The Importance of Business Security Systems for Preventing and Solving Crimes


We don’t necessarily think of the workplace as the site of criminal activity. However, worksite crimes are an all-too-frequent occurrence in many offices, plants and jobsites, ranging from minor instances of theft to threats or acts of physical violence. And if you operate a retail store or other facility that is open to the public, you’re vulnerable to the risk of shoplifting or other forms of customer theft.

Using a Business Security System as a Crime Prevention Tool

Companies that are serious about preventing crimes in the workplace take the step of implementing stringent business security measures. Surveillance cameras often serve as the cornerstone of an effective business security system. When used in conjunction with a closed-circuit television (CCTV) system, strategically placed cameras enable continuous monitoring of the property and its most vulnerable areas. The visible presence of security cameras can also serve as a strong theft prevention tool, as well as a deterrent to other types of criminal activity.

In addition, surveillance cameras can allow you and your staff to monitor visitors as they enter and exit your facility, which is extremely important for businesses where security is a high priority. If you operate a store or other business entity that attracts large crowds, cameras can assist your crowd control efforts. Also, employees who know their actions are being caught on camera are often more productive and less prone to committing theft.

Surveillance Systems Also Assist in Solving Crimes

A business surveillance system can also help solve crimes in the workplace. Today’s advanced IP surveillance camera systems enable digital storage of recorded video on network servers, which can easily be retrieved for review as needed. This can prove invaluable when you suspect that theft or other criminal activities have transpired. Periodic random reviews of stored footage may also uncover crimes you were not even aware of, such as an employee who is sneaking company equipment or supplies out of the facility at the end of the work day.

Another important benefit of using surveillance cameras and a CCTV system is that the footage recorded by the cameras has evidentiary value. Law enforcement and prosecutors can normally use the footage as part of a criminal investigation to show proof that a crime has been committed and to clearly identify the perpetrators. Images from the recorded feed can also be distributed to law enforcement agencies and the public to help apprehend a suspected criminal who is on the run.

Professional Business Security System Design and Installation Is Essential

No two business premises are exactly alike, and each property poses its own unique security risks and challenges. That’s why it is crucial to consult with a professional business security system solutions provider that can conduct a comprehensive assessment of your property and recommend the most appropriate solution for your needs and budget.

If you operate a business in the Phoenix, AZ area, contact the experienced pros at Titan Alarm, Inc. to schedule a no-obligation business security system consultation today.

Learn More About Commercial Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Small Business Retail Theft Prevention


A perennial threat that retailers face is shrinkage, which is the loss of inventory before it can be sold to customers. Shrinkage costs retailers approximately $42 billion per year, with shoplifting and employee theft being primary causes. Shoplifting and internal theft can have dire consequences for smaller retailers who are struggling to fend off competition from the larger chains that can offer their goods at lower prices. This makes implementing effective theft prevention techniques imperative for the survival of any small retailer.

Shoplifting Prevention Tips

 Steps smaller retailers can take to prevent shoplifting include:

  • Employee training: Train your employees to watch for suspicious behavior and the telltale signs that indicate a customer may be looking to steal something. Examples include lingering too long in one area of the store, acting nervous or constantly looking around, wandering the aisles without purchasing anything and leaving the store and then returning.
  • Planning your store’s layout to minimize the risk of retail theft: While smaller stores have the advantage of less floor space to monitor, it is still important to lay out your aisles and displays in a manner that maximizes visibility and minimizes blind spots. The effective use of security mirrors can help you keep an eye on hidden areas.
  • Use signage as a deterrent: Signs stating that shoplifters will be prosecuted placed in highly visible locations can be an inexpensive, yet highly effective shoplifting deterrent.
  • Closely monitor groups of shoppers: Shoplifting techniques have become more sophisticated and often involve multiple individuals. Be aware of a shopper who creates a disturbance, as this can be a diversionary tactic that allows an accomplice to steal merchandise without being noticed.

