How to Install a Video Surveillance System


Video surveillance installation can make a world of difference for business operators and homeowners. With a high-quality video surveillance system in place, individuals can increase the security on and around their properties.

Now, let’s take a closer look at video surveillance security system installation and how to set up a video surveillance system.

What Is a Video Surveillance System?


Video surveillance is the cornerstone of business and home safety. It enables business operators and homeowners to access video footage of their properties any time they choose. As such, these individuals can protect their properties better than ever before thanks in part to video surveillance systems.

The benefits of video surveillance systems include:

  • Additional Security: Many property owners who already own security systems invest in video surveillance for additional support. A traditional security system enables a property owner to receive instant notifications if a break-in occurs. Meanwhile, a video surveillance system allows a property owner to record real-time events on and around a property, providing additional insight into break-ins and other security issues.
  • Advanced Support: Smartphones and other mobile devices have transformed the global video surveillance marketplace. Today, mobile devices make it simple for property owners to review video footage of security incidents at their convenience. Video surveillance systems also enable property owners to receive up-to-the-minute details about what’s happening on and around a property.
  • Cost Savings: Video surveillance increases security and reduces risk. Many insurance companies offer business and home insurance discounts to those who install video surveillance systems. As a result, video surveillance systems sometimes help property owners reduce their business or home insurance costs.
  • Simple to Use: Many video surveillance systems are simple to use, ensuring both commercial and residential property owners can maximize the value of these systems.
  • growth-of-video-surveillance

The push for state-of-the-art video surveillance systems is growing, which is reflected in recent data. Market research firm Markets and Markets has predicted the global video surveillance market will expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.56 percent between 2016 and 2022. Markets and Markets also indicated the global video surveillance market will be worth $71.28 billion by 2022. As the demand for video surveillance systems further increases, it may be only a matter of time before the majority of business operators and homeowners install these systems on their properties.­

How Does a Video Surveillance System Work?

Clearly, video surveillance systems are becoming increasingly popular, and perhaps it is easy to understand why. But it is important to understand how a video surveillance system works to ensure you can select the right system based on your business or home needs.


Two types of video surveillance systems are available: wired and wireless. Each system has its pros and cons, and it is essential to evaluate both options closely to determine which will work best for you.

Wired video surveillance systems often are more difficult to install than wireless systems. They will protect your property 24/7 and are not susceptible to wireless signals that may interfere with the performance of a wireless system. Wired video surveillance systems also produce higher-quality videos than their wireless counterparts and will allow you to read license plates and recognize faces — something that is not always guaranteed with a wireless system. On the other hand, you’ll have to deal with wires with a wired video surveillance system, and these wires may hinder your ability to install video cameras discreetly across your property.

Comparatively, wireless video surveillance systems offer tremendous flexibility in comparison to wired systems. Wireless video surveillance systems ensure you won’t have to deal with wires, as video footage is recorded and transmitted wirelessly to a video monitor. At the same time, broadcasts from nearby baby monitors, cordless phones and other devices can interfere with a wireless camera’s signal. There is also the potential that a wireless camera’s feed can be intercepted by someone else. This means it’s possible someone could access your video feed and find out when your property is vacant.

So which is better: a wired video surveillance system or a wireless video surveillance system? Your video surveillance system decision is up to you, and both options have their pros and cons. If you consider the trade-offs associated with both wired and wireless surveillance systems, you should be able to select a system that can serve you well.

Regardless of whether you select a wired or wireless video surveillance system, you’ll be able to choose from both big and small video cameras. Large cameras are visible and enable people to see they are under surveillance when they are on or around your property. Small cameras come in various forms — like inside an alarm clock or intercom system — and are tough to see with the naked eye.

If you decide to go with small cameras, you should review the legal restrictions of video surveillance in your area. In many states, if you record audio or video, you will need to notify anyone in range of a surveillance device that he or she is being recorded. Thus, if someone finds out you are recording them without their permission, you could face legal charges.

Why Is Effective Video Surveillance Security System Installation Important?

Understanding how to install a video surveillance system effectively is paramount. If you lack the necessary skills and know-how to perform proper video surveillance installation, you risk costly, time-consuming mistakes.

For example, consider what might happen if there are “blind spots” that you miss after you complete a video surveillance security system installation. These blind spots may make it easy for criminals to target your property without the risk of getting caught on tape. Therefore, criminal activities could happen in these blind spots, and you would be unable to identify who is behind them.

When it comes to security camera installation for your home or video surveillance installation for your business, there is no need to leave anything to chance. Fortunately, with the right approach, you’ll be able to streamline the process of installing a video surveillance system that meets or exceeds your expectations.

What Will You Need to Install a Video Surveillance System?

You don’t need to be a video surveillance system expert to install a video surveillance system effectively. With the proper tools, you should have no trouble getting started on video surveillance installation at your business or home.

