Keep Your Vacant Property Safe


A vacant property presents an inviting target for thieves, vandals and trespassers. Empty properties that are not properly maintained also pose an increased risk of fire. In this post, we will outline a few vacant property protection steps that can deter intruders and help prevent damage from occurring.

Keep Up Appearances

A vacant property that appears to be occupied is less likely to attract the attention of unwanted visitors. Keep the exterior of the building free of trash and debris, and mow the lawn and maintain the landscaping on a regular basis. Making occasional changes such as adding or removing a lawn ornament or wind chime can also enhance the lived-in effect.

Make Routine Visits

Visit the property every week or so to look for signs of possible intrusion, such as broken windows or compromised door locks. It’s also possible that thieves or vandals will see you entering or leaving the property, which can serve as a deterrent. Be certain to alter the times you visit the property to avoid making it look like a routine inspection.

Work With the Neighbors

Neighbors can prove invaluable in your vacant property security efforts. Neighbors who own homes on your block have a vested interest in the condition of your property in terms of maintaining their own property’s value. They can be a great help simply by keeping an eye out and watching for signs of suspicious activity. If there is a neighborhood watch group in the area, be sure to keep them informed of your property’s status.

Contact Law Enforcement

Let the local police department know when your property becomes vacant. Officers can monitor the property during their routine patrols and watch for signs of a break-in, trespassing or overnight occupation by squatters or homeless individuals.

Keep the Property Well-Lit

While keeping the interior of a vacant property lit at night may not be a practical option, exterior lighting can be an effective deterrent to potential intruders. Consider installing motion-sensor security lights that activate automatically upon breaching of the property’s perimeter. Security lighting should be installed so it can easily be seen from a neighboring home or business.

Install a Security System

Your empty property security efforts should also include the installation of a comprehensive, fully integrated security system. The most effective systems feature a combination of strategically placed cameras to ensure 24/7 video surveillance, intrusion detection devices such as motion sensors and state-of-the art fire and burglar alarms. Smart technology is especially important for a vacant property, as this enables the owner to remotely monitor activity at any time via smartphone, tablet or web-connected computer.

Titan Alarm Inc. Can Meet Your Vacant Property Protection Needs in Phoenix

If you own a vacant residential or commercial property in the Phoenix area, Titan Alarm can provide a cost-effective security system that will fully protect your property and give you total peace of mind. Contact us for more information regarding how to secure a vacant house or business and to schedule a no-obligation security consultation today.

Learn More About Smart Home Technology

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Top School Safety Technology


Why is school safety important, and why is technology important in schools? One only has to look at the proliferation of active shooter incidents and other acts of violence occurring in schools across the U.S. in recent years to understand the need to protect our kids. Technology can play a critical role in school safety efforts by helping to detect and deter various security threats. In this post, we will take a closer look at some of the top school safety and security technologies that are currently available.

Electronic Access Control

Allowing individuals to enter a school or campus building at will poses a significant security risk. Keycard access systems enable schools to maintain control over who can enter a building at any given time. Unlike a traditional lock-and-key system where locks need to be changed if a student or teacher loses a key, the access control system administrator only needs to deactivate a misplaced keycard. For maximum security, a card-reading device should be placed at every building entrance, not just a main door.

Video Surveillance Cameras

Surveillance cameras serve as extra sets of eyes that can provide 24/7 monitoring of the most vulnerable security areas on a school property. Cameras provide live feeds that can be viewed by school officials throughout the day. They can also make available recorded video for review by administrators and even law enforcement personnel if a break-in or other event occurs.

Visitor Check-in Systems

Simply requiring visitors to sign in at the office upon arrival may not be enough to deter an individual with intent to do harm: You can never really know for sure who that person is and what is in his background. Electronic check-in systems connected to a database are now available that can scan the visitor’s state-issued ID. The school official will receive an alert if there is something in the individual’s background that warrants concern.

Panic Buttons

School safety technology is also available for individuals. One example is a panic button that teachers and administrators can attach to a belt or wear around their neck. When a classroom incident or other security issue occurs, the individual simply presses the button, which sends an immediate alert to school officials and authorities. The key benefit of panic buttons is that no time is wasted by having to make a phone call or run to another area of the building to seek help.

Emergency Alerts

An emergency alert system facilitates communication among school officials, students, parents and the community during a crisis. It can also prevent the spread of unfounded rumors, which is often an issue when a security issue arises. Examples of emergency alerts include automated text messages or emails that are sent out at regular intervals.