Employee Theft Prevention Tips

 Small business protection steps for preventing employee theft include:

  • Efficient inventory management practices: Using inventory management software is an affordable way for small retailers to keep track of goods. You can also cross-reference your software data with manual inventory counts to spot any discrepancies.
  • Monitor employee cash handling: Much of the employee theft that occurs in retail stores takes place at the cash register. In addition to careful reconciliation at the end of cashier shifts, implement practices such as performing unannounced spot checks of register drawers and staying vigilant for instances of “sweethearting,” which is when employees give unauthorized discounts to their friends or relatives.
  • Pairing up: Have employees work in pairs when performing tasks such as opening and closing the store or taking cash receipts to the bank, as this minimizes the risk of a rogue employee perpetrating a retail theft.

Consider Installing a Comprehensive Business Security System

Even a smaller retailer can benefit from installing a business security system. A key system component is strategically placed video surveillance cameras that monitor store entrances, blind spots on the sales floor, registers and other cash handling areas as well as backrooms/inventory storage areas. The cameras should also have recording capabilities, as video recordings can prove invaluable when prosecuting shoplifters or employees who commit retail theft.

Titan Alarm, Inc. can handle all your small business security needs in the Phoenix, AZ area. Contact us to schedule a free in-store security consultation today.

Learn More About Commercial Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Employee Theft Prevention


While shoplifting gets much of the attention in terms of business theft losses, employee theft continues to be a major issue. Each year, U.S. companies lose billions of dollars to internal theft, which can take the form of the outright stealing of goods or equipment, diversion of business assets or funds, fraudulent disbursements, embezzlement or the use of trade secrets or other proprietary information for personal gain. Businesses that do not make theft prevention a top priority risk losing much of their profits to criminal activity.

Steps for Preventing Employee Theft

Taking a proactive approach to business security can deter and even prevent internal stealing. The following employee theft protection tips can reduce your business’s vulnerability:

  • Proper vetting during hiring: The hiring process gives you the opportunity to perform a thorough background check on prospective employees to determine if there were any previous theft incidents or other “red flags” that makes them a higher risk.
  • Strong inventory control practices: The use of tools such as inventory management software allows you to keep a closer watch on your inventory to determine if any goods are “disappearing.”
  • Close supervision of employees: Lax supervision can foster an environment that increases the chances of theft or fraud. Employees who realize that their activities — especially those related to company finances — are being closely monitored are less likely to steal.
  • Tight computer security measures: Tech-savvy employees could use your company’s computer systems and software for the misappropriation of funds. Implementing strict computer security measures such as restricting access to only authorized users and frequently changing passwords can reduce your theft risk.
  • Noticing changes in employee behavior: Changes in employee behavior such as volunteering to work late — especially “after hours” when no supervisors are around — signs of drug or alcohol abuse or strong objections to changes in company policy pertaining to financial matters are potential theft indicators.

Using Business Security Systems Can Increase Theft Protection

Installing a robust business security system is an important theft protection step for any company. Depending on the type of business and the nature of its operation, a security system can include surveillance camera monitoring and record employee activities — particularly those employees who handle cash — and access control systems to limit entry to your facility and sensitive areas to only authorized personnel. While a business security system creates an upfront expense for a company, it can quickly pay for itself by significantly reducing theft losses.

Titan Alarm, Inc. Provide Effective, Affordable Business Security Solutions for Phoenix, AZ Companies

Our security experts will conduct a comprehensive assessment to determine your company’s most vulnerable areas and recommend a solution that meets your requirements and fits your budget. We can provide cost-effective small business security systems, as well as solutions for larger companies.

Contact us to schedule a no-obligation on-site security consultation today.

Learn More About Commercial Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Tips for Protecting Your Home From Theft


You might think your home may never become the target of a burglar. But according to FBI crime statistics, approximately one out of every 36 homes is broken into each year — and the average property loss is an astounding $2,251. Gaining a better understanding of the mind of a thief can prove invaluable in your home protection efforts — and prevent you from becoming the next victim of a property crime.