Typically, the tools you’ll need to perform an effective video surveillance system installation include:

  • Surveillance Camera Kit: Most video surveillance system providers will supply you with a surveillance camera kit. This kit will include video cameras and assorted equipment you will need for video surveillance system installation.
  • Drill With Bits: A drill with bits will enable you to set up video cameras around your property and ensure they stay in place consistently.
  • Fish Tape Coil: If you need to mount video cameras in place, you’ll likely need fish tape coil. Conversely, if you choose a wireless video surveillance system, you probably won’t need fish tape coil.
  • Video Monitor: A video monitor ensures you can view video surveillance footage.

Keep in mind that any video surveillance system you purchase will come with a user’s manual. Review this manual closely, as it will contain in-depth instructions to ensure you can set up your video surveillance system correctly.

Furthermore, if you have any questions after you review a video surveillance system user’s manual, reach out to your video surveillance system provider for extra help. This company should be able to respond to any concerns and queries and help you overcome any potential roadblocks during the setup process.


How to Set up Your Surveillance System

Before you begin your video surveillance system installation, survey the area where you’ll be installing your video cameras. Some of the best places to put a video surveillance system around your business or home include:

  • Entrances
  • Exits
  • Garages or parking areas

After you know where you want to place your video cameras, you should connect your first camera to a power source and video monitor. Then, hold the camera where you’d like to mount it. Check the video monitor to ensure the camera placement provides you with the range you want.

Next, mark the wall so you know where to place the camera mount. This mark will enable you to determine where to drill the screws to secure your camera mount.

You also will need to ensure you avoid electrical wires when you install your video cameras. If you’re uncertain about electrical wires, contact an electrician to determine where it is safe to drill.

After you establish safe drilling zones, you’ll want to drill the pilot holes. Drill these holes before you install the mount and screw it into place. That way, you can install the mount in the right place on the first try.

How to Optimize the Performance of Your Video Surveillance System

What good is a video surveillance system if you fail to optimize its performance? Spend some time learning about the features associated with your video surveillance system, and you’ll be able to get the most out of it.

The user’s manual represents a great resource because it explains the features associated with your video surveillance system and how you can take advantage of them. If you learn about these features, you’ll be able to ensure your video surveillance system works correctly and can maximize its value.

Moreover, the user’s manual can provide a general plan for the layout of your cameras. This plan can help you simplify the installation process and enable you to enjoy the benefits of your video surveillance system right away.

Common Video Surveillance System Installation Mistakes — and How to Avoid Them

Even if you allocate substantial time and resources to perform effective video surveillance installation, there is always a chance you could encounter problems along the way..


Some of the most common video surveillance system installation mistakes include:

  • Not Enough Cameras: If you purchase a single camera to secure your business or home, you might realize one camera is insufficient. Perhaps even worse, a single camera may enable you to zoom in and out with ease, but the image may become more pixelated and blurry as you zoom further away from your property.
  • Poor Positioning: Although you planned ahead and tried to position your video surveillance system properly, you still cannot view clear images of your property. This means you may need to re-install and re-position your cameras.
  • Power Issues: If you purchased a wireless video surveillance system, you probably expect the system to be completely wire-free. But the system still requires power. And if you failed to install the cameras close to an electrical outlet, you may struggle to keep the system running at all times.
  • No Remote Access: Not all wireless video surveillance systems are created equal, and there is no guarantee a wireless video surveillance system will provide remote control.

Before you purchase and install a video surveillance system, here are some of the things you can do to avoid these mistakes:

  • Evaluate Your Property: Consider how you’ll use video cameras to monitor your property. This will enable you to determine how many cameras you’ll need. Plus, review a video surveillance system’s capabilities in advance, and you’ll be able to pick up cameras that will help you secure your entire property, no matter how big or small.
  • Look for Potential Camera Obstructions: Light, trees and other obstructions may limit the effectiveness of your video surveillance system. If you identify and address these potential problems before you begin video surveillance system installation, you’ll be able to enjoy a clear view of your property. In addition, if you intend to use a wireless video surveillance system, ensure that you’re able to place your cameras in spots that have access to a reliable Wi-Fi signal.
  • Understand the Camera Power Source: Determine where you’ll place your cameras and find out whether a viable power source is available. If a power outlet is unavailable, you may want to consider battery-operated video cameras.
  • Find Cameras That Provide Mobile Support: Not all video surveillance systems enable you to access real-time video footage on a web browser or mobile device. But if you perform a careful evaluation of the video surveillance systems that are available, you can discover cameras that provide mobile support.

Ideally, you should be able to avoid mistakes when you install a video surveillance system, but problems frequently can arise without notice. If you ever need support during the installation process, be sure to reach out to your video surveillance system provider. This company understands the ins and outs of video surveillance installation and will help you take the guesswork out of the installation process.

