5 Great Things Titan Alarm’s Geo Service does for You

Imagine if your house knew when you were on your way home, and took action to ensure the perfect temperature when you arrive.  Or, if when you left, your home reminded you if you forgot to arm your security system or lock the front door.

With a Titan Alarm Smart Home, this is a reality, thanks to Geo-Services, our location-based home automation feature. This opt-in feature is easy to turn on and off, and is included in the majority of Titan Alarm packages.

Geo-Services uses your smartphone’s location to take useful actions on your behalf while you’re out, ranging from a simple notification to a real action such as adjusting your thermostat.

It works by using your smartphone’s location to determine where you are, relative to your home’s location. When you reach a certain distance from your house – defined by a circular “geo-fence” which you create yourself in your Alarm.com app – Geo-Services can take a range of actions on your behalf. Here are five of the best.

Note: if you ever lose your smartphone, you can disable your Alarm.com smartphone login from a desktop computer.

1: Alert you if you leave your home unsecured.

Ever got halfway to work and then wondered you’ve left your home unsecured? Geo-Services means that you’ll never wonder again. If you leave your house without arming your security system or locking your smart locks, your Alarm.com app will notify you as soon as you cross your geo-fence. Thanks to the ability to remotely control your security system, all you need to do is arm your system (or lock your doors) through your app, and keep going – there’s no need to turn around.

2: Come home to a bright welcome on dark evenings.

Geo-services gives you more than just reminders—you can also automate certain tasks. One of the easiest is lighting. Simply program your smart lighting solution to come on when you cross your Home geo-fence at the end of the day, and you’ll find your entryway brightly lit when you arrive home.

3: Save energy when you leave home; enjoy comfort when you return

Turning down your heating or cooling when you leave your house saves energy and money. But, when you’re running late, with work or a road trip on your mind, your thermostat is the last thing you think of.

The answer is a smart thermostat, automated with Geo-Services.

4: Turn your video monitoring off when you’re home.

While you don’t want to miss an important video monitoring event while you’re out, you have less need for monitoring when you’re home. Geo-Services can automatically pause your home monitoring when you’re within your Home geo-fence – meaning that no recording of you and your family takes place.

5: Build smarter rules with multiple geo-fences

A one-mile distance around your home isn’t the ideal geo-fence for every task: heating and cooling takes longer to achieve than turning your lights on. Alarm.com lets you set up as many geo-fences as you like, customized to within one-tenth of a mile. A second geo-fence around your office location, for example, gives your HVAC system more time to get your home’s temperature perfect before you get there.

Learn More About Home Automation

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Arizona DSX Access Control Authorized Dealer

Titan Alarm has partnered with DSX Access Systems Inc. to offer advanced security and access control systems for businesses in Arizona.



Virtual Outputs
Virtual Outputs in the WinDSX system are outputs that do not physically exist but can be programmed in the same manner as any Relay Output in the system. Virtual Outputs can be used for Time Zone control, linking, process control, bell schedules, fail safe timers and many more applications.

First Man In
First Man In can be implemented to prevent doors that normally unlock on a schedule from unlocking when weather or other conditions prevent anyone from traveling to or occupying the location or building. The Time Zone that normally unlocks the door is overridden until a card is first used to gain access to the building. This could be a regular or manager assigned card at any reader or a particular one.

Manager First
Manager First can be used to keep other subordinate issued cards from gaining access to the building when the manager is not on site. Certain Access Levels would be disabled until a manager arrives and uses their card thereby enabling the Access Levels of the subordinates.

Two Man Rule
The Two Man Rule requires that two different cardholders use their card before they can gain access to a door. This could be set up for any two card holders or it could be taken a step farther so that a card holder from Group A and one from Group B must both use their card for the door to unlock.

Access Level Control
Access Level Control can restrict and/or change Access Levels on the card population without the need for lengthy downloads. This can be done for card control at a university that needs to shut off or restrict access to its student population during the holidays and will support different schedule requirements for the different classes of the student population. It can also be used in Threat Level Management to change the accessibility of the card holders.