Most Home Burglaries Occur During the Day

Despite the popular belief that burglars prefer the cover of darkness, you are more likely to become a victim of a home burglary between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. This is when most homeowners are at work, kids are in school and fewer neighbors are around to spot suspicious activity

Most Burglars Live Nearby

Burglars prefer to be completely familiar with the neighborhoods they victimize, as this helps to minimize their risk. Many burglars live within two miles of the homes they burglarize. Living close by provides the opportunity to observe a residence for several days so they can determine when no one is likely to be home.

Burglars Are Most Active During the Summer Months

Most home burglaries occur in July and August, as this is when many homeowners go on vacation. That’s why it’s important to ramp up your theft prevention efforts prior to leaving for an extended period. Take steps such as stopping mail and newspaper delivery and making your property look occupied while you’re away.

Burglars Usually Enter Through the Front Door

Burglars will try to find the easiest point of entry — and in many cases, the most viable access point is the front door. About one-third of burglars walk through or kick in the front door. Far too many homeowners make the burglar’s job even easier by failing to lock doors and windows.

Burglars Target the Master Bedroom

Understandably, most thieves don’t like to spend a lot of time in a home — the average burglar takes less than 10 minutes. They generally head straight for the master bedroom, as this is where they are most likely to find valuables such as cash, jewelry and weapons.

Burglars Avoid Homes With Security Systems

As many as 60 percent of burglars will avoid breaking into a home featuring a robust security system. The use of signs and window stickers in highly visible locations will inform a prospective thief of the system’s existence and will often cause them to move on to an unprotected property.

Titan Alarm, Inc. Can Provide an Effective, Affordable Home Protection Solution for Your Home

At Titan Alarm, our many years of experience has helped us develop a keen understanding of burglar psychology — and what it takes to deter them. We offer homeowners in the Phoenix, AZ area a vast array of security solutions  and burglar alarm systems that will keep burglars and thieves at bay. Contact us for more information and to schedule a no-obligation in-home security consultation today.

Learn More About Theft Prevention

Updated by Titan Alarm on October 31, 2018.

How to Install & Maintain a Home Security System


There’s no question that home security systems minimize the risk of a break-in — according to FBI crime statistics, burglars are 2.7 times more likely to target homes without home alarms. However, there are several common home security mistakes many homeowners make that can limit the system’s effectiveness. Here are some tips for installing a home security system that will maximize its performance and ensure your family and property are fully protected:

  1. Position Control Panels Correctly

The most common of all home security system mistakes is placing the control panel, which serves as the system’s “nerve center,” too close to an entrance. This enables a burglar to locate and disable it immediately, rendering your house alarm virtually useless. You’ll want your system’s control panel in a location that’s far enough away from an entrance, but that will still give you enough time to leave your house once it’s set.

  1. Use the Automatic Message System

Some homeowners choose a house alarm system that emits an audible alarm, thinking that the noise will cause the intruder to flee. However, a seasoned burglar will likely know how to disable the house alarm or will simply ignore it. A monitored silent alarm that transmits an automated message to trained security professionals who can immediately notify first responders offers a more effective alternative.

  1. Protect Less Obvious Access Points

Thieves don’t always come in through the front or back door. An experienced burglar will “case” your home for several days to find less obvious entry points such as second-floor or basement windows. Many homeowners fail to protect these vulnerable areas with devices such as surveillance cameras or motion sensors.

  1. Assess Unique Needs and Lifestyle

There are plenty of security system features to choose from these days. It’s important to select the features that meet your unique security needs and lifestyle requirements. For example, if you travel frequently, a home alarm system equipped with home automation that allows you to turn lights on and off, lock and unlock doors and view video camera feeds from any remote location with your mobile device is a virtual necessity.

  1. Ensure Proper DIY Installation

Some homeowners attempt to save money by installing the system themselves. One of the biggest home security system mistakes is not following the instructions to the letter during setup. Even one missed step or improper setting can jeopardize the performance of the entire system. That’s why it is usually ideal to hire trained professionals to handle the installation.