How to Install Security Cameras for Your Business


Here are several tips to ensure you can streamline video surveillance installation for your business:

  1. Set realistic expectations. Business operators who believe a single video camera can do the work of two or three may encounter many problems with their video surveillance system. If you want to get the most out of your video surveillance system, establish realistic expectations from the get-go. Understand that you’ll need top-notch video surveillance equipment to get the best results. Also, following the proper installation instructions will help you minimize the risk of immediate and long-lasting system issues.
  2. Don’t box yourself into a corner. If you’re uncertain about how many cameras to purchase prior to installation, leave room for growth. For business operators who purchase too many cameras, they risk wasting precious time and resources to install these cameras. Alternatively, business owners who conduct an extensive evaluation of a property may purchase what they believe to be the ideal number of cameras. And if these business owners discover they need extra cameras, they can always install additional cameras.
  3. Understand video surveillance is an ongoing priority. It is insufficient to simply install video cameras and leave them alone. Ultimately, what you get out of your video surveillance installation is what you put into it. This means if you allocate the necessary time and resources to make video surveillance a priority, you’ll be able to secure your property effectively. Or, if you merely purchase video cameras and do nothing else, you’re unlikely to maximize the value of your video surveillance system.
  4. Learn the laws regarding video cameras on your premises. Find out about state regulations related to video surveillance before you install a video surveillance system on your property. The majority of video surveillance equipment uses are legal, but there are states where you must notify individuals if you are recording them. If you’re uncertain about the laws regarding video surveillance in your state, contact your local government. You also can reach out to your video surveillance system provider, and this company should be able to keep you up to date about state regulations regarding video surveillance equipment.

With the aforementioned tips, business operators can reap the benefits of their video surveillance systems for years to come.

Tips for Video Surveillance Installation for Your Home


Here are tips you can use to simplify home video surveillance installation:

  1. Create a diagram. A diagram will help you identify the key areas of your home your video surveillance system should cover, including your home’s front and back doors, driveways and stairways. It may serve as a great starting point for video surveillance system installation and can help you determine the best video surveillance system based on the layout of your house.
  2. Outline camera placement. Where you place your video cameras will dictate the success or failure of your video surveillance system. Most homeowners will place video cameras at the front and back doors, i.e. common points of forced entry. But you also must consider the legal ramifications of where you place your cameras. Neighbors can file a lawsuit if they find your video surveillance system invades their privacy, and your cameras should always point toward your property — without exception.
  3. Choose the best video surveillance system based on your home and budget. Many homeowners select analog cameras that transmit full high-definition, 1080p videos. But Power over Ethernet (PoE) cameras are also available and often are easier to install than analog cameras. And let’s not forget about wireless video surveillance systems, either. Evaluate all the video surveillance system options in conjunction with your home security needs. You can even consult with a video surveillance system provider, and they’ll be able to provide honest, unbiased recommendations to ensure you can find a video surveillance system that matches your home and budget.
  4. Consider professional assistance. Even the best-laid video surveillance system installation plans can fall apart quickly. If you’ve reviewed a video surveillance system’s user’s manual, followed the instructions and still find that your video cameras aren’t meeting your needs, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional assistance. A video surveillance system provider can help you get your video cameras working properly, along with troubleshooting video surveillance system issues and finding ways to prevent these problems from escalating.
  5. where-to-place-video-surveillance

Homeowners who want to take their security efforts to new heights can use these tips to install video surveillance systems. By doing so, homeowners can enhance the security on and around their properties.

Select a First-Rate Video Surveillance System for Your Business or Home


Don’t expect the demand for video surveillance systems to slow down any time soon. Financial services company IHS Markit indicated 245 million video surveillance cameras were installed globally in 2014. As business operators and homeowners explore innovative ways to safeguard their properties, the push for video surveillance systems may continue to rise.

At Titan Alarm, we understand the challenges associated with video surveillance system installation and will go above and beyond the call of duty to help you overcome these issues. Unlike other video surveillance system companies, we combine superior technology, a higher level of protection and world-class customer service to deliver unparalleled support. Best of all, we always treat our customers like family and provide the top-selling video surveillance system in the country.

Choose Titan Alarm for all of your video surveillance system needs. To find out more, please call us today.

Learn More About Home Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Video Surveillance Guide for Schools


Parents and educators understand the importance of creating a safe environment in a school setting. The increase in violent acts occurring at institutions ranging from elementary schools to college campuses has made school safety a higher priority than ever.

Many school systems are turning to video surveillance to deter crime, prevent bullying, thwart sexual predators and create a safer, more secure environment for teachers, students and administrators.

Do Schools Need Video Surveillance?

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from tragic events such as the Sandy Hook and Columbine shootings, as well as the widespread bullying that seems to impact every school system, the problem of school violence isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. The implementation of video surveillance and other security measures such as access control systems and intrusion detection devices is essential for mounting an effective defense against dangerous behavior.

What Are the Benefits of Video Surveillance in Schools?

The pros of school video surveillance include:

Immediate intrusion detection: Cameras enable school officials to remotely monitor all building entrances to determine if unauthorized individuals are attempting to slip in undetected. They also enable a fast response to catch intruders in the act.