Contact Titan Alarm Inc. to Learn More About Your School Safety Technology Options

Titan Alarm Inc. offers a wide range of technologically advanced security solutions to school systems throughout the Phoenix area. We can work with you to implement the best school safety and security technologies for your building or campus. Contact us to schedule a no-obligation security consultation today.

Learn More About School Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 2, 2018.

Common Safety Mistakes in the Workplace


Every responsible employer wants to make their workplace as safe as possible. Safety is crucial in terms of keeping highly valued employees on the job and minimizing the number or workers’ compensation claims a business experiences. However, there are several common safety mistakes employees make, many of which can be reduced or even eliminated through proper and frequent safety training and by implementing appropriate security measures.

  • Slipping/falling: Falls are among the top safety issues at work. In many cases, falling occurs when an employee slips on a puddle of oil or other wet material or due to improper use of a ladder. Improper placement and storage of boxes or equipment is another safety mistake that often leads to tripping and falling.
  • Improper handling of toxic materials: Workplace safety concerns are high in environments where workers are exposed to toxic chemicals or potentially deadly gases. Employers must train their team on how to safely work with and around these common workplace hazards and ensure they are doing all they can to make their workplace as safe as possible.
  • Improper lifting techniques: Improper lifting is a common safety mistake in workplaces that require the handling of heavy objects. Basic safety instruction in any material-handling environment should include how to avoid placing unnecessary strain on the back when lifting.
  • Ignoring a minor injury: Some employees choose to ignore what they view as a minor injury. However, an untreated injury could worsen over time and result in the employee having to miss a significant amount of work. In some cases, the failure to treat an injury in a timely manner could lead to a life-threatening situation.
  • Failing to report inappropriate/unsafe conduct: Employees are often reluctant to report unsafe behavior conducted by their co-workers because they don’t want to make waves or fear retaliation. However, allowing the behavior to continue can place other employees at risk and even lead to a serious safety incident.
  • Inadequate supervision: The action – or inaction – of supervisors may contribute to safety mistakes committed by their subordinates. For instance, a supervisor may fail to take adequate corrective steps when an employee is not following proper safety procedures. Some supervisors may also assume that, because the employees have taken part in safety training, they automatically know how to work in a safe manner and no additional supervisor intervention is necessary.
  • Not having a safety-first mindset: Even the most effective safety programs and supervisory practices will have little impact unless the employees themselves make safety their top priority. Having a safety-first mindset can go a long way toward preventing the most common safety mistakes.

Contact Titan Alarm Inc. to Learn About How a Security System Can Help You Detect Safety Mistakes

Installing a video surveillance system that makes use of technologically advanced IP cameras can allow you to monitor safety practices in your most vulnerable work areas. If your business is based in the Phoenix, Arizona, area, contact the commercial security experts at Titan Alarm Inc. to learn more about your video surveillance options.

Learn More About Commercial Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Things to Teach Your Employees to Help Keep Your Business Safe


How safe is your business? Virtually every business is vulnerable to a wide variety of security risks these days. In addition to threats to physical safety, the way your employees use the internet, email and social media at work could also increase your exposure to a potentially devastating data breach. Here are a few things you should teach to your staff to minimize your security threats.

  • Make it a team effort: If you allow employees to open your place of business each day, make it a two-person operation. After unlocking the door, have one employee remain outside while the other checks the interior to ensure the premises is secure. If you send employees to the bank to deposit your business’s cash proceeds, make sure this is always handled by two staff members.
  • Be alert for suspicious individuals: Your security awareness training should include teaching employees to be on the lookout for suspicious individuals or activities. Instruct them to alert management or security personnel immediately if something seems amiss. In larger facilities, consider requiring all employees and visitors to wear ID badges.
  • Have a disaster plan in place: One of the most critical safety tips for employees in the office is to develop a plan that instructs them how to react in the event of a crisis. Appoint employees who have specific leadership responsibilities if a crisis occurs. Also, be sure to conduct drills on at least a semiannual basis so your employees can practice your plan’s execution.
  • Teach parking lot awareness: Employees are especially vulnerable when walking to and from their vehicles, particularly at night. In addition to keeping your parking lot well lit, teach your employees to be aware of their surroundings as they enter and leave the building and to look inside their vehicle prior to unlocking it.
  • Consider offering self-defense training opportunities: Offering to pay for self-defense training classes can serve as an employee perk, while also ensuring your employees know how to defend themselves should they become the target of a physical tack within or outside your facility.
  • Protection against data breaches: A data breach can cause irreparable harm to a business’s reputation, especially if sensitive customer information falls into the wrong hands. Your employee information security training initiatives should include teaching your staff to follow safe computer hygiene practices. Make sure they choose strong, complex passwords that are difficult to break by hackers. Also, provide instruction on how to detect suspicious emails, as well as what constitutes appropriate and safe social media use in the workplace.

