Vacation Tips to Keep Your Home Safe

We all love going on vacation, whether its to get away to a tropical paradise or a weekend getaway to the cabin up north. One of the most important things about taking a vacation is making sure your home is secure while you’re away. The easiest way to get the most coverage is with a home security system from Titan Alarm, we offer 24/7 monitoring, access to your cameras from your smart phone or web browser, notifications any time a door or window are opened, and a notification anytime someone rings your doorbell. Along with our system here are a few tips we recommend to keep your home safe while you’re away.

1. Make sure you install door and window shades and blinds, that will make it difficult for a potential burglar to see if someone is home.


2. Motion controlled outdoor lighting is one of the biggest deterrents for outside movement. It also helps keep your lights from staying on all day over a long period of time.


3. If you’re doing a home renovation make sure you don’t leave ladders in sight, they’re an open invitation for burglars. Along with keeping ladders hidden keep any tools inside and locked up so that they can’t be used to break in as well.


4. Before you leave trim or replace large bushes that cover and windows or doors, this will prevent burglars from being able to hide behind them while they try to pry open any doors or windows.



5.Put your TV, lights and radio on the Titan Alarm controlled appliance outlets so you can turn on your appliances while you’re away from your phone with the application, giving the appearance that someone is home.

living room

Learn More About Home Automation

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

May The Fourth Be With You



May The Fourth Be With You

As die hard Star Wars fans here at Titan Alarm, we’re all celebrating today this special day. Less than a year until the new movie comes out directed by J.J. Abrams. In celebration of today we’ve got a few jokes for you! While you’re at it, let’s beef up your security, we have to make it harder for a burglar to get in than it was for Luke to destroy the Death Star. You won’t be able to sense a disturbance in The Force but you’ll get a notification whenever someone rings the doorbell or goes in or out of any doors.

Q. Why do Doctors make the best Jedi?

A. Because a Jedi must have patience.

jedi joke



Q. What do you call a potato that has turned to the Dark Side?

A. Vader Tots




Q. How do Ewoks communicate over long distances?

A. With Ewokie Talkies




Q. What do you call Chewbacca when he has chocolate stuck in his hair?

A. Chocolate Chip Wookie





Q. Why is a droid mechanic never lonely?

A. He’s always making new friends!




Q. What goes, “Ha, Ha, Ha, Haaaaaaa…… AGGGGH! Thump.”?

A. An Imperial Officer laughing at Darth Vader.



Posted in Fun

Fire Systems and Fire Prevention Tips

With the dry Arizona summer approaching it’s time to address house fires and how to prevent them. The National Fire Protection Association reported that 42% of all house fires are caused by cooking utensils and that 17% of them are caused by issues related to heating and cooling. With 487,500 structure fires, causing 2,855 civilian deaths, 14,075 civilian injuries, and $9.5 billion in property damage in 2013 alone, it’s time we should do a safety check. These are the Ways to Enhance Your Fire-Preparedness.

Fire Safety Checklist

One of the easiest ways to keep yourself in check is to use a Fire Safety Checklist, don’t worry though, we’ve made one for you that you can print off and use. Let’s see how your house and you compare to our checklist and let’s keep you safe and ready for a fire. Fire Safety Checklist

Fire 1






Smoke Alarms

New homes are now all required by law and codes that they’re built with a connected alarm system, but that doesn’t mean it’s a smart alarm. With a Smart Alarm from Titan Alarm, the smoke detector is linked to your Titan Alarm home security system and thermostat and can actually turn off the air flow in your house if it sense a fire. With that in place it can stop the spread of smoke and fire and can actually help keep the fire contained.

Fire 2






Grill Smart

As the weather is heating up it’s becoming BBQ season, and who doesn’t love a good burger or dog straight off the grill. Before you fire up your grill be sure to inspect a few things. Make sure you inspect the hose, regulator and valves for any sort of signs of rusting, cracks, kinking or damage. You don’t want to put yourself at risk while you’re just trying to relax and cook on a nice summer day.

Fire 3






Fire Pit Safety

As the nights get nicer out the longer you’ll want to stay out, which means it’s time to start having bonfires! One of the biggest tips for fire pits we have is to make sure it’s at least ten feet away from any sort of structure. If your fire pit is a wood burning pit, make sure you use a fire screen. A fire screen can prevent any risks posed by flying embers and sparks.