Monitoring “trouble spots”: Video surveillance allows for the monitoring of hidden areas on the property where students may engage in inappropriate behavior.

Visual evidence: Recorded video from camera feeds can serve as evidence when apprehending and prosecuting child predators, burglars and others who commit or attempt to commit crimes on school property.

Parking lot security: Visible cameras in school parking lots protect teachers’ and administrators’ vehicles and provide additional security for parents and students when attending nighttime school events.

Monitoring student behavior: Cameras help administrators watch for signs of bullying, fighting and general misconduct.

Cost savings: A video security camera system can provide a more cost-effective alternative to hiring human security guards, an important consideration for school systems operating on tight budgets.

Greater peace of mind: An unseen but equally important school video surveillance benefit is that it can help frightened students feel better about going to school each day, while giving parents and educators the peace of mind of knowing that the schools are as safe as possible.

School Video Surveillance Effects on Student Learning

Video surveillance can also contribute to a more productive educational setting. Teachers and students can focus on learning instead of worrying about whether an act of violence is about to occur.

Cameras also help to minimize fighting, bullying and other distractions that create a challenging learning environment. Some school systems place video cameras in classrooms so they can monitor teachers’ attitudes and instructional methodologies.

Contact Titan Alarm, Inc. to Learn More About the Benefits of Video Surveillance in Schools

Titan Alarm is a professional security system solutions provider serving the Phoenix, AZ area. We can help you design and implement a state-of-the-art video surveillance system that will help you create a safer, more secure environment throughout your school system. Contact us to schedule a no-obligation security consultation today.

Learn More About Commercial Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Can Electronic Surveillance Make Your Employees Perform Better?


These days, businesses rely on video surveillance for much more than protection against shoplifters and burglars. According to a recent Harris poll, approximately two-thirds of small business owners indicated they believe that video surveillance is one of their most valuable business security tools for keeping an eye on their workers. Camera systems now play a key role in the monitoring of employees as a means of boosting productivity and improving overall performance.

Employee surveillance techniques aren’t limited to the use of video cameras. Other forms of electronic surveillance in the workplace also include monitoring employees’ Internet use, storing and reviewing emails, reviewing computer files and storing and reviewing voicemail messages.

The Link Between Video Surveillance and Employee Performance

So, what is the impact of all the increased scrutiny on employee performance? A study conducted by behavioral scientist Devasheesh P. Bhave of Concordia University determined that employees who knew they were being monitored performed better, and the more frequently they were checked, the greater the performance improvement.

Electronic monitoring appears to have the same effect as when a supervisor is physically present — the workers don’t know exactly when they’re being monitored, which motivates them to do their best at all times.

The Pros and Cons of Employee Monitoring

Employee performance is only one area impacted by electronic monitoring. The process introduces an assortment of pros and cons into the workplace:

  • Business Surveillance Positives

    • Useful training tool: One of the biggest pros of video surveillance for employers is that they can use recorded videos of employees while on the job to detect deficiencies that can often be corrected by additional training.
    • Minimizing waste: Employers can use electronic monitoring to determine if workers are using company time for engaging in unproductive activities such as playing video games, sending personal emails or aimlessly surfing the Web.
    • Identifying inappropriate behavior: Video surveillance can spot signs of harassment and other unacceptable behaviors that can contribute to a hostile work environment.
    • Earning employer trust: A business surveillance positive for employees is that it helps employers identify and place their trust in the productive workers who prove to be an asset to the organization.
  • Business Surveillance Negatives

    • Employee resistance: Workers typically view video and electronic surveillance as an intrusion, believing that “Big Brother” is needlessly watching their every move.
    • Reducing motivation: While monitoring will increase motivation in some workers, it can have the opposite effect on others who may feel compelled to seek employment elsewhere.
    • Privacy issues: Many states have laws restricting the use of video surveillance in the workplace — companies could be held legally liable if they violate these privacy laws.
    • Increased cost: Implementing electronic monitoring techniques requires an additional investment in technology and equipment, which is a cost that organizations already operating with tight budgets may not wish to bear.

Titan Alarm, Inc. offers advanced video surveillance solutions to companies throughout the Phoenix, AZ area. Contact us to learn more about the pros and cons of employee monitoring in your workplace.

Learn More About Commercial Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Using Home Security Smartphone Apps


The evolution of smart home technology gives you access to an easy-to-use security system you can control remotely with your smartphone, tablet or even your Apple Watch. These state-of-the-art security systems are intuitive, easy to program and offer additional layers of protection that traditional systems cannot match.