  1. Hire the Right Security System Installer

If you choose to have your system professionally installed, it is important to choose a company that is familiar with and has extensive experience in setting up your type of system. You should also choose a local provider with a solid reputation within your community.

Contact Titan Alarm, Inc. for More Useful Home Security Tips

Titan Alarm is a leading home security system solutions provider in the Phoenix, AZ area. We can design and install a customized security system that will meet your needs and fit your budget. Contact us for more valuable tips for installing a home security system and to schedule a free in-home security consultation today.

Tips for Maintaining Your Home Security System

tips-for-home-security -system-maintenance

While installing a home security system is an important step for providing essential fire and theft prevention on your property and keeping your family safe, it offers little value if it isn’t working properly. Regular home security maintenance is necessary for ensuring your system remains in peak operating condition — and that it won’t let you down when you need it the most.

The best security system maintenance practices entail a combination of self-administered checks and professional inspection and testing.

DIY Tips for Maintaining Home Security Systems

Depending on the age of your system, you should perform a series of self-checks at least every three to six months. Your inspection should include:

  • Smoke detectors: Many home smoke detectors are equipped with a built-in button you can press to test the alarm. You’ll be able to tell immediately if the detector is working properly and if a battery replacement is in order.
  • Surveillance cameras: If your home security system includes surveillance cameras, check their positioning and power supply. Also, make sure all associated video recording devices are functioning appropriately.
  • Exterior lighting: Check your exterior/perimeter security lighting at night to make sure they are positioned properly and to determine whether any bulbs or fixtures need replacing.
  • Motion sensors: Test your motion sensors to be sure they will detect the presence of an intruder and trigger the appropriate alarm.
  • Control panel: The control panel for many home security systems includes a test mode that enables you to perform a self-diagnostic check to verify everything is functioning properly. If your system includes remote monitoring, you may need to notify your monitoring service prior to conducting the test to avoid triggering a false alarm.

Professional Security System Maintenance

It is also important to have your system professionally maintained at least once a year. This includes a thorough inspection and testing of the control panel and all connected components by a certified installer. A professional inspection company can perform a comprehensive alarm maintenance check and conduct any necessary troubleshooting steps.

Additionally, inspection and testing will reveal any hidden issues that may require more extensive repair work or the replacement of specific system components or devices. Your homeowner’s insurance provider may also require an annual inspection to allow you to maintain a premium discount for installing a home security system.

Titan Alarm, Inc. Provides Professional Home Security Maintenance Service in Phoenix, AZ

If you live in the Phoenix, AZ area, you can count on the professionals at Titan Alarm, Inc., for all your security system maintenance needs. In addition to offering reliable security system design and installation services, we can test and calibrate your system and perform any needed repairs. Our alarm maintenance contracts provide a cost-effective way to meet your maintenance requirements, while removing the burden from your shoulders. Our testing services can also help you maintain compliance with the local fire codes in Phoenix and Maricopa County.

Contact us for information about our maintenance contracts or to schedule a no-obligation in-home security consultation today.

Learn More About Home Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

How to Ensure You Will Wake up in the Event of a Fire


Did you know that, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), household fires claim the lives of an average of seven people per day in the United States? Most of these fatal fires occur at night — while the home’s occupants are sleeping. This underscores the need for an effective, reliable fire alarm system. Fire and smoke alarms provide the early detection and warning that can mean the difference between life and death.