Fire 4






Control Your Cables

Although the majority of fires in houses start in the kitchen, 6% of all fires are actually due to a result of electrical problems. Always use a surge protector when using multiple items at once. Make sure that your cables are always well kept and clean, keep them away from water sources and keep them fresh, any sort of wearing away at the protective housing should be fixed immediately, either with electrical tape or by replacing the cable altogether.







Fire Extinguisher

You always know where the fire extinguisher is for some reason, but no one ever thinks to purchase one because they’re always kind of just… there. Make sure you purchase one for your home, if you ever need to use it in the event of a fire, make sure you remember the acronym PASS: Pull the pin to release the handle; Aim the extinguisher at the base of the fire; Squeeze the trigger; and Sweep the discharge stream at the base of the fire.






Safety Tips for Fire Extinguishers | Fire Safety | Fire Extinguishers | Titan Alarm

Mike Proudfit with Titan Alarm shares tips on fire safety. Did you know fire extinguishers should be replaced every few years and inspected annually or according to code based on your fire department?…

Learn More About Fire Extinguishers

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

8 Mistakes Made by HOAs and Community Managers

By: Danny Holmgren, Commercial Vice President


CCTV is not the solution. Often times, communities feel that slapping up a bunch of cameras will get rid of their problem. The problem is that the cameras are put up, but are not reviewed or monitored by anybody. So, the community sits and waits for an incident to occur and then is disappointed when the camera wasn’t pointed the right way, didn’t have the right angle, or couldn’t quite make out what happened with enough detail to take advantage. Don’t rely solely on cameras for security!

A true security professional can help to assess where the problems are coming from, solutions that can help eliminate that problem, and make suggestions that will thwart off the next issue.

This is one of the most common mistakes we see. Don’t be the type of customer who is penny wise and pound-foolish. We commonly get called out to “upgrade” an existing system that was purchased from Costco or Fry’s and has never been able to provide much good. Good security costs money. It needs to be considered an investment, if you really want to stop ongoing incidents.

We are often asked by customer’s to put camera’s in places that aren’t to solve problems that should not be the concern of the HOA. For example, installing cameras looking down the streets of a community. It is not the HOA’s responsibility to keep people’s cars from getting broken into in their driveways. Parking lots are another area of concern. To truly “cover” a parking lot can require dozens of cameras, if the goal is to monitor each vehicle. That is not your responsibility. Put cameras in places where community assets are in jeopardy, not individual resident’s assets.

Often in an measure to try and save a buck, the penny-wise, pound-foolish systems that we see installed by others, or by the community itself, would have been better to never be installed in the first place. Things like dummy cameras expose the HOA to culpability and don’t really provide great deterrence, unless the offender has seen evidence that those cameras are frequently being viewed and monitored.

We have frequently been told of issues that are petty. Annoying, but petty. For example, is it worth installing six cameras at a cost of $7,500 around a common area in a condominium complex to verify whose dog is pooping on the grass and their owner isn’t cleaning it up? Taking significant security measures should be motivated by a) protecting community assets from significant damage or loss, and b) making the community safer. If one of these two requirements isn’t met, don’t waste the money! We have seen customers want to spend $40,000 for a complete camera system along an exterior community wall that had been graffiti’d once. It cost them about $500 to get the graffiti cleaned up. That needs to occur 80 separate times before the cameras make fiscal sense!

A system that is not working when you need it is completely useless. Let’s face it, a security system is a series of electronic components that are running 24/7 in very harsh conditions. Any system, regardless of equipment and quality of installation, is going to need to be serviced. A service agreement sets the expectation with the HOA board that there will be ongoing maintenance required to keep the system in good condition, helps to set consistent budgets, and provides confidence that the company will be there to take care of the system.

While an automated dart gun firing at a perpetrator immediately upon entering a facility without authorization would be ideal, it shouldn’t be done. Far less obvious violations are made every day by companies willing to install systems that sound like a good idea, but create a life safety hazard for the occupants. Make sure that systems being installed meet building/life safety codes and don’t expose your organization to legal implications.

Learn More About Home Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

5 Benefits of a Wireless Home Security System.

When you’re choosing a security system, consider these five reasons to go wireless with Titan Alarm.

