What Is Crash and Smash Protection?


When someone is a professional Burglar, they have developed many different ways to get into a house undetected. Some of them are quiet and stealthy, while others are fast. With a Titan Alarm system, Crash and Smash Protection is a safeguard that is already installed into your home security system.

Now you may be asking yourself, “What is Crash and Smash?”, if you keep on reading, we’ll explain to you in detail so that you can be prepared for it.

What is “Crash and Smash”?

A “Crash and Smash” is when a burglar and intruder targets the house’s home security panel as the first thing to find when they enter a house. The intruder will then “crash” into the house by smashing through the front door, and then the hunt is on for them to “smash” the home security panel as fast as possible.

When an intruder or burglar uses this technique, they are trying to take advantage of the entry delay that home security systems use to give the homeowner a chance to disarm the system when they arrive home. They normally have 30-60 seconds, which normally would give you plenty of time to open your app and disarm the system. With a normal break in, the panel counts all the way down, and once it’s at zero, will then alert emergency responders. In a “Crash and Smash” burglary, the intruder tries to destroy the home security panel before it can send the signal out to first responders.

30-60 seconds doesn’t seem like a lot of time, but for an experienced burglar or intruder, it’s plenty of time for them to get in, find the panel and to destroy it with a hammer.

Luckily with Titan Alarm, we use a patented crash and smash technology, that way your system will still work, even if the intruder can get to and destroy your panel.




How Does Crash and Smash Protection Work?

Titan Alarm’s smart home security system is constantly monitoring activity around the home to proactively protect you from events like a burglar attempting a crash and smash burglary. All of this happens constantly and securely in a cloud storage platform, so it’s completely untouchable to a burglar so you and your security system go unharmed.

Once your smart home security system starts it’s initial countdown, the central system monitoring station takes note, if the security panel abruptly goes off-line before sending a disarm or an emergency signal, then the central station monitoring reports a suspected Crash and Smash situation in your home, and alerts the necessary first responders and emergency personnel.

Crash and Smash Protection is one of the many innovative ways that Titan Alarm will protect you and your loved ones with.

If you’re interested in learning more about Crash and Smash Protection or need help with a Home Security System contact Titan Alarm today!

Call: 602-680-4567

Text: 623-523-4849

Learn More About Burglar Alarm Systems

Updated by Titan Alarm on October 31, 2018.

Z-Wave Smart Home

When we talk about smart home devices there are many different brands we can cover with that topic, but with Titan Alarm you will always receive a Z-Wave Certified smart home device. Now you may be asking yourself, what’s Z-Wave? That’s something that we’re excited to get to tell you about!

Z-Wave technology is what most major security companies and smart home automation companies use with their devices to power smart homes. It can wirelessly power the programs that run the smart home. Including smart home locks, thermostats, lights and a whole lot more of other smart home devices that will all communicate with each other and your smart phone!

There are many devices from the major security brands out there like Honeywell and Kwikset are both powered by Z-Wave technology.

Why Z-Wave Matters

1. Security

With how popular smart home automation has become, there has been a new market springing up for smart home system appliances, many of these devices are not as secure and safe as they claim to be, especially if they’re a no name brand that’s cheap from China. Which leaves you and your smart home at risk, these devices have a lot of vulnerable security breaches and do not have the safety for your house.

With a Z-Wave device they go through rigorous testing and trials and are certified through the Z-Wave Alliance Consortium. The testing includes the following:

technical testing, programs for uniformity of marks, and enforcement of certification standards.

Z-Wave also uses the same encryption as online banking which is known as AES128.


2. Multiple Options

Z-Wave currently powers “more than 1,000 interoperable products from more than 300 leading worldwide brands.” Regardless of company and brand, Z-Wave devices can all work together in your home.

3. Simplicity

For the people who aren’t as technologically savvy as the younger generations, Z-Wave products are super easy to manage and extremely approachable. While the security behind Z-Wave is complex, using your Z-Wave device isn’t.


If you’re interested in a smart home for yourself, make sure you contact us today! Give Titan Alarm a call: 602-680-4567 or text us: 623-523-4849


Learn More About Smart Home Technology

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Public Building Surveillance

In larger cities like the Phoenix Metropolitan area, and the surrounding cities, there is always a lot of vandalism, traffic violations and crime, all of which put neighborhoods and properties at risk. With the latest technology from Titan Alarm, we can help these cities avoid and decrease their risk of these problems happening.