Hazmat Lockdown
Today many Hospitals, health care agencies, and municipalities are faced with contingency planning for Hazmat Emergencies. Hazmat Lockdown accommodates the quick lockdown of a system required for Hazmat alerts. The Lockdowns occur without the need of programming or lengthy downloads. Hazmat Lockdowns will typically secure all the doors in an area or the entire facility not allowing anyone or just particular personnel access in or out.

Emergency Lockdowns
With the DSX system, doors can quickly be locked down from the keyboard, an external button, or even a card read. Access can be prevented or just limited to a select few card holders. This lockdown action can be custom fit to the particular needs of the customer.

Threat Level Management
With a click of a mouse, press of a button, or presentation of a Card, the system can be instantly reconfigured to coincide with the Homeland Security Advisory System and meet any heightened security requirements.

With a single action doors can be locked down, alarm points armed, readers disabled, access levels restricted, image recall invoked and more. The system can be made incrementally more secure with each action and just as quickly put back to normal. Components of the DSX system can be individually enabled or disabled to create the environment the situation requires.

DSX Threat Level Management can be customized to meet the specific needs of each customer.

Time Zone Control
Time Zone Control can quickly disable one Time Zone and/or enable another through Time Zone Linking. There are times when an application calls for multiple schedules to control cards or door locks with the ability to switch from one schedule to another without any programming or Time Zone reassignment. This action could be a manager card being used at a reader that switches a door from one locking schedule (Time Zone) to another or the clicking on an Output Icon in the Workstation program.

JetWay Extended Bypass
Airports sometimes require a means to discreetly bypass a door for more than a normal amount of time. When loading or unloading passengers the door can be bypassed for an extended amount of time by simply presenting the card twice to that reader. The door always locks as soon as it is closed. This ability is configurable by door and by card holder. It also works with Card+PIN readers.

Building Automation
This paper shows an over view of how WinDSX can be integrated into a single occupant or multitenant property at various levels with different systems.

Separate Alarm Outputs
This application shows a way to separate Door Forced from Door Held Open Alarms where the alarms are being transmitted offsite.

Clean Room Annunciation
In environments where a user wants to be aware that any two doors are open in an area. This application can be more than 2 doors and will provide an annunciation or lockout when two doors of concern are opened at the same time.

Man Trap
High Security Areas sometimes require a man trap application where there are typically two doors in a holding area or vestibule outside of a sensitive room. One door leads to the high security area while the other door leads to the non secured area. The application mandates that the two doors cannot be open or even unlocked at the same time. One door must shut and lock before the other door can unlock and open.

Occupancy Limit
An Occupancy Limit can be imposed on rooms where the number of people in the room have to be kept to a maximum number. Using a simple counter relay combined with linking this application is simple.


Learn More About Access Control

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 2, 2018.

Titan Alarm offers Brivo Enterprise Security System for Business

What if robust physical security systems weren’t just for enterprises? What if they were for small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), too?

The truth is that they are. Titan Alarm has partnered  Brivo Systems and offers physical security solutions aren’t just for the pioneering enterprises and companies with big bucks; they’re for everyone. Hackers and thieves don’t pay much attention to whether a company is an enterprise or owned by a sole proprietor – why should we?

We don’t. Products at Brivo are designed for adaptability, scalability, and budgets both large and small.


Brivo OnAir integrates into the coffee shop on the corner as easily as it does into the corporate conglomerate headquartered in Seattle. Because of the cloud, physical security can be for as few as one or two doors or as many as all the offices in the corporate headquarters.

The access control system adapts to its environment. The coffee shop owner needs a simple installation; the corporation requires a more complex one. Both solutions, however, are built upon the same framework.


Coffee shops grow. They start with one location and expand to others. With Brivo OnAir, the coffee shop owner doesn’t have to worry about purchasing a physical security system for each new storefront. The cloud allows her to incorporate other sites. All she has to do is have some card readers installed at her newest shop, and she’s good to go.

