Has your business been broken in to and burglarized? That’s one of the worst things that can happen to a business. We wanted to go ahead and give you four tips to recover from a break in at your business.
While the whole situation is still fresh, do these 4 tips as fast as possible for the best results.
1. Contact the Police.
If your business has been robbed, there’s evidence all around you, inside and out of your business. It’s important you notify the police right away and they will be able to send out forensics experts who can examine evidence.
2. Inform Your Insurance Company.
After you’ve contacted the police, make sure you call your insurance company, the sooner, the better with them.
Be prepared with the following information, that way the insurance company can adequately assess the situation.
A summary of the crime.
An estimate of when the crime happened?
Damage done to the property and business, including losses.
Depending on the severity of the burglary the insurance company might send out a claims adjuster to inspect the property.
3. Take inventory of your facility.
After you’ve made the proper calls, make sure you have your employees do a thorough inspection of their workspaces and work areas, have them list any losses they’ve noticed.
4. Call Titan Alarm.
Your business is how you survive, it’s your living. Titan Alarm wants to help you keep your business safe and sound.
Let Titan Alarm show you how affordable and easy it really is to get the best security for your business.
Schedule a free consultation today! Call 602-680-4567 or TEXT US 623-523-4849
With how much attention is growing on home automation, remote controlled and connected smart homes, Z-Wave solutions are starting to form and grow new opportunities in the security market. To help showcase our equipment we have launched a connected home system display at 23425 N. 39th Drive.
We’re creating a uniquely cool and delicious experience with Poseidon Water and D+K Custom Interior Design, enjoy 23 flavors of delicious Thrifty Ice Cream while touring the design center, featuring all types of kitchen, bathroom, plumbing, flooring and a Titan Alarm interactive home security demo.
Mention this blog and receive a 2nd scoop of delicious Thrifty Ice Cream for free!
Having a home automation system installed in your house isn’t just smart, it’s safe as well.
We’ll cover one of the big sellers in the home automation world: smart locks.
A smart lock is paired with your smart home systems so that control can be done from your smartphone, computer or your system’s touchpad.
Here are 4 tips on how to get the most out of your smart locks!
1. Forgetful?
You rush out of the house late, spilling coffee on your way out, trying to get to your car to hit the road before bad traffic, half way to work, you realize you don’t remember if you locked the front door or not. Fear not, pull out your trusty smart phone and check the status of your door locks, if it’s unlocked a quick touch of a button will lock your door for you!
2. Easy Access.
Your neighbor forgot to turn off the iron and calls you to ask you to go turn it off for them, where is the first place you’ll look for a key? Under the front door mat. With smart locks we can get rid of that hiding place and hiding keys completely!
With a smart lock installed on your door you can control who goes in or out all with your smart phone. Pretty smart.
3. The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire.
Your house is on fire, the doors and locks are way too hot too touch, so you can’t get outside to the safety away from your house being on fire. When your home automation system has both smoke detectors and smart locks on it, the smoke detector can send a notification to your monitoring station and unlock the doors that have smart locks on them, making escape easy, and the response time immensely shorter.
4. Medical Emergencies.
If you have aging parents who live alone, this one will strike a note with you. Imagine they just had a stroke, with strokes every second counts to be able to have a full recovery. Your parents press the panic button which signals for emergency services to come and it also unlocks the front door so that the EMT’s or firefighters don’t have issues getting in to distribute help.
Smart locks, mean a safe house.
A safe house, means a smart owner.
Interested in learning more about smart locks, home automation or home security? Titan Alarm is here to answer all of your questions.
Feel free to call us at 602-680-4567 or TEXT US at 623-523-4849
Now a days, businesses of all sizes are starting to get more and more serious about their security. So many don’t fully know what they are getting into and call the first one they can find and “hope for the best”, instead of taking the right amount of time to really research and find the best company for their needs.
What Business Security Solutions Does Titan Alarm Offer?
At Titan Alarm we offer a wide range of solutions for your business, and not just security! We have video surveillance systems, alarm systems, access control and even fire systems!
What is an Access Control System?