Security cameras although unable to stop a crime, can help prevent crimes by scaring off a potential criminal if they see the cameras.




How to Help Deter Local Crime.

With Video Surveillance in Phoenix, city surveillance can help local officials identify and respond to incidents that happen wherever the city has video surveillance cameras installed.

With the help of Titan Alarm, the local law enforcement and the local city officials can all monitor the activity that occurs in the public spaces remotely, with the Alarm.com application.

If your city needs a surveillance camera monitoring system, consider getting them for the following locations:

  • Public City Buildings. Avoid vandalism, and prevent crime and break ins at city owned public buildings.
  • Parking Lots and Parks. With Titan Alarm you can carefully keep an eye on the wide open areas of your city, like parking lots and public parts. With multiple cameras you can keep the best watch in your control.
  • Stoplights. Video Surveillance cameras at stoplights can help you make sure that traffic flow is smooth and you can check on intersections before emergency vehicles need to cross intersections.
  • Restricted City Areas. Set motion-triggered cameras and video surveillance to receive notifications if movement is detected in restricted areas of the city.



Custom Solutions for Your City’s Needs 

Although most larger cities face challenges similar to each other, no two city’s needs are going to be the same. Titan Alarm offers a fully customizable solution for your city and it’s needs. Make sure to think about the following questions when you call Titan Alarm to meet with one of our amazing Sales Associates.

  • In what areas would video monitoring be helpful?
  • How many surveillance cameras are needed?
  • What is the proper bandwidth and storage needed for functionality?
  • Will cameras be used indoors or outdoors?
  • Are cameras compatible with current network connection(s)?

Contact Titan Alarm today and let us help you secure your city! Call us: 602-680-4567 or Text us: 623-523-4849.


Learn More About Commercial Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Smart Home Security For The Working Parent

A recent study stated that a majority of households in the United States are dual income. Around 68% of all married mothers and 94% of all married fathers are all in the labor force and working to provide for their families.

For the working parent, they’re overwhelmed by busy schedules, school trips, business trips and often are stuck with hours at work that are unfortunately not flexible, which leads to managing the home being a daily challenge.

With the advances of technology, home automation has become a life saver for parents who are not able to be home as much as they would like. Things like remote monitoring, notifications for when your front door is opened and so much more have opened the door for parents to be able to keep a better eye on their house and family when they’re away.

1. Automated Lights

With Automated Lights you can help shrink your electric bill and really control and conserve energy with the use of your smart phone. If you forgot a light on? Go ahead and turn it off remotely via the Alarm.com application, saving you money on your electric bill rather than paying for lights to be on when they’re not needed.



2. Remote Locks & Access Control 

When people think Access Control they think about commercial businesses using Key FOBs and coded cards to enter into the facility, but what most people don’t know is that you can have Access Control at Home as well. When you have Access Control installed at home, you can set a code for your family, friends and trusted people to enter and exit the home securely and to receive notifications when it happens as well. Through mobile alerts, you can instantly know if a child or family member has entered your home, it’s a great way to have accountability especially when they get to the age where they have a curfew.

One of the main forms of Access Control at home is to have Automated or Remote Control locks installed on your door, these locks can be controlled with the touch of a button from your smart phone and the Alarm.com application. It’s an  awesome feature to have installed on your home especially if you have a lot of people coming and going through your house, or if you’re going on vacation and you have a house sitter and don’t want to have to make a copy of your key.



3. Sensors

When you’re a busy parent, you can have issues keeping track of areas of the house that you don’t necessarily want your children in, such as medicine cabinets or alcohol cubbards. With a sensor installed in high risk areas, you’ll receive notifications when the sensor is triggered and it will allow you to check in and make sure the restricted areas are accessed by the right people at the right times.




4. Video Surveillance

Using your smart phone, tablet or computer, you can keep an eye on your house, home and family, anywhere you are, remotely with Titan Alarm’s Video Surveillance for Home. Keep an eye on your kids, tutors, caregivers and babysitters with the touch of a button on an extremely amazing application.

If someone arrives at your front door, motion triggered notifications can let you see who’s knocking on your door with a live video feed from a Home Security camera installed on your front door or porch.