Corporations also grow, sometimes globally. They sometimes have a need for a temporary office, too. Rather than attempt to purchase a physical security system overseas, the team at home expands access and security to the satellite location.


Coffee shops and corporations do not have similar budgets. The former, particularly if it’s a new establishment, has much of its funds tied up in coffee beans, grinders, and all the other accoutrements. It needs an access control and security solution, but its budget is more or less limited. A corporation is likely to have a larger budget and possibly even to dedicate funds to identity and access management (IAM) and security.

Brivo OnAir, as well as our new HaaS program, work in both situations. Because it’s adaptive and scalable, the resources required are adaptive and scalable. In addition, many of the upfront costs are lower due to cloud management and computing. A final point: maintenance and costs are lower month-over-month and year-over-year, making the return on investment (ROI) greater and total cost of ownership (TCO) lower.

Want to learn more about how Titan Alarm and  Brivo OnAir can work in your specific environment? Give us a call!


Learn More About Commercial Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 2, 2018.

The Com Test

The “Com-Test” or otherwise known as the communication test  is an essential tool for you the customer with regards to your security service. This allows you to test your panels communication with the central station without any siren’s, buzzers or Officer’s coming to your door. You would want to use this tool every time you have work done on your home such as phone line work, electrical work, or even just changing phone companies.  You may have noticed that our office will sometimes attempt to contact you regarding a test of your system once a month. By performing this “Com-Test” you will have already tested the system and not need to do any work during such a call.  Also this test will clear some of the errors you get when you get trouble beeps. –Dom Shelton

Learn More About Home Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

The Importance of Fire Inspections for your Business

fireinspectionProtecting employees, customers and property from the devastation of a fire is not on the moral obligation of a business owner, but it’s a requirement of the law. Failure to properly inspect your fire systems on a routine basis can lead to failures in the system, resulting in devastating losses for your business and potential fees and legal action from your local government. Its important to hire a professional inspector who not only understands the law, but also how to properly install and maintain the highest quality fire protection equipment in the optimal way for you location.


It’s the Law


In order to ensure that your fire alarm system is working properly it is required to be tested and inspected by a licensed fire alarm inspection company. This is required by law and should be performed at least once a year. Licensed inspectors will perform the required testing and inspection, provide a detailed inspection report, and can perform repairs on any noted deficiencies.


Most jurisdictions require at minimum an annual inspection by a licensed, certified fire inspector. Fire laws vary from state to state. In Arizona businesses are governed by state and local municipal fire codes and require fire inspections at least once per year and always when starting new construction projects or major renovations.


Failure to comply with the state and local codes to inspect your business properly can result in work freezes that can shut down your construction project or freeze your business activates. This along with fines for lack of compliance can cripple your ability to do business.


Legal information pertaining to your business can be obtained by visiting the websites for local, state and county fire marshals office. Projects and businesses operating at the federal level may also be subject to federal fire laws and codes.


Hiring a licensed fire inspection company is the best way to insure you are complying with all the applicable laws and is often required.



It’s the Right thing to Do


Protecting the safety of your employees, your property and assets is always the main objective of a fire inspection. Small problems can quickly lead to giant ones in a fire protection system and a fire is unforgiving event often resulting in great damage if the right systems are not functioning to prevent it and monitor for it. A yearly fire inspection is a great way to identify possible trouble areas.


Often basic code compliance does not mean optimal fire protection. Hiring a licensed fire inspector will also give you insight into how your system is functioning and what areas need work or improvement and can guide you in actions you can take to prevent problems with your systems, such as preventive maintenance for your fire system.








Learn More About Testing & Inspection

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Combine Home Automation and Home Security

home_automationTechnology has advanced greatly in the last few decades. We now have phones that are more powerful and more useful than a desktop computer was only a decade ago, cars that park themselves, and cloud systems to store, and share the moments that make our lives.

Shouldn’t your home security system be more advanced and useful too?