Where to Place Smoke Alarms in Your Home

The NFPA also points out that the proper installation of smoke alarms is one of the most important fire safety precautions homeowners can take — their use can cut risk of dying in a household fire in half. It is vital to install enough smoke alarms throughout your home to ensure maximum coverage. Fire safety tips related to smoke alarm installation include:

  • Bedrooms: Every bedroom should contain a functioning smoke alarm. You should also place an alarm outside all sleeping areas, such as a hallway where several bedrooms are located, particularly if you keep the bedroom doors closed while sleeping.
  • At least one per floor: Once you have the bedrooms covered, place at least one smoke alarm on each floor of your home.
  • Basement: When installing a smoke alarm in your basement, place it at the bottom of the stairway that leads to your home’s upper level. Also, be sure to keep it away from furnaces or heating units that could trigger false or “nuisance” alarms.
  • Kitchens and garages: It’s generally not advisable to place alarms in a kitchen or garage, as the smoke and fumes can set off nuisance alarms. If you do install one in your kitchen, keep it at least 10 feet away from cooking areas.
  • Install high on the walls: Mount your alarm on a wall about 12 inches from the ceiling, so it will detect the smoke as it rises. If the room features a pitched ceiling, place the alarm about three feet from the peak, but not within the apex.
  • Avoid drafts: Do not place alarms near doors or windows, as the drafts can prevent them from functioning properly.
  • Test them regularly: Test all smoke alarms at least once a month. Also, if an alarm makes a chirping sound, it typically means it’s time for a battery replacement.

Protect Your Family by Installing a Comprehensive Home Security System

A great way to ensure the health and safety of your family is by installing a state-of-the-art home security system that includes fire alarm functionality. If you live in the Phoenix, AZ area, Titan Alarm, Inc. can design and install a comprehensive security system that includes professionally monitored fire alarms, smoke and carbon dioxide detectors and much more. Systems are available with smart technology so you can monitor or control all connected devices remotely with your smartphone or tablet. Contact us to schedule a no-obligation in-home consultation today.

Learn More About Fire Alarm Systems

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

The Dangers of CO2 and What You Need to Know to Stay Safe


Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an odorless, colorless gas found in the air we breathe on a daily basis. While “natural” CO2 exposure is harmless (humans produce CO2 and exhale it into the atmosphere), heavy concentrations can lead to serious health issues, and even death.

Common carbon dioxide hazards include improper storage of CO2 tanks in poorly ventilated areas, leaking compressed CO2 systems and leaking fittings, piping or carbonators. In rare instances, heavy doses of carbon dioxide can escape from underground and into the atmosphere. While carbon dioxide hazards are most often associated with commercial environments, CO2 poisoning can also occur in homes.

The Signs of Carbon Dioxide Poisoning

Because carbon dioxide gas is odorless and colorless, people are usually unaware of its presence until they begin to experience the symptoms of CO2 poisoning. These include an increased rate of respiration, rapid or irregular heartbeat and impaired consciousness. Exposure to extremely high CO2 concentration levels include convulsions and coma, which may ultimately result in death. Individuals experiencing these symptoms should be immediately removed from the area and administered oxygen. Assisted ventilation may be required in severe cases.

CO2 Prevention

The good news is that there are steps you can take to lower your risk of carbon dioxide poisoning. Carbon dioxide prevention in a work or home environment requires attention to the following safety tips:

  • Commercial environments:
    • Training all personnel on safe CO2 handling practices
    • Installing CO2 receptacles above ground in open, well-ventilated areas
    • Developing and implementing effective CO2 monitoring procedures
    • Installing a CO2 detection device and notification system
    • Placing highly visible signs warning of the potential dangers of carbon dioxide
    • Establishing an inspection and maintenance procedure pertaining to CO2 equipment
  • Residential environments
    • Keeping your home naturally ventilated by installing screens that enable you to keep doors and windows open in warmer weather
    • Installing a whole house ventilation system if keeping doors and windows open does not provide sufficient air quality improvements
    • Properly maintaining your home’s HVAC system and having it professionally inspected on a regular basis

Installing CO2 Detectors

The installation of CO2 detectors can indicate the presence of a potentially harmful accumulation of carbon dioxide gas. These devices will measure carbon dioxide in the surrounding atmosphere and sound an alarm if it reaches an unsafe level. They can also deliver an alert to a central monitoring station that can dispatch first responders to the scene, if needed.