Install an Effective Business Security System

Installing a state-of-the-art security system is one of the most important security measures you can implement for your business. If your business is located in the Phoenix, Arizona, area, Titan Alarm Inc. can provide a comprehensive, fully integrated commercial security solution that includes advanced video surveillance, access control, intrusion detection and video verification systems. Contact us to schedule a no-obligation, on-site security consultation today.

Learn More About Commercial Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

The Best School Safety Precautions


Tragic events at schools have underscored the need to ramp up security efforts to ensure the safety of students, teachers and administrators. Schools across the United States are now implementing stronger safety and security protocols with the hope of preventing an attack. In this post, we will examine the best practices for school security and emergency preparedness planning.

Make Property Improvements

Basic safety procedures in schools include finding ways to make the property as inaccessible to intruders as possible. This can include everything from installing a fence or other type of security perimeter to setting up surveillance cameras and implementing an access control system. Key areas that require close monitoring include entrances, parking lots, student common areas and playgrounds. A consultation with a capable security professional can help you determine your facility’s areas of vulnerability.

Limit Building Access During School Hours

One of the most essential safety precautions at school is monitoring who is entering and exiting the building during school hours. Designate only the main entrance for guest access and post signs on other external doors that direct visitors to this entry point. Require all visitors to sign in at the office and issue them a visitor’s badge that must be clearly displayed at all times. Instruct teachers and students to report the presence of anyone who appears suspicious. Keep external doors locked during instructional periods and whenever they are not actively in use.

Develop a Plan

Developing an emergency preparedness plan that thoroughly addresses procedures such as lockdowns, evacuations and emergency communications is vital for maximizing safety in a school. The plan should be coordinated with local law enforcement and public safety officials and be updated on a regular basis as needed. Conducting regular drills is also a critical step to ensure that the plan will be executed as quickly and efficiently as possible during a crisis.

Create a Security Team

An active shooter situation or similar event is likely to cause a panic. One of the most important safety measures in schools is to have a team consisting of teachers and administrators in place that can take charge when a security issue occurs. Each team member should have a specified role to execute during an emergency.

Focus on Improving Student Relationships

As we have seen in the past, violent acts at schools are sometimes perpetrated by emotionally troubled students. Creating a safe, supportive environment where students feel comfortable approaching teachers and administrators if they have an issue can allow them to seek the help they need. Teachers should watch for students who appear withdrawn or upset and get parents involved whenever necessary.

Titan Alarm, Inc. has extensive experience providing innovative security solutions to schools throughout Phoenix and Maricopa County, AZ. We can work with you to design and install a custom security system that can increase the safety of schoolchildren, teachers and administrators. Contact us to schedule an on-site security consultation today.

Learn More About Commercial Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 2, 2018.

How To Keep Your Home Safe Over the Holidays


Planning to head out for the holidays? The holidays are meant for having fun and enjoying time with your family — not worrying about whether your home is safe and secure while you’re away. Taking a little extra time to prepare prior to embarking on that long-awaited trip can ensure that you won’t return to an unpleasant situation.

Following these home safety tips while on your holiday vacation can minimize your risk.