Most security companies offer discount systems based on out of date technology. Often requiring land line telephones, hard wired sensors and cameras that are dependent on outdated technology and simply don’t work as well as they should.

At Titan Alarm we believe in advancing home security to keep pace with new technologies. Our systems combine the most advanced wireless monitoring devices, two way communication, video verification, motion and break detection with the latest software, smartphone access and control application to secure your home in the most advanced and cost effective way possible. But we didn’t stop there. We believe your security system should offer the more useful features for your life. That’s why we have combined home security with home automation to create cost effective ways to automate your life while protecting your home and family.

Home Security

We believe first in foremost in protecting what matters most, you, your home and family. Our systems offer 24/7 Emergency response, to breaking, fires, co2 and more. Titan Alarm’s systems are tamper resistant and based on cellular technology so they don’t rely on being plugged into a phone line to work. Our systems offer real time alerts, even when the system is disarmed and are fully controlled via an elegant and easy to use mobile app.

Energy Managementmonitorings_phone-computer

We have combined our home security panel with energy management technology that interfaces wirelessly with your thermostat to create cost and energy savings in your home and business. Our system will automatically adjust your homes temperature based on your settings. We combine location services of your smart phone to know when you leave which can trigger the alarm to be set and you’re your thermostat to automatically adjust to create cost savings. On a hot summer day theres no need to waste money in the heat of the day cooling an empty home, our system will detect that no one is home and automatically adjust the thermostat to save money, then using your cell phones location our system will automatically begin cooling your home when you are a preset distance away ensuring that your home will be cool and ready on your arrival

Seamless Integration

We connect the key devices in your home seamlessly to create intelligent home automation control that is not available from out of the box automation solutions. Our systems can lock and unlock your doors, control your garage doors, solar systems, turn on and off lights and plugged in appliances, monitor water usage, energy usage and more, all from a sophisticated mobile app.

By combining security and home automation, our software can adaptively learn to serve your needs. A connected home is more than turning off lights and locking doors, we combine all the data from all devices to create a system of connected devices that all work together to serve your needs, lower energy costs and secure your home and creating a system that adapts to your needs.

Best of all everything updates and configures automatically, we make things easier for you while saving you money and securing your home. Titan Alarm’s security and automation systems are priced similar to most alarm companies basic security packages but offer more than you can dream of. Take the next step in creating a home that protects and serves your family, contact a Titan Alarm representative today.

Learn More About Home Automation

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

How to Prevent Copper Theft

coppertheftCopper theft is growing problem facing businesses and home owners in Phoenix and surrounding areas. Since 2008 copper and other metal thefts have risen every year and accounted for billions of dollars in losses across the nation. In 2012 over 10,000 residences in Arizona filed insurance claims for copper theft. With continued high prices for copper and other metals sold as scrap and legislation proving ineffective its important for residents and business owners to take steps to protect their home and businesses from metal theft.

Copper and metal thieves target any exposed metal on your property. Recently thieves went as far to steal copper from electrical poles around Tempe town lake. Often thieves target roof top HVAC systems, electrical conduits, utility boxes, exposed plumbing and other hard to see areas. Because metal is nearly impossible to trace, thieves are able to sell the stolen metal for scrap.

Fortunately there are ways to protect your home and business and prevent copper theft.

Video Surveillance and Monitoring

One of the most effective ways to catch a copper thief is to install a video surveillance and monitored alarm system. However all systems are not created equal. Most traditional CCTV systems sold by most alarm companies are hardwired and rely on using the video after the crime has occurred to identify the suspects. This is often not effective and results in few arrests and does not prevent the crime from occurring. Because traditional CCTV systems are hardwired, and copper theft often involves cutting and stealing electrical and video wire, security systems are often rendered unoperational and ineffective during the copper theft.