Access Control systems do what their name sounds like, they control the access to buildings, rooms or resources. When you install an Access Control System you then have access to be able to restrict and monitor who has access to any building, room or facility.
Does my business need an Access Control System?
It’s important for any sized business to keep all data safe, so to do that, we have to keep threats away. Every business does the basic version of that by putting locks on doors and giving keys to employees. You can benefit from an Access Control System if you can answer yes to any of the following questions!
Is a lost/stolen key an immediate security threat to your business?
Do different employees need different access privileges?
Would it be beneficial to restrict or allow access based on time or day?
Do I need a record of when someone enters or leaves a door?
Could my employees and clients be more secure?
Access control systems come in a variety of types and sizes with custom solutions for every company. Titan Alarm is ready to help meet your business’ needs! We have solutions for small businesses to large enterprises. Contact us today to find out how we can help you secure your business with an Access Control System!
Working smoke alarms and fire systems at home can provide life-saving tactics from potential fires. That’s a fact that has been pushed out into the public very well for years now, and it’s one we all know to be true. Unfortunately the public isn’t as educated as to WHERE fire alarms and smoke detectors should be placed throughout the house.
According to recent surveys, less than half of the general public know that there should be a fire alarm or smoke alarm installed in each room of the house.
In order to better educate everyone, here’s a few pointers about installing and keeping up with your smoke alarms and fire systems.
One Per Room – One of the biggest issues is that many houses aren’t as equipped as they should be, make sure you have a fire alarm or smoke detector in each room.
Right Outside – Another great place for a smoke detector or fire alarm is right outside rooms, in the hallways and one on each level of the house.
Change The Batteries – Your smoke detector batteries should be replaced at least twice a year. Remember, you don’t want your batteries to go bad when you need it most.
About half of the fire deaths that happen in the U.S. every year, happen between 10pm and 7am. During the hours where most people are sleeping. If you have a working smoke alarm or fire system that number can reduce the risk of dying in a house fire in half.
These facts all work with the importance of having working smoke alarms or fire systems in all bedrooms.
For more information on Fire Systems in Phoenix or Smoke Detectors contact one of our Titan Alarm specialists today!
It’s been in the news a lot lately, if it’s not the local UPS man throwing packages, it’s a neighbor or passerby stealing your packages. We’ve seen a spike in customer’s wanting security cameras for their home here at Titan Alarm, we wanted to give you a few tips on how to keep your packages secured and keep your home safe with security cameras.
1. Security Cameras – A Video Surveillance System and Security Cameras will be the biggest way to keep your packages safe from thieves, if the packages go missing, you’ll have video of who took them.
2. Positioning Your Security Cameras – The Professional Technicians at Titan Alarm know the best way to keep an eye on your prized goods, when you get a system with us, we can make sure that your cameras are in the prime spots for deterring and catching criminals.
3. Signature Required – When you receive shipping confirmation, find out what delivery service is being used and contact them to request a signature upon delivery. If you aren’t home when it’s delivered then they will try again the next day that way your packages are not left unattended at your front door.
With Security Cameras and a Video Surveillance System you can’t stop a thief, but you can help catch and even deter them from stealing your packages if they see a camera.
Learn More About Home Video Surveillance
5 Things To Look For In Your Video Surveillance System
A wireless camera includes a built-in transmitter to send video over the air to a receiver instead of through a wire. Many people aren’t aware that there are multiple types of wireless technology in use, each with unique advantages and disadvantages.
What is a Wireless Security Camera?
With technology constantly improving, wireless technology is now being applied to almost everything now a days, and the best thing is, security cameras and video surveillance systems are taking full advantage of it.
How does a Wireless Security Camera or Video Surveillance System work?
Although most wireless security cameras are technically cordless, meaning they don’t need to be hardwired in and that they transmit through a wireless signal source, they still need to be plugged in a power source. With that in mind, there are some security cameras that have batteries, that makes them truly wireless, but keep in mind, batteries can die at the most inconvenient times, and are not the best source of power to rely on.
Can I make a Wired Security Camera into a Wireless Security Camera?
