3 Reasons for a Wireless Security System

When shopping for a new Home Security System in Phoenix or Tuscon, you’re going to be faced with a lot of different companies, with a lot of different packages and offers for you for your home. When you’re shopping though, you should remember these 3 perks of having a Wireless Security System.

1. Remote Control

One of the MANY advantages of having a wireless security system in your home, is having the ability to check in on your home from anywhere you are. If you’re out with friends or stuck in the office for work, you can check your cameras with your handy smartphone! You also can check if you forgot on the lights, or would like to turn the lights on to keep intruders out. Have you had issues with the house being too hot or cold when you’re gone? Easy fix. Control your wireless thermostat with your smart phone.


2. Instant Notifications

Along with Remote Check-ins another amazing resource is to have notifications sent to your smartphone when an event happens in your house. Receive notifications any time a door is opened or unlocked, that way you can see who comes and goes, or have notifications sent if your home security system is armed or disarmed.


3. Programmable Features

This is one of our favorites here at Titan Alarm! Did you know that your lights can be programmed to turn on based off of what time it is? Do you have constant fights with your alarm clock in the morning? This is your solution, program your lights to automatically turn on at a certain time to kick you out of bed! Do you leave in a rush in the mornings? Set up a geo-fence that will trigger all the doors to lock, lights to turn off, and thermostat to turn up once you get a certain distance away on work days!


Wireless Security Systems are one of the top trending security systems available now a days! If you’re interested in learning more contact Titan Alarm today! Give us a call 602-680-4567 or TEXT US 623-523-4849

Learn More About Home Automation

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

What are “Geo-Services”?

Geo Services are an amazing piece of technology that can be highly utilized through Titan Alarm and Alarm.com.

It all begins with something called the “Geo-Fence”, the Geo-Fence is a ring around a specific location that you choose. Geo-Services will then use your location and track you using GPS built into your smart phone, if you ever enter or leave your Geo-Fence the rules that you have previously set up with each fence will be triggered and go to work.

What are the types of rules I can apply?

The following are some of the most frequently used rules and settings:

Thermostat Control: Leaving for the day? Want to save money on electric? Have your thermostat change temperatures when you’re not home or arriving home.
Arming Reminders: You can set it so when you leave your Geo-Fence, you’ll receive a reminder that your system wasn’t armed, if you did not arm it when you left.
Control Your Lights: Have your lights turn on or off whenever you leave or enter the geo-fence.
Stop or Start Video Recording: Have your cameras stop recording when you’re within the geo-fence and start when you leave, stopping any excess footage.

You can have multiple geo-fences, each with their own set of rules. You could leave your home’s geo-fence and receive an arming reminder, then enter the geo-fence surrounding your workplace and have your home’s automated thermostat adjust its temperature.

Geo-Services also allow multiple users and different rules and settings for each user.

How to Configure Geo-Services:

To use Geo-Services all you have to do is log into the Alarm.com app on your mobile device. Once logged in go to Options and choose “Geo-Services”.
Turn the option of Geo-Services to on.

*The GPS or Location Services on your phone must be turned on to use Geo-Services.

Now that your phone has Geo-Services enabled, you have to set up your rules.
To get you going on your own, here’s a step by step to set up a geo-fence and a location triggered event rule, so your lights will turn off when you leave.

1. Log into your account on titanalarm.net

2. Click on the Mobile tab, and then the Geo-Services link that’s below it

3. Create a geo-fence by clicking on the Add a Fence. Here you can specify the location of your geo-fence, change its name and radius (between 1-100 miles). Click Save when you’re finished

4. Click on the Light Automation Rules. To create a rule that automatically turns your lights off when exiting your geo-fence:


5.Click Save

It’s as easy as that.

Want to know more about Geo-Services and how they can be used with your Titan Alarm system? Contact Titan Alarm at 800-973-9001 or TEXT US at 623-523-4849

Learn More About Home Automation

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Try Out a System!

With how much attention is growing on home automation, remote controlled and connected smart homes, Z-Wave solutions are starting to form and grow new opportunities in the security market. To help showcase our equipment we have launched a connected home system display at 23425 N. 39th Drive.

We’re creating a uniquely cool and delicious experience with Poseidon Water and D+K Custom Interior Design, enjoy 23 flavors of delicious Thrifty Ice Cream while touring the design center, featuring all types of kitchen, bathroom, plumbing, flooring and a Titan Alarm interactive home security demo.

Mention this blog and receive a 2nd scoop of delicious Thrifty Ice Cream for free!


Learn More About Home Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Keep Kids Safe with Home Automation.

Do you have kids that are home alone after school? Are you ever worried about their safety being home alone? We want to do everything we can to help out all of our customers and help them really utilize their Titan Alarm system to the best they can. Here’s are three key ways you can help keep your kids safe while home alone after school.