  • Have someone watch your home while you’re away: Enlist the help of someone you trust — a neighbor, friend or relative — to keep an eye on things. Have the person stop by to take in your mail and newspapers, feed your pets, water the plants, etc. This will make the home look lived in, which can be an effective deterrent to burglars.
  • Notify the police: Let your local police department know if you plan to be away for a week or more. Depending on where you live and the availability of police coverage in your area, it’s possible that a cruiser could pass by on a regular basis during routine patrols.
  • Control the lights: Lights that continuously remain on or off are a telltale sign to burglars that a home is unoccupied. Consider installing a light switch timer that automatically turns lights on and off at predetermined intervals.
  • Unplug appliances: Unplug household appliances such as televisions, computers, coffee pots and microwave ovens, as this will protect them against power surges and prevent a needless use of electricity while you’re gone.
  • Stop deliveries: If you’re unable to arrange for someone to stop by while you’re away, contact the post office, local newspaper office and other service providers to have them stop deliveries until you return. A pile of newspapers on the front porch is like a billboard that broadcasts a clear message that no one is home.
  • Keep up the lawn and landscaping: If you’re going on an extended trip, your “leaving home” checklist should include arranging to have your lawn cut and your landscaping maintained. An overgrown lawn is another sign of an empty house to a burglar.
  • Don’t broadcast your trip to the world: While you may be tempted to tell everyone that you’re about to go on a fantastic trip, plastering the news all over social media can be like sending an invitation to criminals to break into your home. Wait until you get back to make your friends jealous by posting all your fabulous vacation photos on Facebook!

Consider Installing a Home Security System

If you’ve been thinking of installing a home security system, there’s no better time than just before you go on your holiday vacation. If you live in the Phoenix area, Titan Alarm, Inc. can install an innovative security system featuring smart technology and home automation. You’ll be able to monitor your home and even control the lights and security cameras with your smartphone or tablet while you’re away.

Contact us for more home safety tips and to schedule a no-obligation security consultation today!

Learn More About Smart Home Technology

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Best Neighborhoods in Phoenix, AZ


Are you among of the many people who are attracted to the beautiful climate, scenic desert landscapes and excellent career and lifestyle opportunities found in the Phoenix, AZ area? If you’re planning a move to Phoenix, the first order of business is finding a suitable place to live. In this post, we’ll explore the some of the best neighborhoods in Phoenix and the surrounding communities.


Located to the northeast of downtown Phoenix near Scottsdale, Arcadia is an upscale suburb known for its abundance of fruit trees, mature landscapes and high-end homes. Arcadia also offers easy access to the Camelback Mountain, an ideal place for hiking, rock climbing and other recreational activities.

Downtown Phoenix

If you prefer city living at its finest, downtown Phoenix has much to offer in terms of commerce, art and culture. Millennials will surely be attracted to the nightlife and bar scene, and there is no shortage of opportunities for fine dining. You can easily get around the downtown area via public transportation or even walking.

Central Corridor

The Central Corridor neighborhood in Phoenix is kind of like a self-contained small town located within the boundaries of a big city. Originally home to Phoenix’s first wealthy residents, Central Corridor is on its way to becoming a historic district. It’s also one of the best neighborhoods in Phoenix for people who don’t own a car. Central Corridor is littered with light rail train stops and lighted bike paths, and many residents walk to work.

Robson Historic District

Located in Mesa, AZ, Robson is one of the best neighborhoods outside Phoenix for history buffs. Robson’s streets are lined with bungalows featuring the eclectic architectural style of the 1930s. Most of these homes have been impeccably maintained and are typically more affordable those found in the historic districts of neighboring Phoenix.

Las Sendas

For those who love the wide-open spaces, the East Valley community of Las Sendas is spread out among 2,500 acres of beautiful Usery Mountain land. You will have easy access to the nearby Usery Mountain Park and its assortment of hiking and biking trails, including the breathtaking three-mile Wind Cave Trail. The rural lifestyle also makes Las Sendas one of the safest neighborhoods near Phoenix, AZ, making it an excellent place to raise a family.


A Del Webb master-planned development built in 1999, Anthem is a family-oriented community of 40,000 located approximately 35 miles south of Phoenix. Anthem is also another safe neighborhood and has earned the distinction of being named one of the best places to raise a family by Parenting magazine. The area features a water park and recreation center and a wide assortment of hiking and biking trails.

Trust Titan Alarm, Inc. for Your Home Security Needs

These are just a few of the many good neighborhoods around Phoenix. But regardless of where you choose to live in the Phoenix area, Titan Alarm Inc. can provide a technologically advanced home security solution that will fully protect your family and property. Contact us to schedule a no-obligation security consultation.

Learn More About Home Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

How to Update Your New Home’s Security System


An often overlooked, but extremely important consideration when moving into a new house is determining whether you need to update the existing home security system. You want to be sure that the system adequately protects your family against break-ins, fire and all the other threats to your family’s safety. You’ll likely want the system to have the latest technological innovations, while also being easy to operate and maintain.