The heart of the smartphone home security system is the mobile security app, a specially designed software program you can download to your mobile device. Depending on the features included with your security system, your app will enable you to use your device to perform push-button remote functions such as:

  • Arm and disarm security systems
  • View security camera feeds and recorded surveillance video
  • Change the position of your cameras
  • Turn lights on and off
  • Control your thermostat so you can adjust your home’s temperature even if you’re at work, running errands or halfway across the country on vacation
  • Lock and unlock your home’s doors
  • Operate appliances, sound systems and other electronic gadgets
  • Receive custom alerts and notifications via email or text messages

The Two Types of Home Security Systems

 When you purchase a smartphone home security system, you will have a choice between two types of apps:

  • Proprietary: A proprietary app is developed by the system’s manufacturer and is specifically designed for use with its own systems. The company is responsible for updating the technology, performing maintenance and providing customer service to app users. The biggest benefit of a proprietary app is that it’s customized for your system. On the downside, proprietary app quality is uneven at best.
  • Many top security system manufactures design their products for compatibility with apps created by As a recognized security solutions leader, produces an app offering robust functionality, and often, superior quality in comparison to many of the proprietary apps.

Titan Alarm, Inc. Offers Apps to Our Phoenix-Area Customers

When you purchase a home security system from Titan Alarm, you can become one of the millions of satisfied app users. The app is compatible with iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows Phone smartphones and tablets. It enables you to control all connected security system devices via a single screen. Use the app to view live or recorded video, receive custom alerts, create automated Smart Schedules and much more. You can easily download the app when you register at


We also offer access to the app for the Apple Watch, which enables you to control all security system functions from your wrist! If you’re an Amazon Fire TV owner, you can use the app to stream live feeds from your security cameras to your TV.


Contact Us to Learn More About Using Mobile Security Apps


As a Titan Alarm customer, you’ll receive professional assistance when choosing a mobile app. We can even provide guidance for downloading and using your app. Contact us for more information regarding mobile security apps for your Phoenix home and to schedule a no-obligation security consultation today.


Learn More About Security Monitoring

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

The Future of Home Automation


There is no doubt that home automation is the wave of the future when it comes to home security — residential property owners in Maricopa County and throughout Arizona are continuing to discover the many benefits of living in a “smart” home, especially the ability to integrate various security system features and operate and monitor them remotely with a mobile device.

As automation technology evolves, it will continue to shape the future of home security. Here’s a brief glimpse at some of the top trends in home security systems over the next 3-5 years:

  • Integration of alarm and lighting systems. This enables the activation of a home’s lighting whenever a burglar triggers an alarm or motion sensors, which gives the intruder an extra incentive to flee as quickly as possible.
  • Further development of home cloud solutions. Home cloud solutions encompass three types of digital data — content, sensors and productivity. As this technology continues to evolve, expect to see changes such as an increase in video storage capacity and greater interactivity with all cloud-based security system features.
  • Use of pocket drones. Android-controlled pocket-sized drones are available that can fly at an altitude of 20 feet and capture critical information that aids the identification of a burglar or assailant.
  • Implementation of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Bluetooth technology can facilitate control of home lighting systems and allow homeowners to snap photos of visitors at the door for identification purposes. Low-power Wi-Fi can transform a standard smoke detector into a more effective “connected” home security device.
  • Enhanced video monitoring capabilities. Improvements in video monitoring capabilities will allow homeowners and security system monitoring services to keep a closer watch on a property. Users will be able to monitor multiple points of data such as movement, temperature and sound as well as connect with other system devices for a more robust security solution.
  • Improved sensors. Manufacturers are continuing to improve the technology in the sensors used in devices such as motion detectors and surveillance cameras, which will enable a more proactive approach to home security.
  • Advanced wireless technology. Advancements in wireless home automation technology will make wireless systems even more attractive to property owners who want maximum installation flexibility and an increase in accessible monitoring points around the home. Wireless smart home video surveillance systems should become even more cost-effective over the next few years.
  • Improved user experience. Understanding the need to make home security systems as user-friendly as possible, manufacturers will continue to seek ways to improve system features so that even technology novices can use them effectively and efficiently. A focus on upgrading mobile apps should also make remote monitoring an even more attractive feature for system owners.

Titan Alarm Will Keep Abreast of the Top Trends in Home Security Systems

You can always count on Titan Alarm, Inc. to stay ahead of the curve regarding future smart home technology innovations — we’ve been the leading home security solutions provider in the Phoenix area for more than a decade. Contact us for information and to schedule a no-obligation in-home security consultation today.

Learn More About Home Automation

10 Things To Do In Arizona

We all know that the summer heat is starting to approach and before you know it we’ll be locked inside enjoying our Air Conditioning trying our hardest to not walk outside onto the face of the sun. So while you still can, get out and see some of the amazing things Arizona has to offer, let us worry about keeping your home safe.

Don’t forget, while you’re gone you can control your thermostat, check on the dogs with access to your cameras, unlock the door for your neighbor to let the dogs out, and make sure all your appliances are off, all with your phone and the

  1. The Grand Canyon

Yup, that was a pretty obvious one, but it’s one that has to make it on the list, I mean, we live in the “Grand Canyon State” so as an Arizonian you have to get out and see it at least once. There’s people from all over the world who fly here just to see it and we live within a day’s drive of it, it’s definitely something we all take for granted.