Titan Alarm has the solution for busy parents and the parents who just need an extra hand keeping an eye on their home. If any of these solutions sounded like a great fit for you or you want an even more customized solution call Titan Alarm today! 602-680-4567 or text us! 623-523-4849

Learn More About Smart Home Technology

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Smart Home Automation With Your Children

With technology becoming more and more prevalent in today’s society, it’s time that we all should embrace the fact that the younger generations are about to pass us up with their understanding of technology. So with today’s kids using iPhones, iPads and everything in-between for their entertainment, let’s train them on how to help run your house’s Smart Home Automation system so that they can turn lights on and off too if they forgot them on.

According to the Pew Research Center, 73% of today’s teens all have smartphones, which means your kids will be nothing short of being able to properly access and utilize the smart home application.

We’ve listed a 3 step guide below of how to teach your kids how to use your smart home security system, and how to use it smartly.





2-Steps to Teach Responsible Smart Home Application Use

1. Make it Familiar: Download the Alarm.com application to their phone and walk through the application and everything it can do together. Show them how to control the main smart home application components, the lights, locks, thermostats, and other devices that you have installed throughout your home. If you run into issues or confusion feel free to contact us and have one of our Titan Alarm Specialists help you out.




2. Understanding Risks: After you’ve taught your child how to use the Alarm.com application, make sure they understand that there are a lot of responsibilities along with being taught how to use the application. Make sure they understand that they could put your family and house’s security at risk if they misuse the application and that they need to take using the application very serious.

Make sure that you have set rules as a family that will work for everyone involved. Work as a family to set expectations with energy management, home security and home automation.


home automation


Titan Alarm wants to help you implement Home Automation into your Family’s life, give us a call today 602-680-4567 or text us 623-523-4849.


Learn More About Home Automation

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Prevent False Alarms On New Years Eve.


Prevent False Alarms On New Years Eve.


False alarms are annoying no matter when, where and how they happen, unfortunately New Year’s Eve has one of the highest volumes of false alarms. Normally during New Year’s Eve there is a rather large amount of alcohol and very small amounts of attention to detail, both of these will affect how your Titan Alarm Home Security System is utilized.

The issue that is ran into the most, is when people are having parties and they don’t realize someone was messing around with the control panel and the control panel is accidentally triggered and can cause a false alarm, which then throws a huge damper on the holiday festivities that everyone was enjoying.

Another scenario is when a customer returns home after a night of celebrating the New Year and they forget that they had armed their system when they left the house, or in some cases they forget they even have a system, and it can then trigger a false alarm, again ruining their night out celebrating.


Tips To Keep New Year’s Fun:

Here at Titan Alarm, we’re all about having a good time, so this New Year’s Eve, follow some of these tips to really make your night enjoyable, and to keep the hiccups out of your plans!

  • Keep The Party Going – If you’re decorating for your New Year’s Eve Party, make sure to keep the decorations away from key and crucial parts of your security system. Balloons, streamers and other decorations that are hung in the air, can trigger motion detectors and if you armed your system and have a balloon float in front of a motion detector, that will trigger a false alarm. The last thing you need on the last night of the year, is having the police show up and have to deal with a false alarm.
  • Home James – If you have a designated driver who’s sole responsibility for the night is to get you home and safely in bed, make sure you have filled them in on all the information they need to get you inside your house safely and securely. Set up a new user if needed, and give them a password and code to arm and disarm the house so that when they’re trying to get you home they don’t set off a false alarm.
  • Get Home Safe – If you’re going out for New Year’s this year, make sure to have a safe ride home, if you don’t have any friends that want to be a designated driver, try using Über to get you home! We want all of our customers to get home safely and be with us next year!


How To Celebrate The New Year Safely.


Believe it or not, every single minute, there is a person injured in an accident involving drunk driving. According to MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) Drunk Driving is an issue all year round, but during the holidays, the number of people involved and the risk of being involved in an accident caused by drunk driving is greatly increased. If it is possible for you and your friends on New Year’s Eve, avoid driving. Even if you haven’t been drinking, there is no way to control the actions of other drivers.


New Year’s Resolution.

Every year people make New Year’s Resolutions, and a lot of the time, those resolutions aren’t even carried out past 24 hours! Here are some of our top 3 resolutions to help you improve your life in 2016!

  • Lose Weight – With all the amazing food that has been consumed over the holidays, I’m sure we all could lose a few extra pounds and get that beach body ready by the time summer rolls around!
  • Save More, Spend Less – After the holidays our pockets and wallets are always hurting, between buying presents for our family and friends and spending money eating out and going to holiday parties, we all could use a few more commas in our bank accounts. Open up a savings account and see how much you can save this year!
  • Stay Safe – With the world in the crazy state it is in, everyone could use more security at home. With Titan Alarm we offer custom solutions for you and your home and even your business!

