible Home Entry in Raleigh, N.C.

Both police officers and crime prevention specialists agree that having a security camera system is quite helpful in preventing and stopping crime.

A major added benefit of having a Titan Alarm Security Camera System is that it can allow our Central Station to monitor your cameras if there is an activated alarm, allowing them to notify police as to what is happening on your property.

Has a security system prevented a burglary in your home?

Do you use home automation to monitor your home or to slash energy costs?

Has a monitored fire detector or carbon monoxide detector helped prevent a disaster?

How else does home security or home automation add convenience and give you peace of mind?

Let us know on our Facebook and be entered to win a $50 gift card!

Learn More About Home Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Business Security Cameras

As technology becomes more and more prevalent in every day life, security cameras become a more expected piece of technology for businesses to have. It’s reported that more than half of all U.S. businesses use some sort of security camera surveillance system in their work places. Security cameras in the workplace are there to protect the business, the employer and the employees. Having security cameras allows 24/7 surveillance in the business which is used to protect property and provide evidence if it is ever needed.

Having a security camera surveillance system in businesses is almost necessary now a days. They are a constantly growing powerful tool that can help provide proof where there is none or where there is doubt. Security cameras can also help improve employee productivity as well, the thought that you might be monitored as you work, can create a stronger drive and work ethic.




By having security cameras, not only does the business and employer benefit, but employees can benefit too, they can receive a higher sense of security in the workplace. Security cameras can also provide solid evidence that can help lead to capturing criminals if a crime has taken place.

In the end, businesses, employers and employees all benefit in different ways by businesses having security cameras surveillance systems.

Learn More About Commercial Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Home Automation Geo Location Services

Geo tracking allows residential and commercial customers new possibilities that goes above and beyond security and emergency services. The way that Geo Tracking works is that most smart phones have a GPS locator built into it, (such as your maps app. etc.), as long as you have your location services enabled, can tell where you are located. The nice thing about this is that you can set rules of what you would like to happen all based off of where you are located. For example, if you are at home, your thermostat can be set to the temperature that you prefer, and if you leave more than a half mile away from home, you can have the temperature start rising, saving you money on your electric bill, and as you approach home again the temperature will start dropping so it can be the perfect temperature for you to walk in to.




You can also set up rules to close down your house when you get to far away, if you get a mile away can do the following, close your garage door, make sure the doors are locked, turn off lights or turn them on, arm your system, change thermostat and so much more.

All of these possibilities are included with Titan Alarm services.

Want to learn more? Contact us!

Learn More About Home Automation

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

False Alarm Prevention Program Phoenix

Did you know that the Phoenix Police Department offers a False Alarm Prevention Program??

What you can gain from the course:

  • Provides reasons for false alarm activations and ways to prevent them.
  • Educational information for alarm system users.
  • Includes a certificate for waiver of one $96 Police False Alarm Assessment. (Certificate must be redeemed before an invoice has been issued for the false alarm.)

Cost is $10 per subscriber, paid at the class.

You must R.S.V.P. for any class.

For more information call the Code Enforcement Unit at:



Learn More About Fire Alarm Systems

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Self Storage Security System and Video Surveillance

Self storage businesses are all over, in every state, and in most cities, they serve a massive range of customers, from college students, to the retired, so many people need them for different reasons. With so many different customers coming and going at all hours of the day from their unit, there’s a huge amount of items that are under your protection and responsibility. When your business layout looks like a maze, how do you secure your property? The easiest way is to install a video surveillance system and security cameras. A video surveillance system can include as many cameras as you need, with remote and mobile viewing of the security cameras. You can also monitor the business and access your security system from your mobile device as well.

Some of the benefits that you can enjoy are the following:

  • Access to your Security Cameras from your mobile device.
  • Monitoring and controlling your security system from your mobile device.
  • Keep your customers and their possessions feeling a little more secure.
  • Help with police investigations by providing video surveillance footage if a crime occurs.


Learn More About Commercial Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Parking Lot Video Surveillance and Security Cameras

Parking lots are often overlooked when thinking about video surveillance and security camera systems at your business. If you run a business or facility where there’s parking lots, then you should be keeping an eye on vehicles that come and go with security cameras and proper video surveillance. By doing so you can be better prepared incase there’s vandalism, theft or a car accident.
Video Surveillance and Security Cameras add quite a few benefits to your business, another benefit is that parking lot video surveillance and security cameras is if your parking lot requires a fee to use it, you can see cars who didn’t pay or over stayed what they paid for in advance. HD IP Cameras for video surveillance and security cameras are highly recommended because they are able to see extremely clear resolutions which lead to more detail in images to all recognition of license plates.

Video Surveillance and Security Cameras are a major part of keeping your employees and visitors safe in the parking lot, especially at night when there may be hidden dangers.



Another benefit video surveillance and security cameras add is the insurance of if a vehicle is hit and the car doesn’t stop or a vehicle is broken into, you have recorded footage and you have the ability to review the footage and try to identify the vehicle that didn’t stop or the criminal who broke into a car.

With Titan Alarm, your video surveillance and security camera needs are met by our professional team. Whether you want video surveillance and security cameras for identifying cars that don’t pay or you want to keep your parking lot safe, a Titan Alarm Video Surveillance and Security Cameras system is the best way to go. Contact our professional team today!

Learn More About Commercial Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.