What is it about the Grand Canyon that makes it so appealing for individuals and families? First, it’s the massive size of this gorge that was created over eons by rushing waters. Who knew that water had such an incredible ability to carve stone? Secondly, it’s simply breathtaking. Most of us think of rocks as being gray and rather dull, but the Grand Canyon bucks that trend brilliantly. You’ve never seen such a bounty of hues embedded in the rock face as you see when you stop by this national treasure. And finally, the Grand Canyon attracts plenty of wildlife. Who knows what kinds of creatures and birds you’ll see when you visit!

If you’re looking for the opportunity to commune with nature in a setting that’s unlike any other in the world, it’s time to get in your car or RV and head to the Grand Canyon. Already been there but having visitors from out of town come to stay as your guest for a while? Take them sightseeing, too. It’s a great excuse to spend time together in a place that’s on tons of people’s bucket lists.

  1. Oak Creek Canyon and Slide Rock State Park

One of the few places in Arizona where you can see the beautiful colors of fall. You can find gorgeous, scenic hiking trails and just spend the day hiking and enjoying nature. Also, while you’re there be sure to stop at Slide Rock. Slide Rock appeals to the inner kid in all of us, who doesn’t want to slide down a naturally made water slide?! It’s one of the more well known spots with Arizonians so be prepared for crowds. Luckily Slide Rock is between Sedona and Flagstaff, so if you decide you’re done a little early, you can always go get dinner in one of those two beautiful cities.slide-rock

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with planning an all-day excursion to Slide Rock State Park, rather than making it just a quick trip. Has it been a while since your last picnic? Ironically, picnics were, at one time, a favorite activity for couples and families. Why not restore this tradition and pack a basket or cooler with some munchies? Opt for fun items like specialty sandwiches, cold fried chicken and some homemade sweet treats to keep the energy high.

Don’t forget to bring plenty of refreshing beverages, too, as it can get hot quickly in Arizona! Oh, and a nice big blanket is always preferred to eating on the ground. Bonus points if you remember to bring a change of clothes —Slide Rock is exciting, but it necessitates dry clothing after a thrilling dip!

  1. Papago Park

The massive sandstone buttes of Papago Park are what really set it apart from other parks. The park has quite a few attractions, it houses the Tomb of Governor George Wiley Paul Hunt, who has an interesting history as well as an interesting name, Hunt set a national recored by being elected to the first, second, third, sixth, seventh, either and tenth term as Arizona’s governor. Aside from his tomb there’s the famous Hole in the Rock, an Exercise Course, Fishing Lagoons, a Baseball Facility, Golf Course and a Softball Complex.

You’ll find a variety of ways to get your exercise in at Papago Park, starting with easy, moderate or tougher hiking. Be sure you bring along a backpack filled with everything you need to stay quenched and safe as you traverse the multitude of Papago Park pathways. Who knows what you’ll find around the next bend.

Like all parks, it’s an ever-changing scene just waiting to be discovered. Go solo or bring a friend on your next adventure through this Phoenix area hotspot — and remember that it really can get hot there! Sunscreen is a must-have whether you’re “roughing it” for a few hours or a whole day.

  1. Cathedral Rock

As we mentioned above, there’s nothing like sticking true to the Arizonian roots of going for a hike. Cathedral Rock has three saddle points, once you hike out to each point the views are breathtaking. This is no beginners hike though, it’s a pretty steep hike, mind you it’s no Everest but it’s nothing to joke about, you’ll get your cardio in for the day.


To prepare for this kind of activity, we suggest you start by examining your own abilities. If it’s tough for you to climb a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing, you may want to go to Cathedral Rock to take pictures, not to perform strenuous walking. However, if you are fairly confident in your abilities to safely get up and down rocking hills without worry, why not take on the Cathedral Rock challenge?

One suggestion is to be sure you hike with a friend or several buddies. It’s always a good idea to opt for a “safety first” attitude whenever you head out on a ramble. Besides, what could be a better way to make memories with friends or even colleagues? Climbing Cathedral Rock could be the best team-building activity your company ever experiences!

  1. Antelope Canyon

Antelope Canyon has recently been in the headlines all over the world, a photographer went on an expedition here and snapped the picture of a lifetime while exploring, that picture ended up selling for $6.5 Million. Who knows, maybe with your adventure you could get a picture worth $7 Million, just remember the company that gave you the idea! It’s definitely a day trip and an intense hike, but by far one of the coolest ones you can take in Arizona.


Be advised that because the Antelope Canyon is part of and controlled by the Navajo Nation, the Canyon’s main entrance is gated and can only be accessed if you are on a guided tour. This isn’t a problem, though — plenty of tours happen on a regular basis.

Besides, it’s fun to travel through this water-created slot canyon with a group. Who knows what kind of conversation you’ll have, and from where your hiking companions hail. Antelope Canyon is known worldwide, so you might just hear a wealth of different languages spoken during your journey through these magnificent natural rock arches, which the Navajos believe have spiritual capabilities.