Titan Alarm has worked with leading industry companies developed systems to prevent copper theft by catching the thieves in the act or before the crime is committed. Our systems combine wireless motion detector with video IP video cameras that capture and identify movement using sophisticated software, triggering video monitoring, day or night, and alerting our central monitoring station which will verify the video and dispatch authorities up to 90% faster than traditional systems. Our systems are wireless and discreet, to the average person they don’t appear like a video camera and operate over cellular service, so even if the camera itself is stolen it will still continue to send video and location information. Resulting in more arrests.

Video Verification

Traditional security often trigger false alarms, and because of this many jurisdictions require verification to receive a priority response from law enforcement. A verified alarm triggers a priority response from police allowing them to arrive in time to stop damage or theft of your property. Titan Alarm has partnered with leading security companies to offer video verification of alarm events. Our systems capture video once a senor is activated, the video can quickly be verified as a real event and dispatch police within seconds. The differences in response times is often dramatic making video verification a must for companies that are serious about protecting livelihood.  In Phoenix Arizona an unverified alarm had an average response time of up to two hours, a Titan Verified video alarm has an average response time of 5min 13sec. Allowing ample time for the police to arrive and stop the theft before its complete.

Other Steps to Preventing Copper Theft:

Managed Access Control

Often access to the job site, facility or residence is what allows copper theft to occur. Securing your properties perimeter is important to preventing copper theft.

Using motion detectors and IP video surveillance and verified alarm systems combined with managed access controls on all gates, doors and latters is a good way to protect your property. Access control systems for gates, doors and entrances allows your employees, family and friends to have access to your property while stopping all others. Our advanced software based systems can identify intruders and detect whether the motion that triggered the alarm was actually an intruder or was an animal or other non threatening motion. By using smart software along with video verification you can insure the quickest response time and fewer false alarms.

Speak with a security consultant.

Like most things, if you are serious about doing it right, its best to speak with an expert. At Titan Alarm we have decades of experience preventing theft. We employ only the top experts in the field, with back grounds in security, law enforcement and technology. Our security experts will work with you to create a cost effective and highly effective system to ensure the safety or your property and investment.

Learn More About Access Control

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 2, 2018.

Home Security In Phoenix With Titan Access Controls

Home security is a key concern in Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding area. The suburbs of Phoenix area wonderful, sunny place, and a great place to raise kids for the most part, but isn’t a 100% rosy place. There is a dark side as well. Many people don’t know that Phoenix is the kidnapping capital of the United States, and possibly the world. Mostly illegal immigrants are kidnapped and forced into effective slavery here, on this highway from Mexico to the rest of the United States.

Some areas of the city are more susceptible than others to this type of dangerous activity, and such neighborhoods tend to experience higher than typical crimes of other nature as well. South Phoenix and Maryvale in west Phoenix are particularly notorious for being dangerous neighborhoods, although crimes such as murder, rape and robber can happen anywhere (and in any city for that matter).

In these neighborhoods in particular, home security is paramount. In many areas in Phoenix, homes might have bars on the windows to keep out intruders, although this might not be the most effective strategy. The best way to deter a burglar is to make the house as unattractive as possible from a theft standpoint, and to make it difficult to break into unnoticed at the same time. The key here is “unnoticed” as any modern house can be entered without a key quite easily. Thus a burglar’s main concern isn’t about getting in per se, but about doing so and getting away with it.

Install heavy duty locks on the doors, complete with deadbolts. A simple latch can be opened easily, even for someone with minimal experience, and a credit card or other thin, flexible object. Deadbolts require much more equipment, time or brute force to break in to, and their existence may simply cause a potential thief to shop elsewhere.

Security bars on windows are a debated line of defense. They do make it much harder for someone to get in. Obviously glass is not difficult to get through – a rock or a kick will shatter glass, either enabling direct access through that window, or allowing a latch to be opened, through the broken opening. Bars prevent direct entry. However, bars on a window can be a drawback for two reasons. One is that bars advertise to the neighborhood that the homeowner is concerned about security. If someone is overly concerned about security, a burglar might wonder why, and consider the home to be a more attractive target. This is the opposite of what a homeowner wants. The second drawback for window bars is that they cannot often be opened from the inside. In case of a fire, that window cannot easily be used to escape the building.