If your new home has a hard-wired system in place, you will need to decide whether you want to upgrade to one that features the latest wireless technology. With a wired system, you won’t have to worry about replacing any batteries. And if you need to add cameras or other devices, you will find that products for wired systems typically cost less than their wireless counterparts.

On the other hand, wireless systems give you greater installation flexibility. For instance, you won’t be restricted by wires and cables when setting up your video surveillance cameras, making it easier to place them exactly where you need them the most. Expanding or reconfiguring your system as your security needs change over time is a simpler task. Wireless systems also offer the advantage of easy portability should you decide to move in the future. What’s more, you will be able to create a fully integrated “smart” security system featuring home automation that allows you to remotely control and monitor video surveillance, alarms, temperature, appliance operation and more with your smartphone or tablet.

How to Upgrade a Wired Security System

If keeping an existing wired security system makes the most sense, make sure that the technology isn’t completely outdated and verify that it provides adequate protection for your most vulnerable areas. Another option is to create a hybrid wired and wireless system. This method allows you to take advantage of your home’s existing pre-wired security system and add wireless equipment where needed. You will likely need to check with the company that provided the wired security system to determine the best type of hybrid configuration for your home. Keep in mind that there are relatively few companies that work with hybrid systems, so this may not be a viable solution.

Can I Convert My Home Security System to Wireless?

If you’ve arrived at the conclusion that going totally wireless is your best security solution, it may be possible to convert your existing hard-wired system to wireless. There are devices on the market that can complete the conversion simply by plugging them in to your existing system. However, this will not work with every type of security system. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace the existing hardwire contacts prior to conversion.

Titan Alarm, Inc. Can Help You Update Your Home Security System

The most prudent course of action is to have a professional evaluate your new home’s security system prior to making an upgrade. Titan Alarm is an experienced security solutions provider serving the Phoenix, AZ area that can provide reliable advice regarding how to improve you home security. Contact us to schedule a no-obligation in home consultation today.

Learn More About Home Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Moving Your Security System


With all that is involved with moving into a new home, figuring out what to do with your old home security system may not be at the top of your moving needs checklist. However, you will need to decide whether you prefer to leave the system intact for the new owner – assuming this wasn’t already covered and agreed upon during the sales process – or take it with you so it can protect your new residence.

Tips for Self-Moving a Security System

What happens if you decide to take your system with you? While most reputable security system providers have a policy in place for moving a security system they install, a low-budget provider may not take care of the move for you. If yours is a self-installed system, you will need to manage the move on your own. The following tips can help you manage the process:

  • Contact your system provider to see if they can at least offer some guidance or walk you through the process of disconnecting and packing the system’s components to avoid possible damage
  • Turn off the battery backup power prior to disconnecting the system, as this will help conserve the battery
  • Examine all system sensors to ensure they are in good working condition
  • Make plans to replace any malfunctioning sensors so you will have them when you’re ready to install the system in your new home
  • If you are moving security camera systems, you will need to plan the camera placement in your new home and purchase any additional cameras and mounting equipment if needed
  • If yours is a wireless security system, contact the internet provider to ensure the service is turned on and ready to go as soon as you move in
  • Be sure to install the system as soon as possible upon moving. Many thieves target homes where new owners are in the process of moving in, knowing they are often preoccupied with a long list of details and may neglect to take appropriate security measures

Titan Alarm Inc. Takes the Hassle Out of Moving Security Systems

A great thing about choosing Titan Alarm as your residential security solutions provider in the Phoenix area is that you’ll never have to worry about moving your security system when the time comes. As a reputable full-service system designer and installer with more than a decade of experience, you can count on us to handle all aspects of the move for you.

Our customers our covered by our comprehensive move policy that applies to all residential and most small-business systems that are purchased from us. You’ll also have the flexibility to purchase certain types of new equipment at discounted prices if needed. With our move policy, you will have the freedom to focus on other aspects of the moving process.

Learn more about our move policy, and feel free to contact us for additional information about our state-of-the-art security systems.

Learn More About Home Security

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.

Top Construction Site Surveillance Systems


If you are a builder, construction company operator or contractor, you know how difficult it is to monitor the activities of workers and visitors – some of whom may feel free to help themselves to any tools and equipment they can get their hands on. A construction site can also be a prime target for theft, vandalism and other criminal activities when no one is there. Fortunately, you can use construction site remote video surveillance to keep your sites under constant watch at all times.