  1. Meteor Crater

This is the world’s best preserved meteorite impact site on Earth, it’s nearly one mile across and more than 550 feet deep. Meteor Crater also has an RV park so pack of the family, hop in the RV and spend a weekend there! There’s also a museum at the site with everything from space exploration exhibits to the actual remains of the meteorite that caused that massive crater.

New to the idea of heading out just to see the place a meteor hit? You might be wondering what makes it so exciting. Trust us. It’s pretty spectacular. It also brings home the reality of how big meteors are and how important they can be to the topography of a planet. Plus, if you’re into photography, you’ll love the photo ops around Meteor Crater. It’s truly unlike anything else you’re going to find in Arizona, and it has its own type of beauty.meteor-crater

Kids who love science will also appreciate a trip to Meteor Crater. Your youngster may even find it so compelling that it becomes the basis for a winning science fair or classroom project related to astronomy. You really never know what you’ll find until you head out the door and make a trip to Meteor Crater.

  1. Petrified Forest National Park.

Cool doesn’t even begin to describe Petrified Forest National Park! As soon as you get close, you’ll be blown away by the spectacular look and feel of this area. It seems like something straight out of a fantasy novel or movie, but it’s completely real and ready for you and your family to explore.


The history to this park is too much to put into our blog post, but it’s definitely worth the trip to go visit and learn more about. The park is known for it’s fossils, more specifically it’s fossilized fallen trees from about 225 million years ago. Your budding paleontologist will appreciate taking their gear and spending time searching for fossilized remains. It’s possible they could unearth something millions of years old!

The park is amidst the Painted Desert so it’s a 2 for 1 deal when you visit this park. As you might suspect, the Painted Desert offers wondrous sights and views. You haven’t lived until you’ve been there at least once! The scenery alone is worth the trip, the added bonus is getting to read about it’s history and see what a trip it has had throughout the years on earth. Education and entertainment, plus a little heart-healthy hiking mixed together — what could be better?

  1. Desert Botanical Gardens

Learn about desert plants from around the world in an awesome controlled outdoor setting. The Gardens house more than 50,000 different desert plants all on display among 5 different themed trails. The trails demonstrate different topics such as desert living, plants and people of the Sonoran Desert, and desert wildflowers. While you’re there you can finish off the day with a meal at Gertrude’s restaurant or at the Patio Cafe.

Butterfly enthusiast at heart? You’ll adore a visit to the butterfly exhibit held every spring at the Desert Botanical Gardens. What you find out about these delightful, winged creatures may just change the way you look at them in your everyday life. Plus, you can discover what they love to eat so you can attract them to your own backyard!

The Desert Botanical Gardens is also terrific for those with or without a green thumb. Even if you have trouble landscaping on a minimal basis, you can appreciate the efforts the preservationists take in keeping this wonderfully natural place alive and brilliant. Bring your cameras, smiles and great attitude. It’s a trip that is definitely more adventure than anything else.

  1. Four Corners Monument

Can’t decide between visiting Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico or Utah? You don’t have to! Take a day trip and see four states and visit all four at the same time. This is one of the coolest experiences you and your family can have. When else would you be able to play a game of “Twister” in four states simultaneously? Or hopscotch from state to state in a matter of seconds? It’s totally fun and makes for great videos!

The marker was originally put into place in 1912. Who says that our ancestors didn’t have a great sense of what would make a wonderful tourist attraction? They knew that if they built the monument, people would flock to it — and they were right.

You’ll find a few small cafes but it’s very rare and remote seeing as it’s on Navajo land. So make sure you bring your necessities with you, there’s no running water, electricity or telephones at the monument. You’ll also want to make sure you have your sunscreen on hand. The sun is burning bright, and there isn’t a ton of shade in this fun place. A hat or even a parasol would be perfect for the adventure.

  1. Saguaro National Park

Arizona is home to the world’s largest cacti, called the saguaro. The saguaro is the symbol of the American west, and it’s an impressive one. A single saguaro cactus can reach heights of up to 70 feet, about as tall as six story building! Take a trip to the park which is just outside of Tucson, you can check out the visitor’s center and take in the museum exhibits, slide shows and the gift shop. You can hire tour guides as well to take a scenic hike with you around the park. The park is divided into two districts so there is plenty of park for you to see, especially if you’re an outdoors enthusiast.


Remember that when you’re in the Saguaro National Park, the cacti are considered a protected species. It’s okay to take pictures of them, but avoid touching them or doing anything that might damage them. Besides, it’s always best to simply look at a cactus. Who wants to risk getting a porcupine-like sticker as a “prize” for curiosity?

What are you waiting for? Arizona isn’t playing a game of hide-and-seek. It’s right in front of you and ready to show you some unbelievable sights. Don’t worry about your house — Titan Alarm has you covered. Now get out there and play!

Learn More About Energy Management

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Do I Need a Permit to Install a Home Security Alarm?