Some window bar systems have breakaway releases that are access near the window inside the building but which cannot be reached from outside. These are much safer in fires, but still might be difficult to release for panicked occupants.

The best option is a security system by Titan Alarm. Our systems offer comprehensive monitoring solutions, including remote access control, text-based notifications, and climate control monitoring. With a Titan System, you will always know your Phoenix home is secure.

Learn More About Home Access Control

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Titan Security Solutions for Phoenix Security

Titan Alarm is the best choice for your Phoenix security needs, for a few reasons. We’re locally owned and operated, so you know that our systems are tailored specifically for your needs, and you know we’re not pre-occupied halfway across the nation. We provide security to primarily the Phoenix area, with a few other locations around Arizona and the Southwest.

Our state of the art systems do much more than simply scaring off burglars. Via text, you’ll receive instant notifications and updates about your system. You’ll know the second it goes off, and will know which doors and windows have been compromised. Our systems also let you know if the power has gone out in the rest of the neighborhood if the power is out to your house. This makes a big difference, since a neighborhood power outage is most likely benign.

Titan Security Solutions have features beyond security. Our systems integrate with the thermostat in your home to keep the interior at the perfect temperature. This helps you save money, since the climate system can keep the temperature closer to the outside when the house is empty. For example, in summer, Phoenix is incredibly hot and the need for air conditioning makes the electric bill skyrocket. With Titan’s intelligent climate control system, the thermostat can be kept higher during the day when the rates and temperature are high, but no one is home to need cool rooms anyway.

Our great Phoenix solutions are ideal for your home. Everything is controlled by one central device, helping you live more cheaply, safely and happily.

Learn More About Home Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

The Best Line of Home Security

Most people in populated areas keep their doors locked at night and when they are away from the house. These practices are a great first line of defense, and certainly prevent the laughably easy tactic of simply walking in and walking out with valuables. However, for anyone with a little skill and a little time, home locks are stupidly easy, and relatively useless for providing actual protecting.

As any locksmith can tell you, picking a lock is actually quite easy. Tools are easy to make – a piece of hard wire such as an old bicycle spoke filed to the proper shape and perhaps an old bristle from a street sweeper that you can find just lying in the street will often do the trick. And while they are illegal in many jurisdictions, buying such tools is anything but impossible, thanks to the internet.

You might think, “OK, thieves might easily get in, but I’ll just keep my valuables in a heavy safe.” This is a great idea, except that safes aren’t as safe as you think. It’s a lot harder to get into a safe than a home, due to the specialized combination locks that are designed to be pick-resistant, but trusting the weight of a safe to prevent someone carrying it off is silly. You were able to get the safe into the house – a thief can get it out. Most of them plan for this and bring a dolly, which makes the process relatively straightforward and simple.

Bolting a safe down makes it much harder to remove, especially if the bolts are welded into place. But even a bolted-down safe can be moved with the proper equipment. Again, if it was built, it can be dismantled; if it was moved in, it can be moved out. So, with this uncertainty, is there no way to properly defend against determined thieves?

One line of defense that has a very low likelihood of being defeated, while simultaneously not breaking the bank, is a Titan Phoenix security system. Titan systems utilize a multi-tiered defense configuration. The first line of defense is a sensitive alarm network. All doors and windows use a high-tech magnetic system to determine which zones are being breached. Motion detectors within the house ensure that in the weird case of someone entering through some opening that is not a door or window (or in the more plausible case of a window being left open when the alarm is armed), the alarm will still sound. All of these alerts and alarms are synched with the owner’s mobile device. Unlike early alarm systems that simply sounded a tone in the home, but did nothing to actually alert anyone, Titan’s systems ensure that you’ll know immediately when defenses are breached.

Finally, a closed circuit camera system, also synched with your mobile device, means that you can monitor your home in real time from a remote location. And with a direct link to the police department even if you’re unable to see the notifications, the system will spread the alarm automatically, in the event of a break-in.

Learn More About Home Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.