You most definitely can, although at Titan Alarm we don’t recommend it. With security cameras and video surveillance you really get what you pay for, so if you’re looking for the cheap way around getting wireless security cameras, the quality you receive won’t be nearly as good as if you contacted Titan Alarm for us to set up a Video Surveillance System for you with cameras that were made to be wireless.
Geo tracking allows residential and commercial customers new possibilities that goes above and beyond security and emergency services. The way that Geo Tracking works is that most smart phones have a GPS locator built into it, (such as your maps app. etc.), as long as you have your location services enabled, Alarm.com can tell where you are located. The nice thing about this is that you can set rules of what you would like to happen all based off of where you are located. For example, if you are at home, your thermostat can be set to the temperature that you prefer, and if you leave more than a half mile away from home, you can have the temperature start rising, saving you money on your electric bill, and as you approach home again the temperature will start dropping so it can be the perfect temperature for you to walk in to.
You can also set up rules to close down your house when you get to far away, if you get a mile away Alarm.com can do the following, close your garage door, make sure the doors are locked, turn off lights or turn them on, arm your system, change thermostat and so much more.
All of these possibilities are included with Titan Alarm services.
Did you know that the Phoenix Police Department offers a False Alarm Prevention Program??
What you can gain from the course:
Provides reasons for false alarm activations and ways to prevent them.
Educational information for alarm system users.
Includes a certificate for waiver of one $96 Police False Alarm Assessment. (Certificate must be redeemed before an invoice has been issued for the false alarm.)
Cost is $10 per subscriber, paid at the class.
You must R.S.V.P. for any class.
For more information call the Code Enforcement Unit at:
In Arizona, over 65,000 crimes have occurred in 2024. Your business needs a robust crime deterrence strategy and concrete video evidence when a violation occurs on your property.
Installing high-definition surveillance cameras is an excellent start if you’re looking to invest in robust security measures for your Arizona business.
The Importance of Security Camera Systems for Businesses
It is impossible to overstate the value of high-resolution security systems for businesses. Here’s how your establishment can benefit from an effective surveillance solution.
Enhanced Security and Safety
The mere presence of a functional security camera system can deter criminal activity. While video surveillance won’t stop crimes 100% of the time, trespassers who spot cameras may be less likely to attempt theft, fraud or vandalism.
You can use the footage as tangible evidence for investigations if criminal activity occurs in or around your business. A video surveillance system can increase security and peace of mind on your commercial property. Your employees and patrons may also feel safer with effective on-site security cameras.
Business security cameras can offer long-term savings in multiple ways.
Reduced need for physical security personnel: Having high-definition surveillance cameras eliminates the need to hire security officers, saving you money in the long haul. You can access real-time, remote monitoring capabilities from a mobile phone, tablet or computer.
Potential crime deterrence: Commercial security systems often prevent criminal activity and help business owners recover stolen items. As such, it can minimize the expenses associated with property damage and court proceedings.
Lower insurance premiums: If criminal activity occurs on your property, you will have footage to prove what happened. Many insurance companies offer liability insurance discounts to businesses that install security cameras, making this solution a worthwhile investment.
How Effective Is Video Surveillance?
The growing popularity of video surveillance in commercial settings is a testament to its efficacy. A report revealed that 54% of small and medium business retailers installed or updated security cameras in 2023.
Sixty-eight percent of SMB retailers experienced above-industry-standard shrink rates, primarily due to factors like:
Fraudulent returns
Organized retail crime
Many of these businesses adopted security cameras to curb shrink, improve surveillance and decrease theft.
Essential Features of Effective Video Surveillance Solutions
Prioritizing a few vital features can make all the difference when browsing security camera systems for your business.
Remote Monitoring
As a business owner or manager, accessing your surveillance system anywhere and anytime is critical. Driving to your commercial location whenever you need to review or analyze footage can quickly become inconvenient. That’s why remote access and monitoring capabilities are must-have features for your security system.
You can examine real-time footage from anywhere, whether you’re five minutes down the road or 100 miles from your central business location. Your surveillance solution should also integrate with any devices you regularly use, like your smartphone, laptop or desktop computer.