Contact Titan Alarm, Inc. to Learn More About the Dangers of Carbon Dioxide

Titan Alarm, Inc. can protect your Phoenix-area home or business against all types of health and safety threats, including the risk of carbon dioxide poisoning. We can design and install an innovative residential or commercial alarm system that includes reliable CO2 detectors placed at the most vulnerable locations in your building. Contact us for more information and schedule a no-obligation consultation today.

Learn More About Home Automation

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

How to Keep Your Aging Family Members Safe


While some senior citizens spend at least a portion of their golden years residing in a retirement community or nursing facility, the vast majority of Americans aged 65 or older are able to live in their own homes. However, aging at home does raise concerns about elderly safety. In this post, we’ll look at some of the steps you can take to create a safe, secure environment for your elderly loved ones.

Fall Prevention

The Consumer Product Safety Commission points out that slip-and-fall accidents are the leading cause of injuries for seniors. Take a walk through your aging loved one’s home and remove any environmental hazards that could lead to falling, such as loose throw rugs and non-functioning lightbulbs. A regular exercise program can help seniors maintain their strength and coordination, which can reduce the risk of falling.

Home Modifications

Making modifications to specific areas of home can make them safer and more “senior-friendly.” For example, installing grab bars near bathtubs or shower stalls makes it easier for seniors to get in and out, and lowers the risk of slipping on a wet surface. Placing a lamp or light switch just inside the home’s entrance prevents the senior from having to navigate through a dark room to turn on a light.

Consider Hiring a Home Health Care Aide

A challenge that many working adults face is finding the time to look in on an aging parent who may need help maintaining an independent home life. A home health care aide can make regular visits to attend to the senior’s personal needs and monitor the use of medications. Some health insurance plans offer coverage for home health care services.

Watch for Cognitive Changes

While seniors can often appear to be in good physical condition, they might be experiencing cognitive issues. Look for signs such as increasing memory loss, confusion or the inability to complete familiar tasks, any of which can indicate the onset of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. This can also inhibit the senior’s ability to live independently.

Fire Prevention

Diminishing physical and mental capacity can make seniors more vulnerable to a home fire — careless or unattended cooking is the leading cause of fire-related injuries for older adults. Make sure your loved one’s home is equipped with smoke detectors and that a kitchen fire extinguisher is within easy reach of the cooking area. Consider installing a monitored fire alarm system that provides early detection and a prompt response if a fire breaks out.

Titan Alarm, Inc. Offers a Wide Variety of Senior Citizen Safety Solutions

At Titan Alarm, we understand the importance of ensuring the safety of aging family members. We can design and install a comprehensive home security system that includes fire and burglar alarms, video surveillance, energy management and much more. Well-trained security professionals who will dispatch first responders at the first sign of trouble monitor our systems. Contact us to learn more about our senior citizen safety solutions and to schedule a no-obligation consultation today.

Learn More About Home Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Top 10 Unexpected Fire Hazards in Your Home


Most of us are familiar with the more common home fire hazards — unattended cooking, a faulty heating unit, smoking in bed — but there are also many hidden fire hazards that could be lurking in or around your home right now. Here is a look at 10 unexpected fire hazards to watch for in your home:

  1. Aging electrical outlets: If you have an older home, check for loose electrical outlets that could overheat and start a fire. A good method to tell if an outlet is not tight enough is if a plug does not fit securely.
  1. Phone chargers: Many of us charge our smartphones overnight while we sleep. However, an inferior-quality charger can overcharge the battery, which could cause a fire. The best bet is to use a charger that is specifically recommended for use with your device.
  1. Heated glass: The Phoenix area’s blistering temperatures and relentless sunshine can cause glass objects to absorb heat and catch fire if placed near a window that receives direct sunlight.
  1. Dryer lint: The lint that accumulates in your clothes dryer is highly flammable, which is why you should clean the lint trap and ventilation system on a regular basis.
  1. Improper rag disposal: Throwing oily rags into a clothes hamper or allowing them to pile up in your garage can pose a home fire hazard — all it takes is exposure to the right amount of oxygen to cause them to ignite.
  1. Shoddy repair work: While many of us attempt to save money by performing minor HVAC or electrical repair work on our own, improperly performed repairs can create a fire hazard. The safe alternative is to call a professional to handle more complex repair tasks.
  1. Dusty electronic equipment: The heat generated by electronic equipment and electrical appliances combined with the dust that accumulates on these products can pose a fire risk.
  1. Batteries: Batteries stored close to metal objects can produce a spark that could cause nearby flammable items to ignite. Keep new batteries in their package until you are ready to use them, and be sure to properly dispose of old batteries.
  1. Unsafe fireplace use: If your home has a fireplace, keep all flammable objects (including your pets!) at a safe distance to avoid contact with sparks. Also, have your chimney professionally cleaned prior to the start of the fireplace season.
  1. Light bulbs: Light bulbs don’t only produce light — they can also generate a significant amount of heat. An exposed light bulb that meets a flammable object can cause a fire.

Contact Titan Alarm, Inc. for a Comprehensive Fire Alarm System Inspection or Installation

While you may not be able to eliminate every hidden home fire hazard, a reliable fire alarm system can provide the early detection that will protect your family and property. Titan Alarm offers high-quality fire alarm system installation and inspection services in the Phoenix area that can be your best defense against all types of fire hazards. Contact us for more information today.

Learn More About Fire Alarm Systems

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Should You Install a Nanny Cam?


If you have small children that you leave in the care of a babysitter or au pair, you may be considering the installation of a “nanny cam.” Nanny cams are video surveillance cameras that are placed in targeted areas of your home that allow you to remotely monitor the interaction between the nanny and your kids. In this post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of nanny cam use and take a look at some of the more common camera types.

Benefits of Installing Nanny Cams

The main reason many parents choose to install nanny cams is peace of mind. Being able to monitor your kids while you’re away gives you the assurance that they’re being properly cared for. You can also spot potential issues that you may need to discuss with your nanny. For instance, if you see that the nanny is not paying close enough attention to your kids or allowing them to engage in behavior or activities you find unacceptable, you can take the appropriate corrective measures. Surveillance video from nanny cams can also be used to assist law enforcement and prosecutors in instances of suspected child abuse or neglect.

What are the Potential Nanny Cam Issues?

It is not against the law to install a nanny cam in a home in Arizona or any other state, and you are not required to inform the nanny of the camera system’s existence. Many states (including Arizona) also permit the use of audio recording equipment. However, it is illegal to use a nanny cam in private areas such as bathrooms or a nanny’s sleeping quarters. Not informing your caregiver about the use of surveillance camera can also pose certain ethical issues. For example, if your nanny happens to discover a hidden camera, it could erode the sense of trust that has developed over time, permanently damaging the relationship. If you choose to disclose your use of cameras to your caregiver, it is important to fully address any concerns she may have.

What Types of Nanny Cam Systems Are Available?

If you elect not to inform your caregiver about your use of surveillance cameras, you’ll want to install them in discrete locations that are difficult to detect. Many hidden nanny cams can be disguised by common household objects. Cameras built within clocks are one of the more popular options, along with cameras in smoke detectors and electrical outlets. Certain stereo and sound system equipment can also conceal cameras with ease. Keep in mind that an experienced nanny is probably aware of these types of devices and is likely to spot them, which can defeat the purpose of not disclosing their existence.

Titan Alarm, Inc. Offers Capable Video Surveillance Support to Phoenix-Area Homeowners

If you’re in need of nanny cams or any other type of video surveillance equipment for your Phoenix home, contact the home security experts at Titan Alarm. We offer a wide range of fully supported video surveillance solutions that we can customize to your specific needs. We also provide motion sensors, alarm systems and other key security system components. Call us to schedule a no-obligation in-home security consultation today.

Learn More About Home Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.