1: It’s More Secure

Titan Alarm systems use a secure cellular connection that is fast and reliable, enabling real-time awareness and alerts from your home, and combating many of the weaknesses you’ll find on other types of system. For example, there is no exposed phone or cable line to be cut from the outside of the house that would render a traditional system useless.

Traditionally wired home security systems are also rendered useless when your power, phone or Internet service goes out. Titan Alarm’s wireless security system uses a secure cellular connection and battery-powered back-up so that that an alarm will always be signaled in an emergency. This means that your home automation will still work: your lights can turn on to deter people, and your HVAC system can shut down in case of fire so you don’t blow smoke through the house.


2: It’s Easier to Install, With Faster Support

With Titan Alarm, it’s easy to replace an existing system or add a new one. We can help you identify your needs, configure the best solution and then install your hardware.

Another big benefit of the cellular connection is the improved ability for support and troubleshooting from our customer support center. In the past, every issue with your wired system required a visit from a technician. Now, with Titan Alarm, we have ‘over-the-air’ tools that remotely access your system to quickly identify and even fix issues on the fly.

3: It’s Flexible and Versatile

Because wireless sensors are easy to move (and add), you can use them to keep track of all sorts of things around your home, with real-time alerts that keep you aware of what’s happening.

Door and window sensors are small enough to keep tabs on a medicine cabinet, monitor the gate to your pool, or make sure that a safe isn’t accessed without you knowing right away. This will increase the awareness of what goes on within your home, not just on the outside.

4: It’s Easy to Expand Your System

As you and your family grow and change, your needs change too. Titan Alarm’s wireless technology is portable, flexible, and adapts to you.

With a child on the way, you might want to add a camera to your nursery – no problem. When your kids become more mobile, you can add extra sensors to kitchen cabinets or the freezer. If you’re travelling more for business and need to hire a petsitter, it’s simple to add a smart lock to let them come and go.

No matter what you may need to add in the future, you can be confident now that your security system will expand when the time comes.

5: It’s the Foundation of a True Smart Home

The Smart Home platform that powers Titan Alarm’s Smart Home Security systems supports a full range of connected devices that go beyond security to make your home smarter and more efficient.

You can easily upgrade to see what’s happening at home with HD video, manage your energy use with a smart thermostat to save money, and control access to your home with automated locks and integrated garage door controls – with everything controlled through a single app.

We continually add new capabilities to our wireless solutions too, so you don’t have to worry about being locked into a technology that doesn’t keep up with the latest developments in the Smart Home industry.

Interested in a wireless home security system powered by Give us a call! 1-800-973-9001


Learn More About Home Automation

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

7 Things to Know About Brivo


1. Physical Security at Its Best

  • The focus of Brivo has always been on providing innovative physical security solutions. While the “cloud” often focuses on software and servers, Brivo’s core still focuses on the physical technology and equipment to provide high-end physical security products.

2. Cloud Based Security

  • Brivo pioneered the “cloud” based access control platform before the “cloud” even had a name. Since 2001, Brivo has been creating intelligent solutions that provide off-site storage, redundancy, and rock solid reliability.
  • Beyond just being a cloud and security company, Brivo in an Internet of Things company. The Internet of Things is a growing industry, which allows our computers and smart devices to not only read and process data, but also to control other devices.

3. Server-less System

  • For decades, access control systems have been deployed by a variety of manufacturers. The design has always been similar: A control panel connects the doors, readers, and other devices together with the system software through an on-site server. A server adds an additional point of failure to the system. Software updates, viruses, and redundancy of the server can present potential for the access control system to fail. With Brivo, the server is eliminated, since the control panel directly connects to Brivo’s robust, reliable “cloud” server.

4. Access Anywhere

  • Because Brivo’s software is web-based, you can access your system from anywhere. At home in your pajamas? No problem. Sitting in the airport terminal on your smart phone? You got it! Brivo’s web-based software is easy to use and works on all major web browsers. This software let’s you do it all – allow entry, print badges, open doors, set schedules, and see who is in your building – from wherever you are!

5. Integrated Video

A truly integrated platform will allow multiple types of commercial security systems (video, access control, intrusion, etc.) to talk to one another. With Brivo, video can seamlessly integrate into your online platform. With Brivo’s video OnAir service, customers can view live or event-related video of their facilities through a single, centrally managed account at a fraction of the cost of traditional hardware DVRs. Being able to see a that an event occurred at a door and immediately view the video associated with that event saves valuable time searching through hours and hours of video.