Titan Alarm is ready to help you out with that last resolution! Let’s at least follow through on one resolution this next year! If you’re interested in a Titan Alarm Home Automation or Titan Alarm Home Security System contact us! Give us a call: 602-680-4567 or TEXT US: 623-523-4849

Learn More About Home Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Is Your Smart Watch At Risk?



Is Your Smart Watch At Risk?

With all the new technology coming out, the smart watch is one of the faster growing industries. The “Smart Watch” can do so many new things that your smart phone couldn’t. From tracking your fitness needs, to running your home automation, the possibilities are limitless.

HP recently conducted an assessment on the security systems that are running in smart watches, and the assessment concluded that nearly all the smart watches that are available on the market are vulnerable to possible security breaches and security hacking.

HP’s research also uncovered that a lot of the sensors in a smart watch that track the wearer’s activity can also be used to monitor hand and finger gestures, which having that information in the wrong hands and wrong applications could lead a software hacker to uncover keystrokes to your sensitive information and sensitive websites such as online banking.

Online Banking


How Your Smart Watch Might Be At Risk:

HP’s research team has identified a few vital areas where devices like your Apple Watch, Android Wear or any other competitor’s smart watch might be at risk.

  • Authentication – Every smart watch that was tested by the HP Security Team had all demonstrated “insufficient user authentication and authorization,” and many of them lacked the ability to lock a user account after a reasonable amount of failed password entries. 30% of devices were open to account harvesting according to HP.
  • Encryption – In the report provided by HP, the team found that every device they tested had device encryption, although 40% of the devices showed vulnerabilities to hacking the encryption and they had a “lack of transport encryption protocols.
  • Privacy – According to HP, many of the smart watch user’s personal and professional security and privacy are all at risk. Smart watches collect data and information just like a normal smart phone does. With the above two risks no one can be confident that all of their data is secure.

SmartWatch Hacked



How To Secure Your Smart Home and Smart Watch.

Believe it or not, smart watches are not main stream for consumers just yet, what many security, app developers and tech developers suggest is to have tech and app developers invest more time and money into improving the security of smart watches before they take over and control the mainstream market for consumers. Once the appeal of smart watches and the availability of smart watches increases, it will become a high profile target for many cyber criminals and software hackers.

Until the technology is where it should be for your data and personal information to be secured, there are plenty of steps that smart watch owners can all take to protect their data, identities, and sensitive information. For Titan Alarm customers who own an Apple Watch, this is extremely important if you arm and disarm your home and use your watch on your Titan Alarm Home Automation systems.

alarm.com apple watch


Keep Your Information and Smart Watch Safe.

Follow these steps to keep your smart watch and personal information secure:

  • Password Protected – Make sure you use strong passwords to access your smart watch, smart phone, their applications and your security systems. Install an application that is solely for security to encrypt sensitive and personal date.
  • Sharing is NOT Caring – Be careful of any links you share, click on, or download things from, primarily in the world of social media, this can help keep you safe from phishing and spam.
  • Keep it Jailed – Don’t jailbreak your devices, jailbreaks are often the quickest way for hackers and cyber criminals to get into your devices and to your personal and sensitive date. There’s a reason Apple is against jailbreaking any of their devices, it’s for your own safety.

If you’re a smart watch owner and want to learn how to implement your new smart watch with a Titan Alarm Home Automation or Titan Alarm Home Security System contact us! Give us a call: 602-680-4567 or TEXT US: 623-523-4849

Learn More About Home Automation

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Holiday Headaches

Holiday Headaches

The holidays are here! Along with the holidays come all their baggage of stress as well.

Between organizing events with your family, shopping and trying to travel, stress is one of the biggest issues out there. The Mayo Clinic even released an article on how to cope with holiday stress.

With Titan Alarm a Home Security System and a Home Automation System can help out with a few of your stressors, like saving money on heating and cooling during the cold winter months.




How Your Smart Home Can Help.

Energy Bills Cut.

With your Titan Alarm Smart Home Automation System you can help keep an eye on your energy bills during the winter, between presents and parties, you’re likely going to end up on a stricter budget during these times. With a Titan Alarm Smart Home Automation System you can control your energy use by monitoring and automating your home’s lights and thermostat. By doing this you can avoid the lights and thermostat being in use at unnecessary times.

Make sure to set your thermostat to your schedule, the biggest energy waster is to heat an empty house.