1. Notification of Arrival with a Home Security System

With the Titan Alarm smart lock for your doors, you can set up user codes to get in the door, which means your child can have their own code to get in to the house and you’ll be notified when they do! It makes it easy to track their time to get home and it let’s you keep an eye on your system closely while they’re home.

You can create and manage user codes through the Control Panel or titanalarm.net.


2. Install Home Security Cameras

Home Security Cameras and video surveillance systems are a great way to keep your kids safe while they’re at home alone. Even though you aren’t physically there, you can still check in on them with the camera and keep an eye on them.


3. Keep Your Lights On with a Home Automation System

Keeping your lights on is one of the oldest tricks in the book to make it look like you’re home, with a Titan Alarm Home Automation system it will allow you to turn lights on and off remotely. You can also use the light controls to control power to some appliances, that way you can keep an eye on how much time they’re on the TV or Video Games.


Home Automation Isn’t Just a Smart House. It’s a Smart Home!

Your home alarm system and automation system is an amazing tool that can do so many different things. Keeping your kids safe is just one of the many benefits you can use. Contact us to schedule a free home automation consultation today.

Learn More About Home Automation

4 Access Control Tips for Home

Having a home automation system installed in your house isn’t just smart, it’s safe as well.
We’ll cover one of the big sellers in the home automation world: smart locks.

A smart lock is paired with your smart home systems so that control can be done from your smartphone, computer or your system’s touchpad.

Here are 4 tips on how to get the most out of your smart locks!

1. Forgetful?
You rush out of the house late, spilling coffee on your way out, trying to get to your car to hit the road before bad traffic, half way to work, you realize you don’t remember if you locked the front door or not. Fear not, pull out your trusty smart phone and check the status of your door locks, if it’s unlocked a quick touch of a button will lock your door for you!




2. Easy Access.
Your neighbor forgot to turn off the iron and calls you to ask you to go turn it off for them, where is the first place you’ll look for a key? Under the front door mat. With smart locks we can get rid of that hiding place and hiding keys completely!
With a smart lock installed on your door you can control who goes in or out all with your smart phone. Pretty smart.




3. The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire.
Your house is on fire, the doors and locks are way too hot too touch, so you can’t get outside to the safety away from your house being on fire. When your home automation system has both smoke detectors and smart locks on it, the smoke detector can send a notification to your monitoring station and unlock the doors that have smart locks on them, making escape easy, and the response time immensely shorter.




4. Medical Emergencies.
If you have aging parents who live alone, this one will strike a note with you. Imagine they just had a stroke, with strokes every second counts to be able to have a full recovery. Your parents press the panic button which signals for emergency services to come and it also unlocks the front door so that the EMT’s or firefighters don’t have issues getting in to distribute help.






Smart locks, mean a safe house.
A safe house, means a smart owner.

Interested in learning more about smart locks, home automation or home security? Titan Alarm is here to answer all of your questions.
Feel free to call us at 602-680-4567 or TEXT US at 623-523-4849

Learn More About Home Access Control

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Why Smoke Alarms Are Needed

A fire at a commercial location can cause devastating damage to businesses, in some cases to the point of the business having to go out of business. Unfortunately there’s no way to completely prevent a fire from happening. There are a few steps though that a business can take to help prevent serious damage. One of the biggest ways this is done is with smoke alarms.

When it comes to getting Smoke Alarms and Fire Systems there are two different types of fires that can be detected by these systems.

Smoldering Fire
This kind of fire normally happens after something has been ignited, the most common cause of this fire is caused by a cigarette. A smoldering fire functions the same was as coals, it creates a large amount of smoke and if it is left unattended it can turn into a flaming fire. These are detected by smoke detectors due to the amount of smoke that is caused by a smoldering fire.


Flaming Fire
This kind of fire normally happens after something has been ignited and a flame is present. The most common things to cause a flaming fire to ignite includes paper, cooking equipment, flammable liquids and wood. When this happens the fire is detected by flames and it won’t trigger a smoke detector because of the lack of a thick smoke.


Everyone wants to protect against both of these kinds of fires, the easiest way to do that is to install the different kinds of smoke alarms and fire detectors throughout your facility. You should use photoelectric smoke alarms in an area where a larger fire could happen and an Ionization smoke alarm in an area where a smaller fire could happen. Smoke Alarms and Fire Detectors can alert the occupants of a building if there is a fire and can also alert the authorities that there is a fire.

Smoke Alarms and Fire Detectors used together with sprinkler systems are the best way to keep building safe a go through minimal fire damage.