6. Low Ownership Cost

While Brivo’s control panels themselves are amongst the most reasonably priced panels available on the market, the real savings comes through the savings in your I.T. department. By eliminating servers and rack space, plus reducing the IT staff time, electrical/cooling costs, and telecom costs that may be associated with keeping a traditional access control system running, Brivo truly provides a system with the lowest cost of ownership. We can even provide your access control panels with no up front cost as part of your monthly service, saving you even more money to grow your business.

7. Government Approved

Brivo’s CloudPass system meets government-wide compliances standards, such as FISMA. The scalability, power, and security of CloudPass meets the unique requirements of government customers.

GSA Approved

HSPD 12 and FIPS 201 Compliant

Encrypted communications (SSL & FIPS140)

More information about Brivo

Learn More About Access Control

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 2, 2018.

The Importance of Carbon Monoxide Monitoring for your Business

On Feb. 22 in a Long Island, N.Y. mall, 26 people were sickened at a Legal Sea Foods restaurant and the 55-year-old restaurant manager died after being poisoned by the odorless, invisible gas. The cause was a leaky flue pipe in the water heater, according to CNN.

Just a day later, 21 people suffered carbon monoxide poisoning at a resort in Ogunquit, Maine. Fire Chief Mark O’Brien told the Portland Press Herald newspaper that the cause of the leak was a faulty ventilation pipe. He said tests at the InnSeason Resorts–The Falls at Ogunquit detected high levels of CO. “We could potentially have had 21 deaths here,” O’Brien told the paper.

A 2012 Maine law requires any new single-family dwelling, hotel, motel, inn, bed and breakfast, fraternity or sorority house, and dormitory to have CO detectors installed, the paper said. But the law has an exemption for homes or businesses that were constructed before Aug. 1, 2012, unless the building since then has been restored or converted to those uses. The resort in Ogunquit, built more than 20 years ago, wasn’t required to have CO detectors under the law, the paper reported.

The incident, in which seven of the inn’s guests were so sick they had to be hospitalized, has resulted in calls in Maine to expand the law to cover buildings that currently are exempted. However, the hospitality industry has raised concerns about the cost of retrofitting hotel rooms, according to the paper.

Rich Brobst Jr., president of the Maine Burglar & Fire Alarm Association and a NICET IV-level master electrician with Falmouth, Maine-based Protection Professionals, told SSN he supports expanding the law, but in a way “that makes sense” and is more cost effective.

“Don’t bother putting CO detection everywhere in the building, put it where it’s going to be an issue [near a combustion device],” Brobst advised.

He said he’d like to see Maine mandate the devices be in places like furnace rooms instead of bedrooms or hallways outside of bedrooms.

“If you have a carbon monoxide issue in the furnace room, it’s not going to affect anybody in the building until it permeates into one of the apartments,” he said. It’s better to have a detector located where it will sound as soon as the gas is emitted from a combustion source.

And professional monitoring of CO devices is also vital, Brobst said. He said that if a detector goes off in a furnace room, typically “a facility’s manager would go check out the sound, but there’s nothing that individual can do and if they go into this room that’s toxic, they may end up on the floor.”

But a central station can call the fire department, which has the equipment to detect high levels of carbon monoxide and the knowledge of how to deal with it.

In the Long Island mall CO incident, firefighters found the restaurant manager, Steven Nelson, unconscious in the basement of the restaurant, CNN reported.

The restaurant didn’t have a CO detector because state law only requires them in commercial establishments where people sleep, according to CNN. There are now calls in the state to expand the law to cover other types of businesses.

Bob Williams, president of Long Island-based Briscoe Protective Systems, told SSN in an email interview, “It’s a shame to think that even a $20 battery-operated CO detector could have alerted the manager of the impending danger before it became a toxic level.”

He added, “I am definitely in favor of mandating the requirement s for these detectors in commercial occupancies, but cost is always a deterrent factor especially with existing commercial fire alarms systems that need to retrofitted to accept these detectors.”

Williams advised, “At a minimum, hardwired AC-powered CO detectors with battery backup should be required to be installed in all existing commercial buildings, and new or significantly renovated buildings should have interconnected system detectors.”


an original version of this story appears in