What to Consider When Implementing a Construction Jobsite Surveillance System

With the advancements in security system technology, it is now easier than ever to create an effective, fully customized construction site surveillance system consisting of wireless video cameras and other high-tech devices. However, it is important to take several important factors into consideration prior to making an investment in surveillance equipment:

  • What are your most critical security risks? Is your jobsite located in a high-crime area where theft and vandalism pose a constant threat? Have you had a lingering problem with internal theft, perhaps due to the inability to keep a close eye on your workers?
  • What security measures do you currently institute at your jobsites? Evaluate your current security procedures and protocols to determine their strengths, and more importantly, their vulnerabilities. For instance, if your jobsites typically have many blind spots or hidden areas, you may need to place highly visible security cameras at these locations to deter theft and/or unauthorized access.
  • Do you seem to have an issue with perimeter breaches? There’s a good chance that if the perimeter at your jobsite has one vulnerable areas, an enterprising thief will find it. Placing cameras that can closely monitor gaps in fencing and other unsecured areas can prove to be an extremely effective perimeter security step.
  • Do you have any unguarded tool/equipment storage areas at your jobsites? It may be impractical at many temporary construction sites to keep tools and equipment under lock and key. Implementing a fixed video surveillance camera system at storage areas may be the only way to prevent expensive theft losses at your jobsites.
  • Are you choosing a reputable, experienced construction jobsite-surveillance system provider? When selecting a video surveillance system provider, it is imperative to choose a company that understands the risks that are specific to construction sites, and that also offers the most reliable, technologically advanced security solutions on the market.

Reasons You Need Video Surveillance for Your Construction Site

Do construction sites need video surveillance? When you consider the numerous risks that are present at virtually every site such as theft, vandalism and liability, it’s easy to see why installing an advanced camera system makes good sense for site owners, project managers and safety coordinators.

Construction site video surveillance benefits include:

  1. Theft prevention: Construction sites typically contain lumber, steel, copper pipes, power tools and other valuable materials and equipment — all of which make attractive targets for enterprising thieves. A construction site surveillance system can deter internal and external theft and provide video evidence when a theft occurs.
  2. Vandalism prevention: Vandalism is a serious issue at many construction sites, and the resulting damage to the structure or heavy equipment can derail the progress of a building project. A camera system will provide 24/7 monitoring that enables the detection of vandals and trespassers even when the site is unoccupied.
  3. Improved site safety: Worker safety is always a concern at construction sites. Video surveillance gives site safety coordinators the opportunity to monitor workers to ensure they are adhering to all applicable safety guidelines. It can also help to identify areas where additional training is necessary.
  4. Increased efficiency: Project managers and supervisors cannot monitor the actions of every worker throughout the entire day. However, video surveillance does enable a review of live and recorded camera feeds so they can target specific areas of the site and determine if the work is progressing in an efficient manner.
  5. Liability protection: Construction sites present the risk of injury to workers and passersby — which poses a potential liability issue for site owners. Video surveillance can help to prevent unfounded worker’s compensation claims and frivolous liability lawsuits.
  6. Remote monitoring capabilities: Another valuable benefit of video surveillance for construction sites is the ability to monitor camera feeds via smartphone, tablet or Web-enabled computer. The site management team can monitor activities on a 24/7 basis from home, the office or anywhere else.

Elements of a Construction Site Surveillance System

Wireless surveillance systems work well for construction site security, as they provide flexibility for camera placement to cover the most vulnerable areas. They also enable a faster setup and removal than hard-wired systems, which is more compatible with use at temporary job sites. Vandal-proof night vision security cameras with HD resolution ensure clear video feeds around the clock.

While remote monitoring is an optional feature with most video surveillance systems, it makes sense for construction site environments due to their high risk and the fact that they are usually unoccupied during the nighttime hours.

Contact Titan Alarm, Inc. for Your Construction Site Surveillance Needs in Phoenix

If you operate construction sites in the Phoenix, AZ area, Titan Alarm can develop and install a video surveillance system that will provide the around-the-clock protection you need to protect your workers and equipment and reduce your liability risk. Contact us for more information and to schedule a no-obligation security consultation today.

Learn More About Commercial Video Surveillance

Updated by Titan Alarm on November 5, 2018.