Keep It On Lock 

Unfortunately with the high amounts of travel that occur during the holiday season there are a lot of break ins and crime that occurs, make sure to keep an eye on your house with the mobile capabilities you have with your Titan Alarm Home Security System and check in on your house with mobile video monitoring.

Stay Connected


All of the above smart home features help benefit you and your loved ones during the holidays, there are so many different solutions out there and Titan Alarm wants to have the opportunity to connect with you and find the best solution for your needs. To learn more about Titan Alarm and what solution will fit you best give us a call! 602-680-4567 or TEXT US! 623-523-4849

Learn More About Home Automation

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Great Last Minute Tech Gifts 2015

Most of us always procrastinate until the very last minute before Christmas to get gifts for our friends and family. Here’s 5 great tech gifts for the last minute shopper.


1. iPhone Movie Projector.

Hook up your iPhone (or any smartphone) to this little projector and have a mini theatre in your home!

$31.95 (Buy It Here)














2. Fitbit Charge Wireless Wristband.

Track your heart rate, distance you’ve travelled, workouts, steps, and so  much more with this all in one wristband!

$149.99 (Buy It Here)
















3. Amazon Fire Stick.

This is a game changer for home entertainment. If you don’t have a way to access Netflix, Hulu, Amazon or HBO (and many more) from your TV, then this is the gadget for you.

$39.99 (Buy It Here)

Amazon Fire












4. The “Hoverboard”.

The hottest commodity that every single teenager wants this winter. If you need a last minute gift you can’t go wrong with this!

$349.99 (Buy It Here)















5. Home Automation System.

Titan alarm is one of the leading and most cutting edge companies for you to get a smart home automation system in Phoenix and the valley. You can never go wrong with this! Keep an eye on your house when you’re away, adjust your thermostat remotely, and so much more!

(Learn More Here)










To learn MORE about Home Automation Systems in Phoenix and the surrounding areas contact Titan Alarm today! Call us! 602-680-4567 or TEXT US! 623-523-4849

Learn More About Home Automation

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Snowbird Security

In Phoenix, we all know that this city is a hub for snowbirds! So this one is for the ones who are lucky enough to escape the heat during summer and enjoy our perfect winters.

Many of you leave your homes unattended during the summer months, if this is you, make sure to follow the tips we have below.

1. Appearances Are Deceiving.

Burglars and Intruders have a great eye for homes that are vacant for the summer, there’s a lot of signs for them to tell by.

Here are three that are easy to prevent:

  1. Unattended Landscaping – This one is pretty easy to prevent, hire a landscaper or neighbor to help take care of your landscaping while you’re away for the summer.
  2. No activity in the house – With a Smart Home Automation System from Titan Alarm, you can turn lights on and off with preprogrammed times to make it appear that the house is lived in.
  3. Mail, newspapers and notes piling up. – Ask your neighbors to pick up your mail, or put a hold on your mail at the post office, or even better, get a P.O. Box so that the mail is stored for you.


One of the easiest steps to make a burglar think twice is to have a Titan Alarm sign in your front yard. Make sure yours is clean and visible to the public.



2. Make Your House A Fortress.

This tip is to keep burglars and intruders out of your house. Keep your home a fortress to unwanted visitors, make it harder if not impossible for them to get into your house.

Titan Alarm offers motion detectors, video event verification and security cameras, if utilized correctly these can keep burglars out of your house or have the police instantly alerted if someone is trying to break into your home.

Make sure before you leave for the summer that all your doors are locked. Install a security door too, the more steps they have to take to try to break in the better. Before you take off to your other home, do a walk through of the house and make sure all doors, windows and any possible points of entry are locked and secure.



3. The Toughest Is Titan.

The last tip, is to get a home security system from Titan Alarm with a Video Surveillance System and Video Event Verification. Installing this will give you the opportunity to check in on your house remotely from your smartphone or computer. If a burglar does try to break in, the Home Security System will quickly contact you and the police to make sure that the police arrive as quickly as possible.

Let Titan Alarm handle your  home while you’re away for summer. You won’t be in better hands.

If you’re looking for a company to take care of all your Home Security needs in Phoenix, Sun City, Surprise, Goodyear, Buckeye, Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Gilbert, Chandler or Mesa then look no further.

Contact Titan Alarm today to let us take care of your house while you’re off enjoying better weather! Call us 602-680-4567 or TEXT US 623-523-4849

Learn More About Home Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.