Here at Titan Alarm, Inc., we’re often asked by our customers whether it’s necessary to obtain a permit for a security system for home use. While any homeowner in the U.S. can install a security system without first acquiring a permit, the issue becomes a bit more complex in terms of the actual operation of the system. As a general rule, a home security permit is required to operate any alarm-based system equipped with emergency response features or remote monitoring capabilities.

Why Are Permits for Home Security Alarms Required?

The primary motivation for requiring a permit for alarms is to reduce the occurrence of false alarms, a common issue with many home security systems. False alarms result in a needless waste of police and fire department resources and prevent the timely dispatching of first responders to real emergencies. Home security permits provide a means of registering your alarm system with your local municipality. In many locations, emergency personnel will not respond to an alarm at a property that is generated by an unregistered security system.

What Is the Process for Obtaining a Security Alarm Permit?

 While every state and/or municipality has its own specific procedures for obtaining a permit, the process generally entails the following steps:

  • Registering your system with your local police and fire departments
  • Paying the required fee (often annual, but varies by location)
  • Receiving a permit number and a specific access code to verify alarms
  • Agreeing to adhere to all permit terms and conditions

What Happens If I Have a Permit and Accidentally Trigger a False Alarm?

False alarms are often unintentional — they can occur for various reasons such as malfunctioning equipment and operator error. Many municipalities have instituted a system of escalating fines to offset the cost of dispatching first responders. Some areas allow for one or two “free” false alarms prior to levying financial penalties.

Do I Need More Than One Permit?

Depending on where you live, it’s possible you will need to obtain more than one home security permit. For example, some municipalities require separate permits for burglar and fire alarms. Other areas offer a combined permit that covers the entire system.

Where Do I Obtain Security System Permits in Arizona?

In Arizona, security system permits are administered at the local level. To learn more about the permit requirements and procedures in Phoenix and several neighboring cities, click here. You can also contact your local fire department, police department or municipal government office for additional information.

Contact Titan Alarm for Your Home Security System Needs in Phoenix and Beyond

Titan Alarm is an experienced, professional home security solutions provider serving the Phoenix area and all of Maricopa County. In addition to helping you design and install a customized, fully integrated security system that will protect your family and property against fire, theft, vandalism and other threats, we can provide reliable guidance on the home security permit process in your Arizona municipality. Contact us to schedule a no-obligation in-home security consultation today.

Learn More About Protection From Burglars

Updated by Titan Alarm on October 31, 2018.

How Titan Alarm Can Protect Your Business


No business is immune to crime. While heavy cash-handling operations such as retail stores and banks continue to be prime targets for robberies and break-ins, just about any business is vulnerable to theft, vandalism or even acts of violence perpetrated by disgruntled workers or former employees. If you haven’t made business security a top priority, you could easily be the next crime victim.

Fortunately, if you operate any type of business in the Phoenix, AZ area, Titan Alarm, Inc. is ready to help. We’re a leading designer and installer of customized business security systems that will significantly reduce your vulnerability to criminal activity.

Titan security system solutions for businesses include:

  • Video surveillance: The effective use of cameras for business surveillance enables you to monitor the premises on a 24/7 basis and can also serve as a reliable crime deterrent. We feature high-quality wireless IP cameras that deliver crystal-clear HD images of the most vulnerable areas on your property. The recorded video capabilities of our security cameras can also provide valuable evidence when apprehending and prosecuting criminals.
  • Intrusion protection: Titan security solutions also include cutting-edge intrusion detection devices such as motion detectors, door contacts, glass-breakage detectors and hold-up buttons. These devices trigger monitored alarms that enable the prompt dispatching of first responders to the scene. They provide an extremely reliable around-the-clock business security solution that is especially useful for safeguarding your property when no one is there.
  • Access control: Access control systems offer a significant upgrade from traditional lock-and-key solutions. Keys can easily be duplicated or stolen, and you might not get them back when an employee is terminated or quits. An electronic access control system gives you full control over who enters and exits your property at all times. It’s also an effective tool for protecting areas containing sensitive data or confidential proprietary information.
  • Alarm systems: The Titan Alarm offerings include monitored fire and burglar alarm systems that provide the dual benefit of protecting your property and providing the early warning that is essential for preventing injury — and saving lives. Our high-quality alarm system design and installation services also ensure compliance with all applicable commercial building and fire codes.
  • Video verification: Our video verification systems will significantly reduce the likelihood of false alarms that result in a needless waste of law enforcement’s time and resources. Our video verification systems allow your burglar and fire alarms to trigger a priority response from police, fire departments and other first responders, which can make the difference between a minor issue and a catastrophic event resulting in major property damage and serious injury.

Titan Alarm: a Full-Service Business Security Solutions Provider

Whether your primary goal is theft prevention, fire detection or vandalism protection, we can work with you to develop and implement a customized security solution that meets your needs. Titan Alarm’s services also include reliable maintenance and repair work to keep your system in peak operating condition. Contact us to schedule a no-obligation on-site business security consultation today.

Learn More About Commercial Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 2, 2018.