Motion Detection
With motion detection, you can set up your camera to record only when it detects movement in its field of view. You’ll also receive automatic alerts and notifications that help you spot intruders and detect criminal activity. As a bonus, motion-triggered recording can preserve storage space by only capturing relevant footage.
Intrusion Detection
Intrusion detection enables you to monitor areas that shouldn’t display any movement. It’s ideal for overseeing customs locations, hazardous sites and other areas of concern.
This virtual security guard can survey the area 24/7, identify unauthorized access and notify you of any changes that occur in that area. It can also integrate with other security systems your business might use. After the camera detects abnormal activity, you will receive an alert and can act accordingly.
Wireless Security Camera Systems
Wireless security cameras are closed-circuit television cameras that transmit audio and video signals to a wireless receiver via a radio band. They offer various benefits.
Portability: Wireless security cameras are simple to install and move, making them ideal when you frequently need to relocate them or don’t anticipate staying in the same business location long-term. This feature is particularly beneficial for events and other temporary applications.
Ease of installation: You can deploy these cameras quickly and seamlessly. They’re often easier and faster to install than their wired counterparts, which require more labor. You can place wireless cameras nearly anywhere in your business, including hard-to-reach spots.
Connectivity and reliability: Battery-powered wireless cameras can often withstand power outages that compromise wired cameras.
Installation Process for Commercial Video Surveillance
Once you’ve narrowed down critical features and chosen the appropriate surveillance system for your business, it’s time to install your cameras.
Planning and Assessing Needs
Identifying your business’ security needs should involve the following steps.
Conduct a security audit: First, create a security checklist to assess your current security system and vulnerable areas. What areas of your business would benefit most from more robust security measures? What is their current security coverage like? What features are nonnegotiable? Consider these points when performing your security audit.
Determine camera placement: Next, choose the ideal location. Consider your security goals and requirements for each area, such as monitoring deliveries to your business. Pick unobstructed spots with clear sightlines. Ensure there is plenty of space for the camera and easy power access. Additionally, the location should be out of plain sight and reach — that way, the camera isn’t easy to disable.
Professional Installation vs. DIY
You have another decision to make when investing in commercial security cameras — hiring a professional or opting for DIY installation. Compromising the equipment’s quality might make your business less secure. That’s why professional services are a safer bet.
While the DIY installation approach might save you money in the short term, it carries the risk of errors and can void your warranty. Professional installations are ideal for anyone seeking a reliable, hassle-free security solution.
High-quality equipment: Professional installers have access to durable, high-resolution cameras and equipment with more value-added features. Commercial-grade equipment can withstand various environmental factors, providing long-lasting performance.
Superior installation: Professional installers can strategically place cameras for maximum coverage, ensuring no blind spots are present. They can identify the best camera positions based on factors that DIY installers might overlook, such as height, angle and lighting.
Integration with existing systems: An experienced installer can easily integrate new cameras into your existing surveillance system, ensuring a cohesive security infrastructure. Installation by an inexperienced DIYer can result in compatibility issues or gaps in security coverage.
Maintenance and Upgrades
When you partner with an experienced security system installer, they’ll usually take care of inspections, maintenance, repairs and upgrades, removing the burden from your shoulders. This ongoing support addresses issues quickly before they spiral out of hand. Your security solutions provider can help you determine the ideal hardware and software upgrades for your system, ensuring years of smooth and reliable performance for your business.
Enhance Your Business’ Security System With Titan Alarm & Fire
With unpredictable crime rates in Arizona and nationwide, understanding the importance of video surveillance for commercial properties is more critical than ever. Partnering with a reliable surveillance systems provider can help you stay on top of your security goals and demands.
At Titan Alarm & Fire, we provide wireless commercial video surveillance and other security solutions for businesses throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, Chandler and Tucson. We’re also one of the state’s largest installers of IP commercial surveillance systems.
Let us help you elevate your business’ security strategy with HD-quality video surveillance systems. Contact us today to learn more about our customized solutions or schedule an appointment.