Learn More About Fire Alarm Systems

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Smoke Detectors and Fire Systems for Home

Working smoke alarms and fire systems at home can provide life-saving tactics from potential fires. That’s a fact that has been pushed out into the public very well for years now, and it’s one we all know to be true. Unfortunately the public isn’t as educated as to WHERE fire alarms and smoke detectors should be placed throughout the house.
According to recent surveys, less than half of the general public know that there should be a fire alarm or smoke alarm installed in each room of the house.

In order to better educate everyone, here’s a few pointers about installing and keeping up with your smoke alarms and fire systems.

  • One Per Room – One of the biggest issues is that many houses aren’t as equipped as they should be, make sure you have a fire alarm or smoke detector in each room.
  • Right Outside – Another great place for a smoke detector or fire alarm is right outside rooms, in the hallways and one on each level of the house.
  • Change The Batteries – Your smoke detector batteries should be replaced at least twice a year. Remember, you don’t want your batteries to go bad when you need it most.

smoke blog

About half of the fire deaths that happen in the U.S. every year, happen between 10pm and 7am. During the hours where most people are sleeping. If you have a working smoke alarm or fire system that number can reduce the risk of dying in a house fire in half.

These facts all work with the importance of having working smoke alarms or fire systems in all bedrooms.

For more information on Fire Systems in Phoenix or Smoke Detectors contact one of our Titan Alarm specialists today!

Contact Us!

Learn More About Fire Alarm Systems

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Keep Your Deliveries Safe

It’s been in the news a lot lately, if it’s not the local UPS man throwing packages, it’s a neighbor or passerby stealing your packages. We’ve seen a spike in customer’s wanting security cameras for their home here at Titan Alarm, we wanted to give you a few tips on how to keep your packages secured and keep your home safe with security cameras.

1. Security Cameras – A Video Surveillance System and Security Cameras will be the biggest way to keep your packages safe from thieves, if the packages go missing, you’ll have video of who took them.


2. Positioning Your Security Cameras – The Professional Technicians at Titan Alarm know the best way to keep an eye on your prized goods, when you get a system with us, we can make sure that your cameras are in the prime spots for deterring and catching criminals.


3. Signature Required – When you receive shipping confirmation, find out what delivery service is being used and contact them to request a signature upon delivery. If you aren’t home when it’s delivered then they will try again the next day that way your packages are not left unattended at your front door.


With Security Cameras and a Video Surveillance System you can’t stop a thief, but you can help catch and even deter them from stealing your packages if they see a camera.

Learn More About Home Video Surveillance

  • 5 Things To Look For In Your Video Surveillance System
  • Benefits Of Security Cameras
  • Best Places To Put Security Cameras

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Wireless Security Cameras and Video Surveillance Systems.

A wireless camera includes a built-in transmitter to send video over the air to a receiver instead of through a wire. Many people aren’t aware that there are multiple types of wireless technology in use, each with unique advantages and disadvantages.

What is a Wireless Security Camera?

With technology constantly improving, wireless technology is now being applied to almost everything now a days, and the best thing is, security cameras and video surveillance systems are taking full advantage of it.

How does a Wireless Security Camera or Video Surveillance System work?

A wireless security camera has a wireless transmitter built into it, to allow video to be sent through the air to a home base (receiver) for viewing, rather than being hardwired into a home base.

Is a Wireless Security Camera truly wireless?

Although most wireless security cameras are technically cordless, meaning they don’t need to be hardwired in and that they transmit through a wireless signal source, they still need to be plugged in a power source. With that in mind, there are some security cameras that have batteries, that makes them truly wireless, but keep in mind, batteries can die at the most inconvenient times, and are not the best source of power to rely on.

Can I make a Wired Security Camera into a Wireless Security Camera?

You most definitely can, although at Titan Alarm we don’t recommend it. With security cameras and video surveillance you really get what you pay for, so if you’re looking for the cheap way around getting wireless security cameras, the quality you receive won’t be nearly as good as if you contacted Titan Alarm for us to set up a Video Surveillance System for you with cameras that were made to be wireless.

Cameras for Blog

Learn More About Home Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Do Security Camera Systems Work?

Have you ever asked yourself “I wonder if a security camera system actually helps catch criminals?” Why don’t you check out the following videos and find some answers:

Burglar Kicking Door Open

Dallas Burglary Suspect Caught on Camera

Forcible Home Entry in Raleigh, N.C.

Both police officers and crime prevention specialists agree that having a security camera system is quite helpful in preventing and stopping crime.

A major added benefit of having a Titan Alarm Security Camera System is that it can allow our Central Station to monitor your cameras if there is an activated alarm, allowing them to notify police as to what is happening on your property.

Has a security system prevented a burglary in your home?

Do you use home automation to monitor your home or to slash energy costs?

Has a monitored fire detector or carbon monoxide detector helped prevent a disaster?

How else does home security or home automation add convenience and give you peace of mind?

Let us know on our Facebook and be entered to win a $50 gift card!

Learn More About Home Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.